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How did he propose?

2Bloved's picture

Just wondering how your DH proposed, and if it was everything you wanted!!

If he has not proposed yet, how do you imagine it to be?


doglover1's picture

Ill answer this one. My Dh proposed kinda cute. But Im a dumb ass so i kinda ruined it. Anyway it was christmas time and we opened presents the nite before alone. He handed me a box and in it was a little statue. The statue was a little boy on his knee proposing to a little girl. THe boy was holding a small box. Well me being stupid thought the boy was holding a cell phone.........really it looked that way to me. So i thought it was a strange gift. Mostly cus i dont collect statues or nick naks like that. SO i said thank you.
DH says to me dont you get it?

Uh no, I dont. SO he had to tell me. Uh, ok I do now. duh! Then he gave me the ring. It was still very sweet.

HummingBirdHunny's picture

My husband proposed to me in 2006 when my mom flew out here from Maine to visit. First we were announcing to everyone we were moving into a 3 bedroom (still in the same area of complex's) then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Apparently my SIL helped him shop for the ring while the kids and I were visiting my family in Maine! But I know the kids were super excited...I can still remember my daughter (SD) telling BM in these exact words.."mommy and daddy are getting married!" LMAO. Course BM yelled at her for calling me mommy. Since then she only calls me by my first name when she is around BM or if she talks about me to BM!

JMC's picture


a minor league baseball game in my hometown ~ and it was announced over the intercom lol!

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

And I'm glad I get the opportunity to tell you all. Because then maybe you'll see how confused I've been about the husband H turned out to be!

We had a date to go out of town for supper. H asked me to dress up a little, said we were meeting some of his friends.

He took me to supper (no friends, either) about an hour away from here. Then he stopped the car in a town between here and there, at a really nice motel. Asked me to come in with him, because he wanted to show me something.

He took me up to a suite! My favorite romantic music was playing on a CD player. There were roses all over the place! And a jewelry amoire standing in the middle of the suite, with the words "I Love You" written in lipstick on the mirror of the armoire. I opened up the armoire, and there, inside, was a jewelry box. Inside the box was-you guessed it-a beautiful diamond engagement ring.

Then the whirlpool tub-surrounded by candles, with floating candles and rose petals in the water!

He had even bought me clothes to wear the following day, and makeup-as this was a surprise to me, I'd thought we were going to dinner and then home.

It was a night I will remember always, and cherish.

Where did that man go?

Remember, this is the same man who was not even initmate with me on our wedding night!

kaffonseca's picture

Honestly, I'm extremely happy with our engagement story because it was definitely "us"..first off, FH and I text ALOT..even in the same house..when we are arguing about something we tend to text each other from different rooms because we don't want to argue in front of kids..or sometimes we'll text saying I miss you..tacky I know..but it's us.

Anyways, he brought me out to eat at a new fancy restaurant and he was going to propose there, but he chickened out. Well afterwards on the way home (I had no idea he was gonna propose)..we agreed to stop at a total DIVE bar/ of those chinese places that smell like smoke,etc..but the food and drinks are good! So we are sitting at the table..and he TEXTED me saying "I want you to be my wife"...I started laughing and texted back"well you'll have to propose with a ring"..

next thing I know he takes the ring out and places it on my finger.

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

Rags's picture

Sooooo, I can't share on this one.

I can share the story of the ring delivery. I "gave" her the ring by telling her there was something for her downstairs in the glove box of the car if she wanted to go down and get it. She went down and came back with nothing. So, I had to go down and get it. When I came back up she put out her finger without saying a word so I slid it on her finger. She won that little snark fest I have to say. Biggrin

We left a week later for Lake Tahoe and got married overlooking the lake.

It has been a very romantic and exciting adventure ever since.

We hit our 15th anniversary in July.

Best regards,

LizzieA's picture

over and over...then we got married two weeks after his divorce finally became final. Just he and I at a family property.
It was awesome.

yesican's picture

We went to FL to visit some of my dh family, we stayed in a hotel on the ocean front, one evening we went for a walk and he proposed to me on the beach. It was romantic but he didn't have the ring right away. Instead of buying the ring he put it on layaway and bought a big go cart. It was romantic but it would have been better if he would have had the ring then.

