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Conversation with Hubby yesterday

Iamthewife's picture

Me- Its not that I wanted to tell your daughter I wanted her to leave because I love her as if she was my own, I just do not think that allowing her to disrespect me is teaching her to respect others and their relationships.

Him- I think she just needs 1-2 weeks to cool off

Me- She wrote our personal home life on her facebook wall, We have told her not that long ago not to do that, What are we going to do about it?

Him- What exactly did she say?

Me- How we were fighting, we got her involved and she left. Which is not what happened at all. We were fighting because she was being disrespectful and rude to me

Him- Well she needs some time to cool off, She is mad at me.I'll talk to her about it.

( Little backround, I can not even mention her name without him getting angry and start fighting with me. I can not even look at him when she is here or he will start assuming I am accusing him and her of things, and I do not even mention or say anything,meanwhile she sits there and laughs the whole time we are fighting, its his daughter, he will take care of it and then he asks me why did i not handle the situation and then round 2-8 start in a matter of minutes)

Me- I think that it might be best if we all talked about this in person all together,

(In my personal opinion and what his kind of talking is means I will be excluded from the conversation between them, He will take her side and agree with her behind my back but then in front of me its a different story, I am getting yelled at for letting him deal with it as he has made it clear its his daughter and then I get yelled at for not dealing with it myself)

Him- Okay I will message her on facebook and see if she wants to come over, she stayed away because of my last wife,

Me- You have to understand though this is NOT the same marriage you had been in with your last wife,

Him- It is the same

( I am thinking to myself at this point, hmmm well then maybe my husband needs to change things on things he does, says and handles things because last SM is not here and this is still going on in our marriage)

Me- No, Its not and its unfair of you both treating our marriage like its the same as your last marriage.

Him- Okay let's see if she wants to come here, if she does not I am not making her.

conversation ends.

Iamthewife's picture

I just had a talk to SD17 via FB, Apparently in her own words SD17 can not stand me because of how I act???????

Okay...BECAUSE OF HOW I ACT? I am the one who does go out of my way to stop her mini wife behavior! I asked if she was coming over here today, she stated no and she is not coming tomorrow either.I guess she thought it was her dad she was talking to on FB just a few minutes ago. I told her that I thought it would be a good idea if she took 1-2 weeks away from us ( seeing her reaction) she then tells me at first it was because I always thought it was my fault why she is mad at me ( I played along with her thinking I was her dad) I said no, she doesn't think its her fault. its your behavior while you are here, the way you do not listen to her when she asks you a question, the ay you act like you have to have all the attention when we are discussing husband and wife stuff, She apparently thought she was talking to her dad

So i said baby i have seen it with my own eyes the way you have been towards her.sd17 then types out how much she can't stand me or having me around anymore. So i am reading all of this and so i said well baby if your not happy then im not happy nor is SM happy and that is no way to live. i can't allow any of us to be unhappy, I will tell SM to leave when she wakes up, if that is what you want. No dad, if she makes you happy then stay with her.

I, the SM will not be in an uncomfortable living environment knowing she can not stand me anymore, however being an adult mom that I am, I can not risk having my own kids in this type of situation to where its going to destroy my life and bond with them.

If you think I was wrong for letting her think she was talking to her dad if you have read all my posts you will understand this was very last resort in hoping to get her to open up about things and finding out the truth once and for all. I have tried literally everything to make this work and this mini wife behavior stop between them. I have taken Popsicles out of the house, the icing that goes on the toaster strudels. I have had to lock all my things in my bedroom, take all my make up and tampons out of the bathroom, I have had to unplug my phone and laptop bring them with me to the store, I have watched them 24/7, stayed awake 24/7 anytime she comes to our home, I have had TRIED AND TRIED many times to talk to her father and her, NOTHING ELSE WORKED and when i thought something i tried to make the behavior stop she would think of something else to be the mini wife. I have not yelled at her, enough was getting to be enough. IN a few minutes im going to type back okay if you really want me to stay with her, i will but then you have to let every single thing be known, if you do not then I will. and see what happens and what is then said.

I love SD very much and i love my husband,, i just can not take anymore,

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I understand you love your husband and your SD, but you have to think about you. It does not sound like this relationship is healthy. I thought mine was bad! If he thinks this marriage is the same as his LAST marriage (and we all know how that turned out), you already have a huge problem. I know it may be tough, but I would cut your losses and get out. You deserve better.