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Oops, my filter went on the fritz

ITB2012's picture

[Background: We got a second dog. It wasn't working. I had talked to DH several times about getting the dog assessed for aggression and get it more training. Nothing. Had to tell DH that either he find a new place for the dog or I was taking back to the shelter by X date. DH got BM to take the dog since it had started to bond with YSS. When she said yes, he fell all over himself getting the dog assessed and taking it to extra classes on his time and his dime. So, there's a bit of a bad history when that dog comes up. ---and not the dog's fault, he's actually a great dog when he's the only pet though he's still aggressive with the vet.]

I gave our dog a bath today. DH saw me doing it and wondered aloud when the last time the dog at BMs house had had a bath. Then suggested that perhaps he tells BM that the next time YSS comes he should bring the dog so we can make sure it gets a bath.

I have been sooooooo good about just making non-commital noises but my filter must have shorted out and I said:

"If it hasn't worked with the skids [DH getting them to bathe here], we're not gonna do it with the dog."



Monkeysee's picture

I’m with STaround on this one, I would have been a lot more aggressive that that. Your DH is something else.

hereiam's picture

Perhaps your husband can go over to BM's and give the dog, and his kids, baths from now on.

CLove's picture

OMG. That made me laugh!!!!

I have a 13 yo sd and we always joke that she is saving us money on water. ugh. Like really thats not funny anymore.