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SD7 dobbing , has an attention span like a 4 year old and no attention if it's not about her....

oncechoosetosmile's picture

...and all the time.
This weekend she was so frustrating!!Whenever we have her a few days in a row and there is no school it starts frustrating me that SD can't exist without being in the centre of attention all the time.
We have 4 kids between us, 3 of mine and 1 of SO.Therefore SD was a single child with SO for years.
She constantly needs interaction with an adult- no activities fulfill her without being praised all the time.Every conversation she tries to change to be about her.All me, me, meeeeeeee and I , I , IIIIII.... And if any of the other children get some attention she gets pouty and especially mean to my 9 year old and tries to get him in trouble all the time.And tries to convince everybody around her that only she is a "good girl"!
And she speaks with that artificial chewy loud acting voice ,saying often complete non- sense things, probably because she likes the sound of her own voice and in order to ensure everybody should listen to her.
To make matters worse my boys had a ice hockey game on the weekend and everybody came to see them, which was enjoyable.First she immediately claimed how hungry she was even though we had lunch at home because she wanted junk from the counter.I told SO that we are not buying food every time we are in the hall after we just had lunch.The whole time SD was trying to get in front of everybody waving her stupid barbie like a 4 year old into everyones faces and speaking loudly about the barbie , the hair, whatever,so she got the attention not the boys.It didn't work since everybody wanted to watch the game so she ended up sitting like a baby on her grandfathers lap and claiming how bored she was.Bad luck.
The rest of the day she tried to get my son onto trouble because she was frustrated.I ignored her but it didn't help, she turned to anybody else to complain.
Please don't get me wrong, my boy is not perfect and they push each others buttons sometimes, but SD is a master manipulator in trying to get the adults to react to her and even give her more attention.
I have to say that SO stayed really firm with her and seems to look through her patterns, which helps me to ignore it instead of getting really drawn into it and reacting other than here.

luchay's picture

I can so relate!!

SS9 is the same. He has a sister (sd12) but I think because he is a more demanding child and she is pretty laid back he has ALWAYS been the centre of attention and if he is not OMG the lengths he will go to to get it!!

At first OH would jump in every time and start praising, go play with him, get him food, a drink whatever ploy he was using to demand that OH refocus his attention back on him. He spends any time when we are all together talking so loudly and always about himself that no-one else gets a word in. It still drives me insane but now I just ignore him when he is being obnoxious, and OH has realised what a little attention seeker he is and has started putting him back in his place. This helps me with the ignoring as it really got to me everytime ss would demand something to get OH's attention and OH would jump to it. Now OH will say "you are 9, you can get yourself a drink/banana whatever" or tell him that he has played basketball with him for an hour and now ss needs to find something to do for himself for a while or play with the girls as OH wants to spend some time with me.

It did get worse but ss has started to improve, he allows others to speak at the table now LOL and he doesn't always put himself between oh and I anymore.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Luchay,that is great that your OH also started to realise that SS should not get away with that behaviour.I also hoped that SD would improve simply because my SO is so great with her now, but we had the grand parents here for 8 weeks and many of the old patterns came back since they babied her though being well meaning and actually quite fair to the other kids.But that behaviour must be so ingrained in them that as soon there is a weakness from the adults they straight away start doing it, annoying:))

luchay's picture

Oh yeah, as soon as ss sees an opening to start acting up he takes it, but as I said we ignore for the most part and LOL on Saturday night we were all playing games and he was just going on and on and on - baby talk and ridiculous stuff, silly voices and "look at me" behaviours. OH and I ignored, SD12 told him to cut it out and grow up - I laughed on the inside!!!