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Partners Ex Wife Mental Illness causing issues with their son & our relationship

Ava999's picture

Hi Everyone,

I am finding things really difficult right now, my partners ex wife has had mental illness which caused the breakdown of their marriage two years ago and she walked out on him & their son. There have been repeated issues over the years and this has caused major issues with their son who is now 9 and his behaviour. I have found it very difficult since we have been involved over the past year with not knowing where we stand and trying to make plans for our future. She seemed to be getting better and took their son back to share the parenting a few months again and when it came to signing the new legal documents, she started to hint that she was sorry their marriage was over. She knows we are very happy.

She was hospitalised again about 4 weeks ago and my partner & their son have been to visit her twice. She was due to be released from hospital yesterday and my boyfriend got a call to say she was only being released for the weekend and she requested that he come and collect her & return to hospital the next day, he explained they were separated but again another call from the hospital today to ask him to come. It is so hard as I feel she may be trying to damage our relationship which is difficult. He has agreed to collect her but she has been really underhand with trying to get more maintenance even thought she agreed.

I cannot help but feel resentful for the situation I find myself in. We love each other every much but with this pattern of behaviour I am not sure I can continue with things.

Any advice ? I have tried so hard to build a relationship with his son but with he has lashed out at members of my family, makes unreasonable demands from my boyfriend and is very selfish & greedy. My boyfriend is so kind to him but the situation is getting worse instead of better.


Auteur's picture

Dear, RUN RUN RUN!!! Find a nice man with no children. Even a crazy ex is tolerable when there are no ties that bind (aka children)

Ava999's picture

Thanks for the advice, its impossible now and I am just finding it hard to make the break even though I know this is the best option for me.


beyond pissed-off's picture

My question is where she will be staying when she is "out." If the hospital seems to think that he is responsible for her then clearly she has not shared with them what her true life situation is.

Ava999's picture

The hospital know the full situation, unfortunately her mother wanted her off her meds and her family don't seem to want to deal with the fact she is mentally ill. This has caused the current situation, he collected her this morning and dropped her home and her parents and bringing her back tomorrow. There just seems no end to any of this, every time we think we will catch a break, there is more drama. Don't know what to do !!!!!!!!

Ava999's picture

I left him today, I am devastated but just cannot see a happy healthy future with a family of our own