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Looking for any LEO related person to answer a question

SASX's picture

I just knew the BM drama was going to start back up!

Backround, a few months ago my HOA tresspassed BM from the sub-divison after she showed her ass to the security guards at the gate. (The infamous pool incident- This citation read the subdivision name and included the phrase 'and any property associated with'). Sunday the local sheriffs office gave her a "trespass warning" in regards to SO's apartment, due to her helping herself to FSD'd house key and letting herself in. (The citation reads his address, with apartment number. Does not state the complex name. Also, each building has its own address such as 10200, 10201, 10202 etc. There are 24 apartments affiliated with each building number so the citation for SO's tresspass 'warning' is: 10205 Abc St Apt 204)

Question: (already called the attnys office yesterday he is in court yesterday and today so we have not received an answer to BM's latest stupidity)

BM is saying she is not allowed to go "near" SO's apartment complex, thusly can not drop the kids off for his time. The way I read the warning it states that she is not to be in or on the doorstep of the apartment he resides in. BM is adamate now that SO has to do all the driving since "you and SASX have prevented me from being able to do drop offs at either house". (No sweetheart, your own behavior got you banned- love how it is always someone else's fault though!)
So this question: with this warning in place, is BM 'allowed' to enter the apartment complex and simply drop the kids off in the parking lot?


HadEnoughx5's picture

I think BM is taking what "common sense" is supposed to be and stretching it to accomadate her form of revenge. As you said "it's always someone elses fault" in BM's little form of a functioning brain. You have to give BM's like that credit for being creative in twisting things around.

Dropping the children off I would not think of it as tresspassing. The children have to get to BF somehow. The citation is to keep HER from doing stupid shit. She sounds like she could be narcisistic. My BM definately is, it's all about her, will use the kids for what she needs and couldn't give a crap about being a real mother.

Let us know what happens with the atty. I wish we could take all the dumb ass BM's on an island somewhere...don't you?

DaizyDuke's picture

This citation read the subdivision name and included the phrase 'and any property associated with'

The way I'm reading it, this is the citation she is concerned with. If the "subdivision" being referred to is indeed the subdivision that you reside in then yes, she would not be allowed on the property period. What I don't understand, is if this citation came prior to the apartment citation, then she obviously wasn't too concerned about being contempt at that time?

I'd just tell her to meet DH outside your gate or at a gas station down the road or something.

SASX's picture

I live in location A) "subdivision and all properties associated with". She has never done drop offs at my house. Ever. When SO lost his job and took her to court for CS she got her knickers in a twist and in her own twisted way decided since the kids could use the community pool/gym/basketball courts/golf course etc if they were at my house on their dads time... they should be able to do it on her time too. So she showed up. My personal opinion is she did this to get SO's attention since he would not answer any of her 100 phone calls and 200+ text messages per day. She showed her a$$ to the gate guards and in less than 24 hours pissed off my HOA badly enough they had her tresspassed from the entire subdivision and any properties related (golf course, gym and pool).

Location B is SO's apartment. SO had her tresspassed from it after she used FSD's key to let herself into his apartmemt. Since he as an individual had the citation issued it is only good for HIS address. His apartment complex would have to ban her from the premesis and SO nor they feel the need for them to step in at this point.

Per the attorney, who did send another letter to her attorney, the letter of the law reads she can not go into SO's apartment or be on the door step of. The warning does not prevent her from dropping the kids off in the parking lot and then leave. Attorney did warn her that if she did not drop the kids on Sunday evening then she would be in violation of something: the CO, and that she would find herself back in court, back in front of the same judge that has already ripped her a new a$$ twice now.