Stop making people a priority in your life that only make you an option in theirs! author unknown

BMJen's picture

My DH brought me home a white kitten. I had been telling him I wanted one for months! He finally found her, all fluffy, with pretty blue eyes. She's beautiful. He called me before he got home and told me to go to the bedroom, and NO peeking! So when he brought in the kitty and put her on the bed I thought that was my surprise, why wouldn't I? I was loving on her, kissing her, petting her, and then I noticed the bright red ribbon he had tied around her neck. It was in a bow. But when I finally picked her up over me I saw the ring on the ribbon around the bottom of her neck.

I started crying and he asked me if I would be his wife for the rest of his life.

I cried yes through it!

He's such a wonderful, sweet, adoring man! I'm so proud to be his wife!

Gia's picture

My proposal was alright, he took me out to eat and I took SD4 to the bathroom (YES , SHE WAS THERE) and when I came back the ring was on a little heart shaped pillow...

There is not a next time obviously, we have been married for almost a year now, so it doesn't matter at all, but god, I really did not like the fact that his kid was right there, she also kinda told me in the bathroom cuz she kept talking about "princesss cut" (yes, he bought the ring with her too) :O and I was like hmmm.....

doglover1's picture

I hope you guys had some time to yourselves that nite. When i read your post it really was sad. SOme men are basically A$$holes. You poor thing.

Gia's picture

at all... after dinner he brought me back home (i was living with my aunt at the time) and I know that he had his child and didn't have anyone to take care of her but he could have waited until she wasn't with him. I guess he was too excited and couldn't wait. That is something that really disappointed me. But I will never tell him that, we have a great marriage now, and he is a great guy... :?

Stick's picture

I'm so happy to see a fun blog! (Although I really NEED the venting blogs to keep me sane!!) Smile My husband did the most romantic proposal ... first, he drove to ask my parents if he could marry me... ummm keep in mind - I am 40 years old!! (But never married - I had some health issues when I was younger and it screwed me up for a long time, so I never married!) Anyway, he drove 5 hours to my parents house, asked them without telling me and then drove 5 hours back, all while I was away on a work trip! Then for Christmas, he gave me a calendar and some beachy things have home beach parties, he said. When I opened the Calendar - there was written - "Cancun trip" on one of the weeks of May and two tickets to Cancun at the resort where we took our first vacation! Go ahead 5 months... In Cancun, we had a couple of great days and then there was one day where he said he didn't feel well, so we were hanging in the room. The front desk called the room and asked us to pick something up, so he sent me to go down and get it. It was 4 dozen roses - one for each year we had been dating in a beautiful arrangement! And then the woman that gave them to me kept talking and talking.. and I'm like.. thanks, but let me get back to my Man!!! Smile But she wouldn't stop. Finally, she lets me go, and on my way to the room... Swear to God! - there was a black-out at the resort! (5 minutes!) But when I walked into the room, it was serendipity because he had candles everywhere and the jacuzzi going and champagne. And then, on the bed... a big box. So he says - Open the box, there's something in there for you to wear to dinner! So I open it and it's a pretty white negligee... so I put it on and he's like, oh... you forgot something in the box... so I"m looking in the box..and when I turned around - he had the ring in his hand. It makes me tear up just thinking about it! I need to visit this site because of BM, but I just truly adore and love my husband. When I called my parents to tell them, they let me in on the fact that they had known for a few months. I never thought I'd get married because of my health issues - I have a great career and had a great single life... but every day I just thank God for this lovely man!! Thanks for the wonderful memories!!

2Bloved's picture

This is more of what I had imagined. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but this is just absolutely perfect!! Lucky girl!!

Gia's picture

That is just awesome...

2Bloved's picture

I know, huh!!

I would've been ecstatic just opening up the calendar and seeing Cacun Trip!!

Nymh's picture


But in all seriousness, I have no idea how he's going to do it. I assumed that he would just buy it and give it to me with no romance, but he says he wants the romance. We've been together for so long and already did the whole "I want to marry you" thing, he's asked me to marry him before but never a real "proposal" per se.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

2Bloved's picture

We all picture how it is going to be...some want to be surrounded by family and friends....some want the candlelight dinner, walk on the beach, sunset proposal..

