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2Bloved's Blog

OT- Which celebrity does your SO most resemble??

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FH is a cross between Josh Dumahel and Shane West. HOT HOT HOT.

On the flip side, which celebrity do you most resemble?

I don't really know, but I've been told that I look like the Asian girl from Snow Dogs. I haven't seen the movie, so I cannot confirm or deny. But then again, most people think all Asians look alike anyway, so who knows.

Is it sad..

2Bloved's picture

Or awful of me that I can't even read posts from new members anymore? I just don't want to get sucked in to a game. I keep thinking about the uproar from last week and thinking that every new member is one of "them" and they're just trying to get us to let our guards down, then WHAM!! I always wonder now if they're posing to try to "out" one of our members. It's awful too b/c there have been a few that I can empathize with and maybe offer some advice, but I always think it's all made up as well.

I wish I wouldn't have to question this haven that I made for myself.

BBB got me thinking....What do I love??

2Bloved's picture

I was writing this in response to BBB's blog, but then it got too long, so I decided to do my own blog.

What do I love.....The little things, I guess....When I'm taking a nap or he thinks I'm asleep, he'll lean over me, kiss my cheek and whisper in my ear how lucky he is to have me and that I'm the best thing that ever happened to him, little sweet nothings. He gives the best hugs!! Love the spontaneous back rubs. Love when he's out somewhere and see's something he thinks I'll like, or when we're out and I'll see something I like, he'll go back and buy it for me.

How much of our problems.....

2Bloved's picture

are really a result of issues with the couple? I see so many people on here recommmending couples counseling, relationship therapy, etc. How many of us on here would actually benefit if our SO actually just took a PARENTING CLASS?? How many of the problems would disappear if our SO would actually PARENT their child(ren)?

HOW COME......

2Bloved's picture

The blogs that generate the most comments are the negative "bitchy" ones and the positive ones are largely ignored? I'm disappointed.

I'm proud of how far I've come, damnit!! LOL I just wanted to share something that would give others hope.

Things are finally turning around......

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I think FH is getting it. After almost three years together, three years of drama and fights and arguments and tears, he finally understands. Our relationship is stronger than it ever was. We are both dedicating time to our relationship, FH is making time for us to develop as a couple. I'm actually happy girls.

So what do you want??

2Bloved's picture

What do you want? Do you want the ex and the kids to go away? Do you want the ex to go away but leave the kids? Do you wish the BM would be a better parent to your SK's so you won't have to?Do you want your SK's full-time, or do you never want to see them again? Do you wish your DH or DW had never met and had children together? Or would all this drama be worth it if your DH would just back you up?

"Family" Dinners with BM

2Bloved's picture

FH and I, (FH more than me) decided on trying out a "family" dinner with the BM once every couple of months. This is to show the kids that we all get along, and that they can't pit one parent against the other. FH and I agreed to try it once, and if I have any misgivings, we won't pursue them anymore. BM was agreeable, but at that point, she would have agreed to anything we said. (Ladies: Keeping records are extremely helpful, especially when you can circumvent court by showing BM all the proof you have of what a shitty parent she is). I'm pretty iffy on that.
