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andrea's picture

Well my SKid hates having long hair. he even goes to the point of not washing his hair and refuses to comb it. I have discussed this repeatedly with BM. She thinks it's cute. I think it looks skanky. sorry but dirty ratty uncombed hair just aint cute. so i cut the kids hair (he's begging) we asked her to get it cut so i think she trimmed the side burns and called that good. i asked her agian to get it cut, she wouldnt do it. so i trimmed his hair, not as short as he wanted, but at least less skankified, ya know!
Take him back to BM and she's throwin a damn hissy fit about his hair.
I just don't see what the big damn deal is, its his hair who gives a crap if its short or long. its his freakin hair not hers. I'm tryin to make the kid happy. HOW DARE I!!!
sorry just needed to vent about yet another bitchy moment that i dont understand.


andrea's picture

DH wanted it shaved!! but he didnt have the time to do. the kid sweats like a pig and i have to send this kid to school in a couple weeks. i will be the one dropin him off not his dad. i dont want people thinkin that i am responsible for that skanky lookin kid.
BM should have just trimmed his hair and it wouldnt have been an issue

lovelymother's picture

BD should take him to get a professional haircut if the child isnt happy with his hair. Poor lil guy!

Shaman29's picture

I don't envy your position in this mess! I'll never forget the weekend (when DH was the CP) his kid came home with this dark cherry red hair. People pay salons 100's of dollars for his kid's natural color and Uberskank (BM) dyed it this god awful color. To make it worse, her face (she was 13 at the time) was caked with heavy makeup and dark black eyeliner around her eyes. Poor kid looked like a tramp.

DH started to say something and I kicked him to shut him up. After they greeted each other and she headed to her room DH asked "Why did you kick me?" I told him Uberskank did this on purpose, she's looking for a reaction from you and she wants you to call and bitch her out for making her kid look like a tramp. She's looking for a fight so she can report back to your kid how you think she looks awful. Don't react negatively because there will be more to come and all she's looking for is a reaction.

So DH's only comment to his kid was....What made you choose red? So you look more like Shaman? Two weeks later his kid comes home with her hair closer to her natural color. }:)

Tx mommy of 3's picture

I am picky about hair and don't let anyone decide what to do with my kids' hair. Not even DH has a say! Ha! So I can understand bm's point. If Skid didn't like his ling hair then his dad should've talked to bm or taken care of it.

IAMTRYIN's picture

I've been lurking for months learning a lot. This issue is something I've recently dealt with and it caused a huge argument between FH and I. He has two daughter's the issue is with the sd16. Her mother will not allow anyone else to do her hair and sd16 does the best she can. I feel bad for her(I have nieces around her age who care about their appearance) and embarrassed to be seen with her because most people will look at the woman and wonder why my hair is done and hers isn't. My FH is doing the passive-aggressive thing and wanting me to just braid it up and then sent sd16 home to deal with her mothers wrath. I've finally accepted that she's not my child and how she looks does not reflect on me if her parents don't care how horrible her hair looks then neither do I. I really wish people would worry about what's in the kids head instead of what's on it.

andrea's picture

The kid is again begging his mother for a haircut, he looks in the mirror and sees that it looks bad. I offered to take him to get his haircut (thinking maybe it was a money issue), she said no that she would do it. He says that he asked her everyday to cut his hair and she said no. He has to go to school knowing that his hair looks bad. He has started dressing very neat and caring about his appearance (THANK GOD! It's about time). His mother dresses nice always has her hair cut and dyed (at least once every couple of months). She just apparently wants her kid to look like a giant skank, she won't even cut his fingernails. which i do, she hasn't complained about it yet, I've been doin it for 3 years now. I've also had to cut his hair on numerous occasions, she's always complained about it, but at several points it has gotten so long he looked like a girl (long enough to braid or put in a pony tail. Its just gross and I don't understand it. I wish that someone else understood the issue, but oh well i just needed a good vent.