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O/T anyone with pet issues as stressors? (long)

Need2Breathe's picture

So I came into this relationship with Somewhat Hyper Hound Dog and Mellow Dog ( hound and choc lab). SO brought Psycho Dog (Pitt Bull/Boxer mix) into the deal after BM "couldn't handle" Psycho Dog that she and SD now14 had adopted as a pup. So for the first 6 months, Psycho Dog, by virtue of breed I assume, likes no other dogs and attacked both of my dogs repeatedly, and there were many occassions where I was physically hurt (scrapes, bites, bruises) trying to break up dog fights. Another time, Psycho Dog attacked Mellow Dog while SD12 was sitting on the floor petting Mellow Dog. Uh hello - that was YOUR CHILD in the crossfire there! Psycho Dog also attacked three of my neighbors dogs, one of which I was certain was going to get the authorities involved. (kind of wish it had come to that now Wink .). So at dinner one night, I bring up this latest incident at a 'family' (I use that term loosely) dinner, stating that it is probably only a amatter of time before cops come to get Psycho Dog and should we act rather than react. SD14 (then 12) gets her 'hate face' on because she perceives I am being negative about her dog. Long manifestos, authored by BM, ensue about how sensitive SD14 is about Psycho Dog. Funny, who feeds Psycho Dog every day and takes him to the vet and makes sure he can't get out and attack any more neighbors' dogs? Yes, yours truly. While SD14 is totally put out if you even ask her to feed the dogs. AND yours truly owns this pineapple so who is the one who will get sued in the end after the next altercation?

Sadly, Melllow Dog passed a year ago and since then Hound Dog and Psycho Dog have reached their equilibrium. So last fall, I felt like I was ready for another dog. SO says "well Psycho Dog generally does well with small dogs so let's just avoid bigger dogs.". At SO's total suggestion and buy in, we adopt two pups. Gonna be small. 15-20 lbs max. After the holidays/kennels, I tell SO - "Psycho Dog is looking psycho - let's keep him separate from pups for a while." Two days later, SO ignores my warning and Psycho Dog clamps my 10-week old pup's head in his jaws and SO has to beat Psycho Dog in the head to make him let go. I get home and learn of this. Pup has a gash along his face and is quivering and terrified. Vet etc.

Me - okay maybe we need to re-open a conversation about Psycho Dog
Him - well then we should talk about Hound Dog too
Me - how so?
Him - I'll get rid of psycho dog if you get rid of hound dog
Me - I think we should separate these issues. Hound Dog can be annoying from a lifestyle point of view (barks, high energy), but he does not represent an imminent liability or danger to other pets or kids caught as collateral damage
Him - regardless, we just can't get rid of Psycho Dog because SD14 will be upset.

Fast Forward - SO moving out this weekend. "Well no landlord wants to accept Psycho Dog". (duh!)

Later - "I am going to send Psycho Dog to boot camp and if they can't fix him, I'll tell them to just keep him."

A) does it really work like that? And
Dirol why didn't you do this 2 years ago?



Need2Breathe's picture

Thanks for the reply. Psycho Dog is a sweet dog to humans and generally can lay around all day and behave. I agree that the owner needs to be part of any training effort - I think SO is thinking he can avoid that effort and time investment and just throw money at the problem and the dog will just magically come back 'fixed'.

Still, why didn't he take some steps long ago? Find him a single dog home with someone who will make the time investment in him? All he ever did was put another latch on the gate to make sure the dog didn't get out and run loose in the neighborhood. I know it's not the dog's fault - it was SO's guilt regarding SD that kept him from doing anything.

For now,
1- I am grateful that dog is out of my house and I don't have to worry about my other dogs' safety.
2- I am relieved I do not have the liability exposure anymore
3- whatever happens next, SO is going to have to take responsibility for it and SD can't blame me anymore.