When did you realize he/she was the one?
What made you fall in love with your partner? What made you want to spend the rest of your life with this person?
This past week, I've been trying to circumvent the bad, and focus on the good. It takes so little to anger, but so much to love. This site is made for venting, but I honestly believe that negativity breeds negativity. After a while, it's a contest to see who has the worse life, a one-upper on who's dating the bigger ass. Have you noticed that when you're happy, you focus more on the good, and when you're upset, everything is just terrible?
FH does SO MUCH to make me happy, but sometimes when I read these blogs, they make me remember when.....and I get upset again. So ladies (and gents) let's stop for a minute, and remember why it is that you chose to be with this person, and commit so much of your heart to this ready made family. It may be a day, an event, a moment in time when your partner just took your breath away, and you got lost in love. You just KNEW this was perfect for you. Please let go of your hurts, upsets, ex and SK drama, and let's just focus on your romantic relationship for a few minutes.
- 2Bloved's blog
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Okayyyyy, but just for a FEW
Okayyyyy, but just for a FEW minutes! Then I want to go back to focusing on everything that makes that vein pop out in the middle of my forehead!
The thing about my DW is that she TRULY loves me. She wants so much to make me happy. She just struggles with the fact that she has to balance so many things outside of me. But I know she's only human and she is learning on the job how to balance it all. I think that's why when the SK's are away, we get along AMAZINGLY. So much stress and conflict gets taken out of the equation when it's just us. No worries about SK's or Ex's.
It's those times that we share alone together that remind me of how much she means to me and how much I love her. Now we just have to figure out a way to get that feeling when everything else is going haywire around us.
I knew the day I met him
I looked across the room at the restaurant and thought.. that's going to be my husband one day.. 8 months later.. HE IS!!!
I know that my FH truly loves me - it is a love that I have never known.
he does screw up but I know he wants to be a good husband (to be) ..he is kind and romantic and damn sexy.
I am not sure when I knew he was the one, I guess when someone asked me to go out with them and the thought of being with someone else kinda turned my stomach..
(ha thatz love right lol)
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
I knew when we started to talk
When I first laid eyes on him, I thought, WOW how cute !!!
then I noticed his teeth, which were beautiful !!!!
Still hestiant, I went along and open to suggestions for dinner or going out ONLY BECAUSE I thought from looking at him, there "could be" some potential.
It was after several conversations and getting into his head, seeing he was emotionally mature ( this is rare in men)...
emotionally mature and stable was something that blew me away as I DID NOT EXPECT IT !!!
The more we talked, the more I liked him... but very careful as I didn't want to get involved with some psycho or loser... so I kept him at arms length.
He wanted to spend so much time with me, but because I met him from a dating site online, I was very careful. Ran a background check on him for criminal activity ( nothing to be found)
and tried to pace him but he went head over heels for me. He asked me to marry him within a few weeks of meeting him
but I kept him at arms length for about 6 months to get to know him more.
After 6 months I let him move in since he was there at my house all the time he wasn't at work anyway. He was very clean, polite and nice to be around. He had his crap together which is the only reason I let him move in with me.
He kept asking me to marry him and after 2 years dating I said OK.
I was so nervous to marry because you see, I was in my late 40's and who would have figured someone couyld meet their soul mate at that age ????
We married and he has only gotten better. I am really blessed.
so I didn't know for some time. I had a history about choosing the wrong men so I didn't trust my first impression.

Time was the only thing that proved to me he was worth being with. I sure didn't expect anything like that to happen as I recently vowed off getting serious with men...
for good.
and look what happened !
It was on a boat
after a couple years of casually dating. We laughed and talked and it was great. But one great day does not make up for what I have been through and will apparently have to continue living with. My H is a fantastic person. He's truly everything I would want in a partner except for his parenting.
A more appropriate question for me is when did I realize that love wasn't going to be enough?
I can really relate to what
I can really relate to what you are saying, sometimes the love is just not enough. Although I don't want a divorce, I am miserable knowing that dh kisses the kids a** until I make him parent sk's in our home, he does ok parenting mine, but when it comes to sk's it is like he is afraid to hurt their feelings and he gets all sicky sweet with them....yuck!!! And I am finding the more he says things are going to be different, you can see he tries but it is a forced try not a natural one.
