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why is it so hard

sarahbernheart's picture

My BF is very upset that I will not let him move in with me. He got custody of his 13 yr old. the BM kicked him out cuz she was afraid of him
That was 4 years ago and this boy is a mess. My BF has such guilty dad syndrome that he refuses to follow thru with anything. Will make excuses for K. He will tell K to do this or that and if K doesnt do it..he ignores it till it bothers him again.
This nearly 18 yr is a bum. He drinks (beer, liquor) smokes like a chimney has sex (all the time) doesnt pick up after himself stays out till all hours, no job and has a 9th grade education. Cusses all the time and respects nothing and no one- Oh and he has a hardcore band that practices every week at BF house. (they are TERRIBLE) and that is not an exaggeration! My BF thinks that his son needs a good "family view" and that if we move in together K will get that..I said to him NO Way..I have 2 BS of my own and they are well mannered men. Not to say they are perfect but they are going to college and respect me and my home. My BSs said that they would not let K do whatever he wants and would not put up with his crap..If my BF son and my sons got into a yelling match or worse how could there ever be a good outcome? Whenever I try to give advice I am shut out, I am told that I dont understand or that my BF has tried that or K will just have to learn the hard way. I told him I can not bring K into my house and cause chaos - I like my little happy world and not looking forward to fighting with BF about his son or fighting with his hateful kid.
I feel selfish but to tell the truth my ex treated me with anger and hate and all kinds of nasty language I will not take it from a punk kid.
I know BF is dissappointed but I fear if they move in - it will be the end of us..and I do love him.

sarahbernheart's picture

I know this is the same topic I posted on an earlier forum but I am new to this... be kind!

Angel's picture

or three times about letting him in. It sounds like your wonderful home would no longer be. Once the "child" is on his own, then consider it.

sarahbernheart's picture

that his BS needs a family and that if we are not together in one house it will be hard to make him understand the importance of what a family is. I know he wants what is best for his son, but I told him if K does not want it then how can he make him want it.. K has not once made an effort to show any desire to live with me and my boys. BF insists that living together is the right hurts to see him hurt but I am standing firm and all your comments have been a tremondous help I am so happy to have found this site!!

Sasha's picture

He and his son are also a family, and if he hasn't been able to teach his son the importance of family before, moving in with you won't do it either.

I don't blame you one bit for not wanting them to move in with you. I would not want my home to be disrupted by a disrespectful punk either.

It's time for dad to stop with the guilty father syndrome and reign in his son's behavior. As long as dad continues to not provide discipline or guidance, his son will be nothing but a loser for the rest of his life.

sarahbernheart's picture

is that he will realize that K is an adult and WAY past wanting anything but what K wants. And that he will either straighten him out -kick him out or they both can live happily ever after with each other. It is nice to hear from other "stepparents" that I am doing the right thing. Love is a wonderful thing but so is my sanity and my peace!
I have to say I am sleeping guilt free lately!