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Both DH and his kid need a boot in the arse

Shaman29's picture

I am a bit frustrated today.

I get home from work last night and DH is on the phone with his kid (D16). I left him to it, put my stuff down and waited for him to finish his conversation. From my end of things, he sounded ticked off.

Turns out, his kid has "plans" this weekend and wanted to stay in Uberskank town instead of doing her regular visit. Which, as we all know, corresponds with Father's Day weekend. A fact he pointed out to her, to which she responded "but I'd rather stay at home."

Little rotten f**king kid. I keep telling myself, only two more years of this. Two more years.

He's ranting and raving and I ask a simple question "Why didn't you just tell her no? That she hasn't been around in over a month and you'd like to spend this weekend with her?"

Then I got bitch at for half an hour.

DH is reaping what he sowed for the last year. I won't hold you to the visitation schedule, I know your social life in HS is important, blah, blah, blah. All this is fine but he goes over-board and lets her get away with everything.

Instead of pointing out the obvious to him, I pointed out the only visits she kept were the ones where she asked him for money or to take her shopping. Why is he putting up with this?? I suggested that he have a little sit down with his kid and explain when he told her that he wanted her to maintain her social life, it wasn't supposed to be at the expense of their father/daughter relationship. That she is treating him like an ATM and he's starting to resent her.

He said he didn't think he could tell her that.

I said "Then don't bitch to me or at me when she pisses you off. If you're not going to do anything about it, then you have nothing to gripe about."

He stomped off.

Not my shining hour as a wife but I am sick of this s**t with the two of them. He can't stand Uberskank, but he's setting his kid up to be just like her!

Rant over.


DaizyDuke's picture

I have found that I would rather have SD use DH as her Butler, Taxi and Money Tree service than grace us with her presence. I would have told DH, "wow, that is so not right, that she doesn't want to come for Father's Day, so sorry that she is doing this you"... and then skipped to my lou to whatever I had going on.

In all seriousness I really do feel bad for my DH, because it is so glaringly obvious to everyone but him that skids just use him but if wants to be that ostrich then I am not going to be the bad guy by constantly pointing out that skids suck. They do a pretty good job of it all on their own anyway.

Shaman29's picture

Oh trust me....I'm happy as a lark that I don't have to drive in rush hour traffic 45 minutes to pick her up on Friday night, then drive the 1.5 hours back to drop her back off in Uberskank-town on Sunday. Not to mention having my allergies flare up because she "Smells like Teen Spirit" (where do teenage girls find that horrible perfume anyway??) and it leaks all over the house. Or even better, getting to wash her nasty ass towel that can stand on it's own by the time she's done with it.

On the other hand, this little fricking brat hasn't spent Father's Day with DH in three years now. I feel bad for my DH.

Though I could give a crap about his kid, I do care about how she treats them and I would like to see them have a healthy,normal father/daughter relationship.

I could strangle them both.

bi's picture

bd17 is a good kid for the most part, but she has her asshole moments. one of them was 2 years ago on mother's day. she didnt say a word to me about it. when i brought it up, she shrugged and said "Mother's day isn't important to me." :jawdrop: f'g brat. i told her i would remember that when her bday rolled around. since mother's day is meaningless to her, i will show her how it feels by making her bday meaningless to me. i guess she sat on that all day, because i got a teary apology that night and she's never done that again.

Shaman29's picture

Yeah.....that came up last night. DH's words were "This is what happens when a selfish, f**king bitch raises kids. You end up with selfish, f**king kids as well."

True. Very true. However, he doesn't see his own role or responsibility in how his kid is turning out. He keeps blaming Uberskank. It's not all her fault. He's a Disney Dad and now he's paying for it.

If he had taken my advise and put a few restrictions on his kid regarding visitation weekend, I doubt I would have had to post today.


Two more years.....two more years.

imjustthemaid's picture

My DH will bitch and complain about SD15 being selfish and entitled, then he will turn around and do everything she has asked him to do. He complains she is always asking for money, then he gives it to her. Now I just try to keep my mouth shut and walk away and pretend she doesn't exist! I am less stressed this way.

Shaman29's picture

Isn't there someone we can hire to deliver bitch slaps to our DH's, Uberskanks and skids?? Seems to me it would be an invaluable service. Like flower deliveries, except they get smacked for being stupid.