What do you imagine??

Nymh's picture

I would LOVE it if he would bring me to my favorite restaurant sometime that night - before to set the mood or after to celebrate. Other than that, I don't really mind how he does it as long as it is private (as in, just us, no kids or friends) and romantic in some way.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

B's picture

He was driving me home and we were talking when out of nowhere he pulls over to the side of the freeway... It wasn't planned, he didn't have a ring, had no money to buy one if he even wanted to, just proposed out of nowhere and 'promoted' my promise ring to the new title of engagement ring. I never did get one...

Gia's picture

I know its sad for you but that was kinda funny ... again! in a sad way... Wink

he "promoted" your ring... hmmm.... :?

B's picture

You know, I'm not materialistic in the least, but knowing that he spent a sh*tload of money on BM's rings and on pretty much everything in their life, it really does get me down sometimes. Yes, I'm practical... Yes, I bargain shop... But come on.

2Bloved's picture

I don't think FH spent a lot on BM's engagement ring, they were pretty young back then. But I know that he spent a lot on Christmas for her one year. We were going thru his credit report binder, and I saw the receipts and everything. He gave her a very nice jewelry set for Christmas right before they divorced, which, according to him, she hated. Okay, fine, great. Then the topic came up of us getting engaged. We went a couple of times to look at rings, looked online. He always went towards the lower end stuff. Like B, I am very practical, and always bargain shop. But this is my engagement ring. This is a symbol of his love for me, his desire to want to spend the rest of his life with me. And he's going to go cheap?? He's spent more on computers and electronics that will be obsolete in two years than what he is planning to spend on my ring. PLUS, the fact that he spent what he did on BM for a CHRISTMAS gift.

I let him know well beforehand that I am not 20 anymore, and naive. My exH went cheap. I know what I want. He did great, by the way!!

melis070179's picture

BM never got an engagement ring, or a proposal for that matter, she went and bought herself a $50 band from Target and gave my DH a ring from her grandpa (which he promptly returned when he divorced her). She was 19 and he was 21, her 7 months pregnant with what she CLAIMED to be his child. It all went down at the court house with their trashy neighbor as the witness LOL

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

sarahbernheart's picture

we took a vacation with his three kids and my two, we were at dinner and a waitress brought it out on a dessert dish,no on the knee thing, which I have always wanted..
it was nice but I would have rather it have been more romantic, just him and me ..I think a proposal is a private/intimate thing, although I am happy to be engaged I was disappointed in the delivery

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

2Bloved's picture

I think a proposal should absolutely be a private/intimate thing. We are choosing to marry each other, not his parents, his children, my family, our friends. It should be a personal moment for the couple, and then maybe an engagement party for everyone else. While I understand why FH proposed the way he did, I still wished I had had the romantic dinner, the sunset. I was dissapointed in the delivery as well.

Gia's picture

his fuckn 4 year old ( I love her, but she had no business being there) was there!!!!!

GRRRR I took her to the bathroom and she pretty much told me, so I knew... Sad Sad

2Bloved's picture

I understand completely how you feel, Gia11. it's a hard thing to say, and comes out to sound so selfish, but why did the kids have to be there?

I've said it before, we were with friends and family for his birthday dinner. I understand his thinking in proposing to me then. My friends think it's great that he put himself out there like that, that he showed everyone who mattered in our lives how much he loves me. I GET IT!! But he should know what a private person I am, and realize that I am not the open announcement/share in front of the whole restuarant kind of person. I am not a demonstrative person, and didn't feel comfortable giving him the reaction he wanted. I hate making scenes in public. I really wanted a private proposal.

At least the SK's didn't tell me. He told them right before dinner, and they kept it to themselves for almost two hours.

Maybe he can redeem himself and plan an extravagant vow-renewal proposal Gia11.

