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Is it sad..

2Bloved's picture

Or awful of me that I can't even read posts from new members anymore? I just don't want to get sucked in to a game. I keep thinking about the uproar from last week and thinking that every new member is one of "them" and they're just trying to get us to let our guards down, then WHAM!! I always wonder now if they're posing to try to "out" one of our members. It's awful too b/c there have been a few that I can empathize with and maybe offer some advice, but I always think it's all made up as well.

I wish I wouldn't have to question this haven that I made for myself.


Amazed's picture

Or you can be like me and just not care anymore and post whatever comment to whomever I feel like }:)
I realized after my birthday that I've spent my whole life as a cushy little doormat for everyone simply because I wanted people to like me...I find that it's easier and easier to not give two rats booties who likes me and who hates me. Say what you gotta say and if it turns into a fight just say ,"Tempting but not worth it...*smooches*"
(((love ya honey)))

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

You know "I" love ya babe!!! I'll take that smooch and up you one big (((HUG)))!!! LOL!!!!

stepmom008's picture

Is this the whole ivillage thing? I don't understand what's going on. I just recently joined and saw all of that last week too but figured it had been going on for longer than i've been around and didn't want to get involved. Sorry - me asking probably just made you wonder if I am one, but I'm not! We've got enough to deal with than getting involved in petty high school garbage...

2Bloved's picture

Exactly!! I did not get involved either, just read for a bit and got completely disillusioned. There were a couple of members from on here that went over there and just completely trashed some of our valued members. They are the reasons for the C&P of their posts. It just sucks. I love this site, try to read it when I'm at work. It was great having support from people who are impartial and unbiased, and now I feel like it's been taken away.

2Bloved's picture

that's what I'm doing. I just kind of feel bad b/c they're probably people trying to reach out and get advice, and I'm just reading it and I'm jaded. Especially after waht happened to JoJo. Even though FH knows I post and I tell him about things I've said or read, it's still private to me.

Kb3Hooah's picture


stepmom008's picture

i defintely have psycho bm hate - she's a way bigger issue than sd9 & I can't control it either but that's what's so great about this site. I can whine and other people always know what I'm talking about or tell me to get a grip. The latter is definitely what I need sometimes. Oh, wait a minute! Good lord I'm a dumbass, I get it now. They're BM's hating on SMs? Oh, that makes more sense... in any case...

Amazed's picture

due to the fact that sometimes when I have questions about how to handle my son or his dad I don't get the number of responses here that I need to make a sound decision. I've also become a very opinionated BM in regard to my sons future sm and her bratty ass daughter and i sometimes enjoy the way the members over there really slap me in the face and make me see I'm being a bitch. Plus I like to debate with them about whenever they're a**holes. But I'd like to beat the people who talk sh*t about my girls here. This is still my home and ivillage is just a diversion when I need that proverbial splash of cold water.

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha

frustrated stepmom's picture

I'm nervous to post anything because of spies. I came to this site fairly recently (within the last couple of months) and I totally enjoy reading what other people are going through and if I can related (usually I can) I post comments but it sucks that now we're basically censored.

imagr8tma's picture

All they are doing is seeking attention anyways.... so dont give it to them. They are what i like to call the BM I have to deal with ------ an attention whore --- one who will do anything even sell their soul for some attention (negative or positive).

I don't care if they take my posts are not either... i didn't lie in any of them and am not ashamed of my feelings towards BM. My DH and I have tried all we know to work with her to no avail... and finally had to let the court get involved.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

MeanOleMe's picture

See.. I don't get the spies thing and not wanting them to copy your posts. They are both public forums, and anyone can read it here, just as they can there.

"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours" Wayne Dyer

no fairytale's picture

this is what I think of the people that apparently are causing promblems with ivillage and steptalk..

I have only been a member for a short time on steptalk never even heard or been on ivillage. When I originally joined I did not know you could have a nickname so I used my name but, after reading people going through others trashing them I came up with a screen name.

Pretty pathetic when you think you found somewhere to vent or just to feel better about your situation.

misfit's picture

I tried to follow the fights between the STalkers and iVillagers but MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! it's been difficult. So I just gave up. No matter where you go, there are people lurking, reading, posting, probably copying and pasting your posts and sending them to family members, angry BM's, or writing about them in their own journals. What we write here must certainly travel.

I have no idea who 100% of STalkers are on here. This is the beauty of it. We're all anonymous until we chose to reveal ourselves.

I wish we could all just use this wonderful forum for what it is and not bully each other into situations that really kill the vibes of SUPPORT!! We all need help. BMs and SMs and dads and aren't there even a few posts from Skids on here?!

I joined about 3 weeks ago and I've learned so much already. 2Beloved, I'm sorry you're feeling so frustrated with this situation. Please don't hesitate to write, we can all learn from each other!

If you wish to give off light, you must endure the burning.