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What exactly is my role as a stepmom and wife? I need some unbiased opinions please!

stepparent4's picture

My husband has a nine year old son from his prior marriage. Together we have a four month old. My husband has a rotating visitation schedule with the BM (every other weekend and holiday and every thursday night) with a first right of refusal-meaning that if the parent of the child cannot be with him for over 5 hours then that parent has to give the other parent an option to have their child with them.

My husband works in an environment where his schedule is very erratic and changes constantly working at all hours of the night, weekends and holidays. He cannot keep up to the visitation schedule and expects me to pick up where he cannot. For example: He is to pick up his son tonight at 6pm and keep him overnight until tomorrow at 6pm. Well, my husband works from noon today until 3am and he expects me to pick up his son at the BM's house and keep him overnight. My husband will get in at 3am, sleep until 11am tomorrow and then by the time his son goes home he would have only spent a few hours with him. What is the point when he is not spending time with his son?

My husband gets upset when the BM does not abide by the "first right of refusal" and sends his son off to the grandparents while she works. But when it is my husband's turn to follow the rules he expects me to lie about it and take on full responsibility for his son. I help him with his homework, take him and pick him up from school, schedule doc's visits for him, etc. He takes NO responsibility at all for him. Again, my husband thinks because I don't work an actual job that I am a stay at home mom and can do all of this. I have a better relationship with his son than he does! But my husband tells me that he works a lot and pays all the bills (mind you I have school loans, scholorships and financial aid coming in and earn just as much going to school as I would working part time)so it is my duty to help him out. He just wants to go to work and not worry about the house stuff, come home be served his meals. He thinks because he makes 8,000 a month that it is ok to expect this.

Now, I love my step son however, I go to school full time, take care of our 4 month old, our dog, the house and his son. I clean up after all of them, take care of myself and have a full time schedule with school. I am my husband's secretary. I take care of EVERYTHING for him down to making his appointments, telling him what days he has his son because he doesn't even know his own visitation schedule, replacing his used razors with new ones, picking up and dropping off his drycleaning etc.

He threatens me that if I cannot help him out and continue to do my "part" then I will have to put my son in a daycare, quit school, and go back to work (at 10/hour)and I only have a h.s. diploma. ALL of my family is out of state and I have no one here to help me. I wanted to hire a nanny to watch our son so I can go to school but then he places strong restrictions on that which only leaves me to hire help to come to our house which is so expensive. Then he complains about the money being spent if I hire someone to come to the house!

Ugh, So I need an opinion from the outside as to what to do about all of this. I did not sign up for this and I feel like I need to go to school and get my education so I can work and find a job that pays better than 10/hour to help support us. (mind you my husband lost his job four years ago and it was I who set school aside to work full time to support us until he got back on his feet)

smileygirl's picture

Wow! I was very interested in the responses to this one because I too am asked to take on the role of mother to everyone in the world while DH considers working his job enough but with Kris...that's nuts. It may just be the way that I'm reading it sounds like he is expecting far too much of you and is incredibly controlling and/or manipulative.

I would take a step back and stop being his maid, mom, gal friday, etc. and discuss wiht him that you are happy to be his "partner" in life but not his servant in it. It's time for dad to stepup and be a dad.

Jsmom's picture

He sounds very controlling. Way too much for me. We have first right of refusal and we can't do what you are doing. His telling you to lie is wrong. If you get caught by BM you risk losing visitation this way. I wouldn't do things like this for SS. I work from home and we have 50/50. So I do have to be here for SS, but I do not do anything for him unless I want to. DH even comes home at lunch and makes sure his son has lunch. He does all the extra curriculars and the grocery shopping when we have his kid.

You are doing too much with too many restrictions.

Also, why would you let someone control you like this? Step back and realize that we show people how to treat us. Me I would be gone, if DH acted like this. Blending is hard enough if both parents are good to each other, but if they are not, it makes it hell.

stepparent4's picture

So I am not being selfish when I tell him that his son is HIS responsibility, not mine? My husband tells me that we work as a team but I feel like I have all my responsibilites of myself, my son, my dog and the least he could do is be responsible for himself and his son. SS does have a mother! I feel guilty sometimes becuase his son is such a good kid but its the principle behind all of it. SS love me and I love him. But I want to go to school and finish my degree and my husband is making it damn near impossible. And now that I have a newborn it has opened my eyes to just how F'd I really am. I feel like I am being used and controlled in a nonchalant way and how the hell do I get out of it?

Jsmom's picture

My answer is to leave, you may not want that, but I would not be living with someone this controlling. This kid is not your responsibility...enough said.

skylarksms's picture

Here's a line you can use that *I* always thought was great:

"*I* was not the one who thought it was a good idea to stick a penis in BM."

THEY made the child. The child is ultimately THEIR responsibility. If your H cannot get this through his head, then he is just a controlling jackass.

stepparent4's picture

lol Well, that is one way of putting it! But I have to do this the smart way. I should call his bluff, refuse to take responsibility for his son. If I have to go back to work then I go back to work. At least i'll have a job to support myself. Any idea how much I would get for child support in Florida? And alimony?

BSgoinon's picture

I come from a situation where I do take care of SS when DH is at work, even when he is out of town for work, several days at a time (which is often). .... BUT, and this is a HUGE BUT... it is MY CHOICE. DH gave me the choice to have SS stay with his mom (who is unfit) or I would keep him. I choose to keep him. If you are not given the choice, that is not right. He does sound controlling. And NO, it is not selfish of you to not want to be responsible for your stepchild when he is not around.

stepparent4's picture

I agree, having that choice is a big principle factor. I get upset because I feel like a slave for them. I literally have to take care of everything for my SS and my H or things don't get done-the laundry, the cooking (they cannot even make eggs!) the cleaning, etc. Forget asking my husband to change a diaper or feed the baby or walk the dog when he is whining to go out. I don't get sleep (he doesn't understand why I am tired all the time) and on top of all that i'm supposed to be steller in bed and be ready for when he wants sex. And if I don't perform he pouts like a child. If I didn't have to take care of two children and one "big" kid then I would feel rested, ready to be the trophy wife. Oh, and he doesn't understand why I don't have the energy to workout to lose my babyweight I gained. lol Typing this and going over all this in my head I feel like an arse. I'm only 34 and I feel 54.