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CAS is ridiculous + end of full custody + BM sucks. (What else is new?)

sammmx's picture

So basically BM wasn't lying the last time she came to get the kids and informed us that CAS had re-established her rights as the custodial parent. Finally, after 2-3 weeks of ignoring our phone calls a caseworker called us back. Turns out our original caseworker went on maternity leave early and it took a while for them to transfer our case over to someone else. Thanks for keeping us in the loop, CAS! Basically they closed their case on BM, she passed her 6 weeks of drug testing, she got a job and her house passed home inspection... so they're satisfied. She can do whatever the hell she wants now/again. Amazing really, I had no idea it was possible to kick a 5+ year opiate addiction in 6 weeks. But what do I know, hey?

So as I wrote before BM kept the kids Monday night against our wishes. We didn't hear from her all day Tuesday until she texted me at 3pm (half an hour before I would have had to go and pick up SS9). This was how our conversation went:

BM: Hi this is BM... just wondering what your plans were for picking up the boys?
Me: I have no idea what the pan is as we haven't heard from you all day and you didn't mention anything last night.
Me: Where is SS2? I can grab them.
BM: Nevermind, I'll pick them up.
BM: He's at daycare as I was scolded for wasting your guys money by keeping him with me...
BM: I realise what you're dealing with is not easy but I'm not comfortable with my boys witnessing you being emotionally abused by him... That's why I got out of there 3 years ago and now they are dealing with it anyway because I fucked up and ended up needing to ask him to help with taking care of them.
Me: I really don't want to be in the middle of this. I care alot about SS2 and SS9 and I want nothing but the best for them, but this is something you and BF need to deal with. They are not my children and I can't make any decisions regarding them.
BM: Okay I will talk to him. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving and providing for my babies. You may never truly know how deeply appreciated you are. Thankyou.

So when BF got home later I asked him if BM got ahold of him after she was talking to me and she had. I guess she called him up and told him that boys "told her" they don't want to live with us anymore. BF told her that if SS9 didn't want to come here anymore (not biologically BF's son) then that was fine, he didn't have to, but he still wanted SS2 to come every other week as previously arranged. She agreed to this and I guess that was that. We had a bit of a chuckle about the 'emotional abuse' comment because she always likes to pretend she knows exactly how our relationship functions and is convinced I must have it as shitty as she apparently did. Ha.

So anyway, for the first time since March we have had no children this entire week and I can honestly say this has been the BEST week I have had in SO long. I'm so content, not stressing, just relaxing and worrying about me. And BF has been so sweet to me, making me dinner, holding my hand and cuddling with me while we watch TV. It makes me dread the return of the SKids. Lol. Oh well, I think I will be able to tolerate them (well, I guess its more just going to be HIM) a hell of alot more on a biweekly basis. Plus SS2 has always been easier to manage without SS9 in the picture. So fingers crossed BM keeps her word and keeps organized.


ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

According to my SO exwife she knows how my SO abuses me and SD16 told her how she has heard him hitting me "flesh on flesh". Right bitch....I have absolutely NO idea when that happened. If it did happen I sure as hell was not there!

Lalena75's picture

Or BM is already feeding him crap, but like op said he's not her bf's kid.
I'd like to hope BM got her shit together, one it's be good for her not to be a waste to society, kids deserve a sober mom, and maybe clean she can decently co-parent only time will tell.

Stepcop's picture

Yeah, because kids never make things up, nary taking her story at face value. You missed the point of the post anyway.

midnyt's picture

Hang on, nothing in the OP's post says anything to me about SS talking to BM about abuse, it read more to me like BM was assuming sammyx was going through the same thing she went through (or thinks she did).