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I think I may explode!!!!!

uwouldtry's picture

I have been a step mom for over ten years, and the judge that did the custody battle for my husband was not in his right mind. He (mind you, over ten years ago) left both parents with joint custody with no desiginated primary. My SS spends one week with us and one week with his mother, rotating. His schooling was designated to remain in the elementary school he was attending and every subsequent school thereafter. The ex decided to relocate to another county three years ago, but we kept him in the court ordered school, now this past summer we moved out of county also. Since both his mom and my husband work in the same town as his school, we didn't think it would be a problem with his school remaining as it was as stated in the court order. Unfortunately, we just found out when we went to get his new class schedule, that the ex disenrolled him from the school behind our backs and put him in the school for the county she moved too. She's refusing to change it back unless my husband takes her back to court(which we currently can't afford due to the move) and the school he was attending as court ordered is full, although they stated if we could get a new court they would see. Also, my husband called the school she tried to put him in, which is over an hour from our residence, and they said she would need a court order to put him in there. So she messed up both schools for him! And no one has the money right now for a lawyer! I'm just at a loss. I have had to deal with harrassing phone calls, her showing up at my husbands job to cry on his shoulder that I'm not the person he thinks I am and I have had enough.


uwouldtry's picture

I told him the same thing about getting the restraining order for his job, it would certainly make my life easier. When my husband and I were first together, she would try to tell me these horrible things about him which I brushed off, and now (10 years late) she's changed her game to trying to tell him things about me! The sad thing is the other person is always sooo inclined to listen! I don't know what it is, but I have this need to know! And I try to control myself from dropping to BM's level, but sometimes it's very hard. The latest (besides the school issue, is BM is trying to say that my youngest son with my husband isn't is!When does the other party ever grow up?

Most Evil's picture

Your DH needs to tell your BM to back off. Is there any way you can just talk to the judge yourself? (I have not actually done this but if you can't afford a lawyer like we can't either, I think it could be an option especially if you prepare very well!)

"It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?"
- Eleanor H. Porter (1868 - 1920), 'Pollyanna', 1912

stepmom2one's picture

So what are you to do now? He can't get into the old school becuz it is full, her county won't accept him?? Will your county accept him---BM may have no choice but to enroll him there (or agree to it). The kid has to enroll in school, right?

uwouldtry's picture

It may just come down to that! I can guarentee that BM would die before let that happen, she will spend every last dollar dragging us through court, and the sad thing is, I think she enjoys it all. BM has no reguard for SS (in my respect) except to make my husbands life miserable! ((and mine too))I feel BM uses SS as a tool.

stepmom2one's picture

It certainly sounds like it. The poor kid is getting put through all this just so BM can get a few jabs at DH.