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Subpoena's all around.

SASX's picture

An update.

Apparently BM has stepped in it. The IT is a big pile of sh1t that she began stirring quite some time ago.

SO's attorney called the attorney that issued his and my subpoenas. Apparently BM has had an RO against her, that she is not to contact this gentleman, for several months. This is the 2nd time she has violated it. First time she got a notice to appear and had to pay a fine. This time they are attempting to lengthen the duration of the RO to permanent and get jail time.

SO's attorney will be going with us to court next month, where according to the issuing attorney the sum total of questions that will be asked of us is: Have you yourself, or someone acting on behalf had to take protective action against (insert BM name here). In SO's case he has to answer yes. My side is a gray area. I did not take out the trespass warning, my HOA did because she was being an ass to the guards.

So far the people that we know of that have been issued Subpoenas:
My HOA president!
The two cops that wrote the trespass citations

They also apparently have a ream of two of emails BM has sent to this gentleman, after the RO was in place that he never replied to. Ten of the emails have come in since she was arrested and spent the night in jail.

I have a feeling this is not going to end well for her.

Oh, the skids are clueless. BM told them she went out with friends, got too drunk to drive home and stayed the night with a friend.

How sad/ out of control does your life have to be when telling your kids "I was too drunk to take care of my parental responsibilities" is a better excuse than the truth?
