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What do u do when SD is so close to u and your not w/fiance?

1wits_end's picture

My exfiance's daughter and are extremely close....she calls me several times a day and we hang out often....she is 19 yrs. old. My ex is getting back with his ex...(not her mom) how do you deal with something like this?


papergirl31128's picture

I think she is an adult and if she likes hanging out with you and you don't mind then there should not be a problem-

Krissy's picture

I agree--being that you are both adults, it's completely up to you how you want to handle this.

My only words of caution would be to make sure that continuing a relationship with this girl will not impede your progress in getting over EX. It is still very early in your split and you don't want to let anything get in the way of your healing process. If that's not an issue, I say go for it and enjoy the friendship!

Little Jo's picture

Couldn't have said it better.

Keep us posted - Jo

"May the forces of evil get confused on the way to your house." George Carlin

Anne 8102's picture

There's no reason why you can't maintain a friendship. You didn't break up with HER.

~ Anne ~

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other." -Walter Elliot