What is going on?
So, the brief history is: the bio mom cheated for years on my guy, went on out of state trips, even taking the children with her to screw some new internet guy, scheduled plastic surgery unbeknownst to my guy until he was called last minute to come get her after the second implant procedure (and subsequently, paying thousands for a surgery he did not even know about), she would go crazy, yelling at her kids if they did not set the table or clean to her standards, even threatening to kick out the elementary school children, had thrown a frying pan and other items across the kitchen in a fit of rage, sucked the account dry repeatedly to keep up her shopping habits, forged my fiancee's name to get several credit cards and then finally decided to leave and wiped out his entire bank account, taking most all of the furniture, dishes, etc with her..these are just some of the highlights of this trashy bimbo.
Long story short, we are still having problems with her (no surprise) and just last week she told one of the kids that she still owned our home, that she was paying our bills, including the vehicle payment and all kinds of crazy wild statements that are unbelievable! She is still raking in all kinds of money with cashing in her half of the retirement, getting a ton in spousal support, child support and of course is lying to state now that she is working and saying she only works a couple of hours a week, when she is telling my guy and the kids that she is working 60 hours a week (bartending). She also has some boy toy living with her that is working and they are constantly going out to eat, buying furniture, buying big screen tv after tv..and here we sit, broke because of all the money he pays HER (his hours got cut after the divorce and FIA said come back after you work those hours for one yr-yes we have already been back to court about this)..so, we are struggling big time.. She is doing great, and has the gall to fabricate all this stuff that she pays our bills and owns this house in order to make her ex look like a bad guy to his kids. Then this week, as usual, she is still asking for a variety of stuff she did not take when she left years ago. My fiancee said she was actually pleasant for a change this time and since she keeps calling him, he is pretty sure she is having regrets about everything she is done. I was dumbfounded. I know he has no interest in her, but because for once in two years, she was pleasant (now that he gave her back a few more items she did not take previously), that he seems to think she wants him back or something. So, not only do we have to deal with this nutjob, I have a big feeling my fiancee is trying to boost his ego or something.
She sounds just horrible if
She sounds just horrible if you ask me!!Sounds like amybe your guy is trying to lighting your stress about her when he tells you she was pleasent for once!!I know how you feel I deal with a nutjob everyday of my life and it never goes away--honestly to be completely honest with you if I knew this is the way it would be i would of never married and left... but once you fall in love it is a little to late for that action... just try ot be kind to the crazy bm and know that your guy will never take her crazyness back trust me!! He loves you and only you and her being nice to him is her way of trying to upset you in her sick little mind...dont show anything bothers you to her opr the kids or she she will have gotten what she wanted!! good luck to you!
Thank you so much! Your
Thank you so much! Your comments and insight are exactly what I needed. You are so right and I thank you so very much for your response! : )