Gia's picture

We have had a great marriage, is better to have a not so good proposal, and great marriage than the other way around, and he had only one shot at the actual and real "proposal", and chose it that way, it's been a year, and right now it is not important at all. Wink

Rags's picture

The first one was what I could afford at the time. It was not cheap by any means, a half carat H VS1 round with a small plain gold wedding band. It went through several modifications over the years until it was crushed in a Christmas shopping disaster when my wife and SS were looking for my Christmas gift.

She was devastated and they spent an hour crawling around the store looking for the diamond. They found it eventually so we could have gotten everything fixed.

But, I decided that after ten years of a great marriage, wonderful family time and consistent career success it was time for an upgrade.

My Mom and Dad were in town for the holidays and Dad and I spent all day on the 24th shopping for the just the right solitaire and wedding bands. I had already gotten all her her Christmas stuff so this was BONUS material. Let just say I went a bit overboard.

When she opened the two boxes she was speechless and went directly to tears (with a big smile on her face). I love that woman to death and the look on her face was the best Christmas gift I have ever had.

I think I will do it again in about ten years when I re-propose on our 25th. The real gift will be that she will get to have her wedding (bigger rock, big white dress, horse drawn carriage, monster cake,etc....) in her home town with her friends and family around. Our first wedding was in Tahoe with a few friends and limited family. Her parents could not make it and my dad could not be there. The next time everyone will be there and it will be a major production.

I can't wait to see the look on her face.

Best regards,

2Bloved's picture

I was looking at Tahoe for my wedding!! Still not sure if I really want the wedding, but the planning is fun. Rags, I think it's awesome that you seem to do so much for your DW.

I've always told my FH that the ring I get will be the ring I keep. No upgrades, nothing. This is the ring that he proposed with; it will always be special. If he plans to get me a bigger diamond, it will grace my right hand. It's a good thing that the once he chose is beautiful!!

Rags's picture

her right hand and she will swap them out occasionally.

Hey, as in most things, apparently size does matter. Wink

I think that the quality of the commitment has nothing to do with the size of the ring. Though for many couples the ring is indicative of the stage of their lives at the time they married.

The upgrade certainly can be.

The diamond that my Dad gave my Mom was pretty small but they were only 19 and 17 when they married. He designed a necklace for her years and years and years later that he used her original stone and gold to have made. He upgraded her diamond and band not all that long ago.

The necklace still brings tears to my Mom's eyes when she wears it. It is the sentimental value and what it represents. They celebrate their 47th in June.

There are many things you can do with your ring when/if you upgrade as your live with your DH develops.

Congrats on your upcoming nuptials.

Best regards,

2Bloved's picture

the quality of the commitment should have no bearing on the size of the ring, but I will be damned if he spends more on a personal computer that he replaces every two years than he will on a ring that I will wear the rest of our time together.

Rags's picture


Sounds good to me. The first ring was less than a PC would have cost but at that time PC's were to expensive for me to own one.

Best regards,

melis070179's picture

My DH made reservations at the Atlantis, which is a very nice restaraunt on top of a sky high hotel on the beach. He had a stretch limo pick us up and on the way there he poured the champagne and gave us each a glass. At the time I thought we were celebrating our one year anniversary, but it was more than that. He took out my ring, a 1 carat princess cut that I absolutely love. He got down on one knee (in the moving limo LOL) and said "will you marry me?" in the most nervous, shaky voice I've ever heard. It was the cutest I have ever seen him and obviously I said yes and we both teared up. Then we went and had our dinner overlooking the ocean at sunset. It was amazing Smile Oh and I got a big fat dessert too! haha

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

sweetthing's picture

of our bathroom. Oh how romantice. Smile We had plans that night to go to the ballet & dinner, which was a big thing as my DH lived paycheck to paycheck at the time. The ballet tickets had been my xmas gift. I met him at his place to get ready to go out after work. He had stopped at Target to get a few items & was putting things away in the medicine cabinet & turned to me & said hey, there is something else still in the bag. He took out a ring box, dropped to his knees & proposed.

All day long he had been trying to think of the right romantic way to do it, but had gotten so excited about asking me he couldn't wait a minuet longer.

He regrets that he choose that spot, but I think it is cute that he just couldn't wait to ask.