How do we approach this issue??????
I'm looking for advice on how to handle a conversation that DH and I feel needs to happen between us and SS13 and SD13. A little background...
DH and BM have been divorced for over 10 years. They share SS13 and SD 13 together. There is no other children in the picture. The relationship between DH and BM has been like a roller coaster. Sometimes they get along, and others not so much...basically the reason they aren't married. When it comes to the kids, both are actively present in their lives. DH has had the same job for 15 years. BM has had multiple (10+) jobs in the last ten years, none all that steady until recently. BM FINALLY finished school to better herself, and we applauded her for that. She is now making double the money that she was, which was what prior child support was calculated off of. After speaking with her, it was decided to reevaluate the child support. We came to an agreement and got the paperwork written up. After 6 weeks of having the paperwork, and her agreeing multiple times to sign it, we finally got her to bring the paperwork back, which ended in an argument between her and DH.
BM is under the impression that child support is only for the housing and clothing of the children. We carry insurance on the kids, and also provide clothing and other items for them at our own house, along with paying child support. We try to do activities with the kids (zoo, children's museum, etc.) to spend quality time with the kids. We get them the majority of their breaks, and all summer as well. During this argument, BM accused DH of being a bad father. Stating that the kids don't like coming to our home, that they are scared of DH, that we don't do enough for them, that the only reason that the kids come to our home is because of what we have there, etc. DH may be a lot of things, but bad father is not one of them. The kids never want to do anything, they have very few interests, and usually complain about whatever we take them to do, regardless of what it is.
I know it hurt DH deeply to think that the kids might actually feel that way. When they are at our house, they don't really do much, but they don't avoid us either. They are typical teenagers, and like to relax. During the warmer winter, we encourage them to be more active and are active with them. We are considering sitting down with both kids and just saying this is what we were told, and we want to know how you really feel. Is that pushing the boundaries with the children? We don't want them to feel as if we are bad mouthing their mother, but if there is a legitimate problem, we would like to do all we can to fix the problem. We do our absolute best not to put the kids in the middle of things and not to bad mouth their mom around them. We don't want our relationships with the kids to be ruined, but we also don't want them to have a bad opinion of us based on them only hearing one side of the issue. Just because we both have steady jobs and save money does not make us solely responsible for their care, and we hold her accountable for some of it also. We pay $700 a month in child support. We have the kids at least 1/3 of the time, if not more. I don't think they understand we are not responsible for everything just because she can't get her life together.
I would start the
I would start the conversation with them with NO MENTION of their mother. Just a discussion with them about their feelings and, IMO while kids don't need a breakdown of household finances, teens are old enough to be told, point blank, your father supports you via CS.
DH had a big issue with me and this but really, the older skids live in a crappy area (out of state). Sorry. That is where your kids(plus mom, grandma, uncle and great grandma) lives. I have *always* lived with my bios in middle to upper middle class 'burbs. So I am sorry DH that you and BM can't provide the type of lifestyle you think your kids should have - BUT - my kids and I will not go without so that you can send additional money you do not have to your kids so that you can soothe your conscious.
My cousin watched her husband suffer through losing his son all because he was living a less than stellar life with BM while his dad and stepfamily "lived it up". His dad was sending $1200/mo for cs!!!!!!
He finally sat him down and showed him where he had been sending this money to BM every month. But by then, she had poisoned his mind enough against his father, over money.
Thanks for the advice. I
Thanks for the advice. I agree with no mention of their mother. I also agree that they are old enough to understand their father supports them through CS. I think the kids know their mom gets child support, but don't realize how much it is. I definitely think the root of this argument is money, and the fact that she doesn't have any. My DH and his family have come from money, but have also worked hard to keep it. I don't feel like it is our responsibility to pick up her slack, but I also don't want the kids to suffer. I think it is hard to come to the realization that no matter how well we think we are doing with the kids, they may never truly understand everything we do for them.
Thank you so much! I also
Thank you so much! I also think a lot of the comments made were just to get to DH. BM has never truly recovered from having a failed marriage, and I think it is hard for her to see him have a functional one with someone else. She has the tendency to over dramatize things, and we've always known that. We just don't want the kids to resent us because of lies they are told.
You hit the nail on the head!
You hit the nail on the head! I come from a split family, and completely understand what it feels like to be stuck in the middle. I know there is already turmoil between BM and SD13. They fight all of the time. I also know that SD13 likes to play both sides and will say what she thinks you want to hear to get what she wants, like most kids do.
After the argument BM and I
After the argument BM and I just had, I'm pretty sure what she said about the kids is complete BS. I have kept my mouth shut for years...this time she wanted to bring me into it. I was not mean, but firm in my opinion. Hopefully I didn't make it worse for DH and Skids in the end.