My dh is a great man....kids aside...he has beautiful eyes and is willing to help with whatever I ask of him around the house. I think our biggest and worst problem is the skids and the ex wife. I just don't know how to get around that and look at my h and realize how much he means to me.
Stop making people a priority in your life that only make you an option in theirs! author unknown
great point Serena
maybe you should start a new blog on that.
"A more appropriate question for me is when did I realize that love wasn't going to be enough?"
I would post to it!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
I understand where you are coming from
But the point to this blog was to try to move away for a few minutes from the negativity that seems to permeate every post. This is supposed to be a feel good moment, a time to reflect on the love you have. I was looking forward to coming back on and reading new comments from men and women sharing their happy love stories. They give me hope. Being newly engaged, I wanted to read some positive about other peoples relationships. I would hate for this post to deteriorate from this point on with other posters adding their horror stories. With that being said, thank you for posting a separate thread.
The second I laid eyes on him!
It was the same for him.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
When we were at a pro football game...
Just the two of us, and I never felt safer or more "at home" in my life. I can ditto that sentiment for him, also..
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
when he did the few things that I have ALWAYS wanted a man to do for me..too long to list..but than and there I knew God had answered my prayers..and my FH continues to do the same things for me and hasn't slowed down yet.
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
love isn't enough....
I sure agree with that.
Some people think common interests is whats so important but I have found that common interests don't mean anything. Its common and shared values about life and responsibities, thats what matters when it comes to finding the right person to love and be with. Someone whose LIFESTYLE is one you can live with and even admire, thats far more important than what hobbies someone has.
Love alone is not enough.
Nice idea 2Bloved
I was a single mom for 9 years before I met my FH. Tired of being single, I made a list of qualities I'd like to see in a mate, including "NO CHILDREN". Be careful how you word requests to the universe; it doesn't recognize the "no" part! I also requested that HE would be the one to pursue ME, and would even have to convince me that he was the one (I don't have very good judgement about these things). And for some reason I expected my soulmate to be Scottish; probably because I'd dreamt of a man with red hair.
When we met, he was camping a few sites away with his kids. He showed up at our campsite with his 9 year-old daughter (the same age as my daughter) in hopes of getting the kids together so he could meet me. I was oblivious to him. Since he had kids, I didn't even consider him, though I found him attractive. Then he started showing up on his own, just to hang out. I wondered what this weird guy was doing here and figured he was just a lonely single dad looking for some adult conversation with my step-dad who was camping with us. I'd catch him looking at me but figured it was just because I looked a mess with twigs in my hair and camp dirt on my feet.
Then he brought all of his kids to our campsite for the evening campfire. We all had great fun together. That's when he very very gently let his feelings be known to me. He'd position his campchair close to mine. He'd make an effort to draw me into the conversation. It was all so subtle. I felt myself respond to him but still disregarded him because he had children.
The kids themselves, especially his daughters, were so sweet though. The girls would climb into my lap and ask me to sing and tell me I'm pretty, etc. When it came time to make our trip to the comfort station before the kids' bedtime, I brought the girls with me. We had so much fun! I thought to myself, "I could love these kids." That's the moment I was hooked.
All the kids went to bed and he and I stayed up talking around the campfire until daylight. We had so much in common! Social and political views, spirituality, nature, music! The energy between us was almost visible! We went for a walk to watch the sun rise over the lake and my heart just suddenly opened wide. I was in love.
Since then, despite all of the pain and suffering we've endured over the last 5 years, I can still say with complete conviction that this man is my soulmate. He is kind and gentle with me, puts up with my considerable faults, and places my happiness above all else. He is devoted and loving. We are compatible in so many ways. He's my best friend. He makes me coffee every morning! And he has red hair!
from the time I found out he would wait for me.
DH is a warm, loving, smart, sexy guy and every day is better than the last with him. He does listen to what I say, just not always when I say it. And he does so many little things to show that he wants me to be happy. Finally, he is the best dad in the world to DD2.
This doesn't mean we don't have issues but it does mean that I believe we have the type of marriage that will work through any issues.
Thanks for helping me to remember what a great guy I have.