Maybe I am over reacting? (long)
The situation is this: My SD have behavioral issues, and I think my husband isnt strict enough to set the point that there are some things that ARE NOT GOOD!!!! and if you do it it will bring consequences.
I talk to him many times and he said he will try to be more strict and stick to his word, but honestly I dont think is happening...
He punish her? yes... but one day later is like he forgot about it...
Last year after a series of bad things (run away from home, lying about staying with her gmother and spending teh night in some lady house, lying multiple times, talking back, etc, etc, etc) we took away her phone, she said "she doesnt even care cause that phone is a piece of crap", we took away from her any posible thing, internet, phone, tv, but is like she doesnt even care! she was still acting unrespectfully, talking back like if she were going to get paid for being that bad!!!
I dont want to sound unfair I would like to say that we have our nice moments but she always mess them with any crappy comment or any awfull attitude. She seems to like me sometimes but as soon I set rules and try to put order the monster in her go out...
This year she went away for summer vacations, and came back home better, but that last as long as she had the new computer with her (she work on summer and buy herself a nice laptop), she looks happier and nice, and of course i was happy for her, but i was also concern about what is going on internet so my husband try to put limits on it, parental controls, and she just freak out! again the monster come up...
So...when we finally had access to her laptop my husband discover inapropiate things in her computer (really BAD BAD things!, that include lying once and again and again and even going out under lies)) and confront her with it, at first she even had the nerve to denied it.... but she was busted! so he said "you loose all your computer privileges" you will think that her attitude could be regretfull.... WRONG! she still acts demanding, like she never ever did anything wrong!.. and even ask for unlock the computer because she needs "her music" and when I say "ask" I am not being accurate she DEMANDS IT... and what does my DH? unlock the computer and give it to her!!!!, at this point is like HELLO????! WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE PUNISHMENT?! he said there are two ways to deal with this: 1 being really strict and just punish her (i would like to say FOR LIFE!!!) or being loving and still punish her... he decided he want to go for the second way cause he doesnt want to push her away because they already have not the best relationship... so now she still can have the computer it have parental controls but my point is that he said she can have it for HOMEWORK not for listen music.. but she demands and he obeys.
I mean I TRY to understand but I had been raise different if I talk back to my parents I will just not survive... and she talks back awfully!!!! and sometimes he doesnt even notice it...
He acts more strict when I am angry for his pasive attitude, but as soon I am ok he forgets, she have chores that she does when she wants...
and the thing that make me decided to write today was this... she hadbeen sick coughing and feeling bad s she didnt went to school today.... but today was teh back to school day and as soon her dad say i am comming she said I am cpmming too! i was like.. :O you are sick remember? adn I told my husnad isnt she sick? he said yes but i took her to teh doctor, and they gave her medecine, and also she needs to join her teacher so they give her the homework...i was like not even believing it!!! i ask him what if they will not have this back to school day how she will get her homework???.... he said I dont know.. so he and the sick girl went to school... amazing eh?! so she is sick enough for not attending to school but is not sick to go and play around in back school night???
he ask me if i wanna go i say NO.. i just cant support that action... so 2 hours later they bring me cookies from school...
So am I over reacting when I ask for a more strict way from him? I will accept all the advices..
(No subject)
That sounds like things here
That sounds like things here in our household. There are not really any concequences for the kids actions. I keep telling my husband that the kids will continue to talk back and misbehave if they do not get punished so he has actually started punishing my SS13 more but the BM does not punish at all so it seems to do no good to punish here when they go to their other home and then come back here with the same smart attitudes. Example...the BM took the cell phones away and the kids *13and 16 kept saying they hated her and were going to leave to live with dad so she gave the phones back. What kind of punishment is that?? So then the kids come here and think they can talk and act the same way, dad feels he can't punish b/c the kids won't want to stay here b/c they get to do whatever they want at the BM's house. I keep telling him they still need to have consequences for their actions here, he needs to be the dad, not another friend. In the long run they will remember that and love and respect him more for it.
But for now I don't have the answers and wish I did.
BTW...I have only been married for 2 years so I am just starting all this fun stuff! I hear it gets better after 7 years.
NO you are not over reacting at all!!!!!!!!!