My First Post, sorry so long
I just joined because I am really at the end of my rope and I just can't take it anymore. My bf's ex is driving me crazy.
When we first meet she liked me and we would all do things together. However, once she realized how close the bf and I were getting she has done whatever she can to make our lives a living hell.
I have to list this out because I am so extremely frustrated:
- She does whatever she wants with the kids on the weekends and doesn't ask for permission to have them when it is our time.
- Constantly calls and texts my bf about what a horrible father he is and how I shouldn't be around the kids because I "play mom"
- Forces us to talk to her at sporting events and pretends everything is so wonderful
- Doesn't let us take the kids during holidays
- Doesn't get a job and lives solely off the child support
- Takes the kids out of state without bf's permission
- Throws a fit if we want to take the kids to see his out of state to see family
- Doesn't inform us of any medical or school records (my favorite was that SS7 was going to get his tonsils and adenoids’ out and she didn't tell us. We heard it from the kids!)
- And my newest favorite is a few days ago she served bf with a modification to the divorce asking for primary custody, stating he is never around for the kids and asking for $500 more a money in child support
I just can't take this damn BM. She is married has a son with the man and is expecting another child but she can't just let my bf go. She is upset as they are no longer "friends" since we have become serious. She claims they are no longer friends because of my involvement with the children. In reality it is her constant bi-polar behavior and a man can only take so much "you are a terrible father" and "your a glorified babysitter" before you just can't have a friendship with them any longer.
I thought that this would go away after a while. After she realized that I am going to be a part of the children’s lives and that my ex won't be friends with her but she can't seem to grasp that concept.
The bf is going to be countering her asking for her to actually follow through with the parenting agreement and give him the information regarding the medical and school records. However, I know this is going to be a long battle and she isn't going away anytime soon. I am really to the point where I am pretty sure she will still find ways to bother the hell out of us after the children are adults.
My bf's two sons are the best boys I could ever ask to be future SS (SS7 and SS9). They are very considerate, understanding, they listen to both of us, and we have mutual respect for one another.
I am not really sure what to do at this point. I love my bf with everything I am and sometimes I feel like I love the boys. When she causes problems like this I start to resent the SS for having such a horrible and unappreciative mother. I don’t treat them any different because I have the sense to know they certainly did not pick her to be their mother and NONE of this is their fault but I even find myself from time to time resenting bf for ever being with her.
I am worried that these feelings are ultimately going to come between my bf and his sons. I do my best to control my feelings but all this stress has started taking a physical toll on me. I love him but at what point do you say "I love me more"?
Welcome to the board and
Welcome to the board and congrats on your first blog.
A couple of things for you to consider. Her bipolar disorder is driving her behaviour and she will continue to fluxuate (spelling???) for a long, long time to come.
The key to managing a spouse/exspouse/family member with bipolar is educating yourselves. They think in black and white, no grey zone.
I would get the books "Stop Walking on Eggshells" and "Divorce Poison".
A further resource is the website "The Psycho Exwife" (Actually, I can't stress this site enough for those dealing with mentally unstable exes).
Start by reading the Low/No Contact section. The guys who run this site are very knowlegable and give great advice even if it hurts.
Hope to read more of your blogs and good luck.