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amy_rose4's Blog

How can BM undo everything we teach our daughter!?

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I am sooooo irritated!!!
EVERY time we get my SD back from BM she is rude, has NO manners, and gives the dirtiest looks I have ever seen on a child. My SD is three and she is a complete sweetheart but for the first couple of days after we get her back from BM she DEMANDS evrything. SD knows that when she is here she has to ask for things politely, please, thank you, all of that good stuff. After the firt couple of days she gets back into routine, and everything is perfect. She is sweet to me she always says "I love you" to me...

The birthday party from hell!

amy_rose4's picture

August 26th was my SD's 3rd birthday party (I know it was a few months ago but i'm new to Steptalk and need to vent this one lol). My husband and I had been planning this party for months. A bout a month before the party BM asks us if her and her family could come to OUR party because she couldn't afford to throw one, at first we said no because she is always such a bitch but she made us feel sorry for her and we thought it might be fair for my SD to have everyone at her we change our minds and tell her she can come.