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Roller Coaster

antidrama's picture

So very glad this week is over! After being jilted out of a "date night" with DH on Wednesday due to BM sucking at life, we designated tonight as the make up date night. It's actually a double date for the first half (going out to eat with some good friends). All was good and we were both super excited about tonight.

WELLLL.....that was just to easy, right? I had a work function until 7:30 and called to see if they needed anything before I headed out. All hell was breaking loose at home. We had SD that night and she hadn't written down any of her HW in her notebook (which is an ongoing battle and part of her grade) and was being a typical snotty 11 year old girl. Glad I wasn't there for that part....BUT LUCKY ME I get home in time for the phone to ring. It was BM. She said "I hope you don't have plans tomorrow night because you're going to take SD to the volunteering project I signed her up for because I have to work". It's HER weekend.

I heard it because she is so loud and obnoxious I can hear everything she says from ROOMS away. I sucked in some air and braced myself for the argument. He was already in a bad mood and it wasn't going to be pretty.....and it wasn't. I didn't feel like dealing with it after a 12 hour work day so I went into the bedroom and shut the door. I could only hear some of what he said but it sounded like he let her have it (score!).

He tried explaining to her (nicely at first) everything that was wrong with that statement:
1) It's YOUR weekend. You WILL NOT tell me what to do. You WILL NOT make plans for me on MY weekend.
2) YOU and YOU alone signed her up for this volunteer gig that starts at 10:00PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) YOU should have arranged care for your child on YOUR weekend before you agreed to pick up this 2nd job (it's facepainting...not a REAL job) knowing that SD had to volunteer
4) I would be MUCH more willing to help out if you called and said "hey, I have a chance to make some extra money tonight but SD has a volunteering thing that she has to do. Could you help me out?" instead of DEMANDING and ORDERING me around.

Arguing ensues, she says he never helps her out, he tells her to go back the last 6 years and count how many times SHE has changed things around and he/we have gone along with it and compare that to how many times he has requested to switch nights. More arguing ensues. I walk out to pour another glass of wine and I hear her say "DH, part of parenting is making sacrifices and doing what you have to do". I think I laughed out loud by accident. I really didn't mean to. Oh the irony of that statement. That's exactly why DH is angry because she's expecting HIM to sacrifice while she REFUSES to do so LOL.

They hung up and I told him I was proud of him for standing up to her and that tomorrow is OUR night. THEN he tells me it's not resolved yet so there is still a chance he will have SD. EXCUSE ME??? I told him that I would go to dinner without him and then stay with my mom. Fuck that shit. I spent the rest of the night in tears and explaining to him about setting boundaries and not coming to her rescue over and over blah blah blah. He understood but I went to bed basically knowing that I wasn't staying there tonight. Same thing all today....until about 30 minutes ago.

HE TOLD HER TO FUCK OFF and to take care of her shit. Not our weekend not our problem. :jawdrop: So proud of him for FINALLY standing up to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Helllooooooo Outback Steakhouse!


zenjetset's picture

Yay for your DH and for you!!! It's our motto here your time your responsibility!!

Date night all around. My DH told me he was taking me out tonight because I've been working so hard. I said yay! love date night!!!

Have fun! Turn off all phones or leave them in the car!!

VAStepMom's picture

Awesome! And the MORE he does this, the EASIER your life will become because BM will figure it out and quit asking.

Next time, hopefully, he will direct right off the bat. N.O.!

Have fun on your date!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Lol, I was reading that whole post thinking "WTF???", but when I got to the end, it was like "Ooooh! There's the good stuff!"

Good on DH for telling BM to stick it! Take a pic of those brass balls in case he needs a remimder for later.