The golden skid.... SD18 who can do no wrong
SD18 dosent technaically live FT with us but has asked if she can store her stuff in the room outside which I'm using as a guest store room. DH told me she could providing she keeps the room tidy so " guests" could stay... I went to put away some towels in the room to other day and it's literally like a bombs hit it and it's a disaster. I had to step over her bags of gear to put the towels away. I mentioned to DH about the state of the room and the way its not fit for a guest to sleep in, and he's gets upset with me challenging his precious daughter. BTW, all his kids are pigs/slobs and SS 16 lives with us FT, and he is finally improving after all these years!!!
Anyway I go to check out our camper van to see if I can take it away for a couple of days ( as holidays are coming up soon) and its a pig sty ( SD18 borrowed it to take her and her surf buddies on a surf trip) And the brand new fridge is filthy with red cordial and old milk and food still in it from 4 months ago and old wet mouldy wet suits and sand everywhere.... And her clothes and shoes and old sandwiche wrappers everywhere. I was appalled! I doubt DH knows about how his previous favourite daughter has treated the van so disrespectfully. I'm planning on opening up the van in front of him so he can discover what a pig she is himself... Because if I say what I've seen ( As in previous cases) he just jumps in and protects her. Forget the fact that what I say is the truth. So this way there's no denying it!!! The filth is the proof.
The is the only thing I can't stand about my DH... His blatant enabling of his children. In order to combat this, I have to get him to discover it for himself so he is embarrassed by it and will fix it as it affects him...If it affects me, tough.
DH does everything he can for
DH does everything he can for his precious to drop in and stay for the night... Even going as far as coming in and cooking up a storm when I'm at work and leaving a mess ( although not too bad) in the sink and washing her clothes and leaving old stuff she dosent want left sitting in the Laundry for months. I've mentioned to DH by all means she can cook and wash... But clean up her shit before leaving.
Classic case of Disney dad so he can see his kids.
I seriously don't say a word anymore but instead I look for ways to get DH to deal with it. Not my kid, not my mess.
The outside room is still filthy with SD18's crap, but next time DH's sister comes to stay, I will not be tidying up the room in readiness for her. DH will have to. It's the only way for DH to realise what I'm saying is when it inconveniences him. If it inconveniences me... It dosent seem to count.
Ask your DH to check the
Ask your DH to check the camper and see what needs to be done before the weekend. }:)
I agree...make DH clean it.
I agree...make DH clean it. We can always hope that after feeling the pain of the laziness these "dadddeeeees" help foster, that maybe they will actually wake up. Not likely, but if you can get him to clean it instead of doing it yourself...