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I'm losing it!

stressed-mom's picture

Alright.. I need some advice here before I absolutely lose my mind.
When I moved in with my fiance I had a 6 year old son and he has a 6 year old daughter. He has full custody of his daughter because her mom is a complete POS. BM has been arrested for drugs and prostitution. She does not pay child support and rarely seen her daughter when visitation was in place. I associate a lot of the behavioral problems to the lack of relationship with her mother. My SD is now 8 and I literally can not stand her. When her father is not around she argues, talks back, just straight up does whatever she pleases. She constantly takes things that do not belong to her. My bedroom is so cluttered with crap because I refuse to leave any thing laying around the house for fear she will either take it or break it. I work full-time. I am currently pursuing a degree. I also am pretty much the primary caregiver for my son and SD. I am so stressed over this. She lies ALL the time! about everything. I started a chore chart on the fridge and each kid is to do a simple chore after school and check it off. I noticed over the last week she has been erasing all of my sons check marks. why? I do not know. I catch her in his bedroom taking toys. She even took a tooth that he had lost at school. He put on his dresser to put under his pillow before bed and she went in there and took it. WHY?? She is so mean to him. I used to get upset because I did not understand why my son didn't want to play with her. Now I understand. She has broken or chewed on almost all of his toys and the ones that she hasn't she has tried to take as her own. She is so bossy. She is always trying to tell all the kids what to do. We had complaints of her taking other kids stuff at school last year. It was so embarrassing. To me she seems like a straight up bully and I do not get it. She is completely manipulative and has her grandparents wrapped around her finger. I am so fed up with this. The other morning I was in the bathroom getting ready for work at 6am (keep in mind kids do not have to wake up for another 1.5 hours and we have 2 bathrooms), she comes barreling through the bathroom door, shoves me into the sink, which cause me to drop my straight iron and burn myself, and then tells me to "get out". Whhhat!?! Who acts like that?
My fiance works a lot. He does deal with it when he gets home, but it keeps happening. This is a daily thing and it makes me not even want to be around her. She constantly reminds me that I am not her mother. It takes everything I have to not tell her to go live with her mother and see what happens.

Smomof3's picture

Spank her...I know people don't agree with it but you've talked to her, your husband has talked to her, you've punished her. Spank her butt like she's a little kid.

My SD was a holy terror and still is, but some things changed after one incident. I kept telling her Dad that she wasn't right, she had a sense of entitlement and that she was mean. I caught her in the bathroom with her brother in a choke hold pushed up against the sink...she was stabbing him in the butt and back with sharp eyebrown tweezers. I yanked her off, swatted her butt and put her in the corner. BM came unglued until he told her that she drew blood and it looked like a weird prison rape scene.

After that she knew I'd bust her butt and she knocked off alot of her crap.

Smomof3's picture

I should clarify that she was 7 at the time and her brother was 6. She drew blood through a pair of blanket PJ's with feet...that's how hard she was stabbing him. I also didn't beat her, I swatted her butt. With her you have to shock her out of her bad behavior and a swat on the butt does it for her. All kids are different my SS doesn't do well with spanking, he could care less.

Texas_Pete's picture

YEP,, this is the first thing that came to my mind.. I was spanked, my friends were spanked, my sisters were spanked,, my kids were spanked.. We all turned out just fine.. Sometimes you got to do what you got to do.. This garbage about how spanking is bad is exactly that,, garbage.. Spanking does NOT invoke fear,, it invokes consequences for their actions.. If they dont want to get spanked,, dont do ________.. I didnt fear my Dad,, my kids didnt fear me.. When it can time for punishment I was told why,, my kids were told why..

bearcub25's picture

Since the gparents are so in love with her, maybe they need to babysit when her Father is working. NOT YOUR JOB.

stressed-mom's picture

My fiance has spanked her. I have tried making her write essays, apologizes, etc. numerous times. I feel I've tried everything.

I love my fiance and she is a part of him. I do love her. I would do anything for her. I want to be a part of her life. I know she has never had a strong women figure in her life. I want to show her a different way. I DO NOT want her to grow up to be like her mother.

stressed-mom's picture

I just need to add the latest... Grandma watches the kids from 3pm when they get out of school until 5pm when I get home from work. Yesterday I come home from work and BS has huge scratch and bruise on side of his face. I ask him what happened and he said SD hit him. I ask "grandma" about this and she tells me that I need to have more understanding for SD because she is going through a lot (mother issues). I get it BM sucks, we all know this. Is she really going to use that excuse for the rest of her life. My BS father walked out when he was 8 months old. He has been raised basically by me alone. When he acts out do I blame it on father issues? No. BS is no angel. I know this. It just seems like the stuff he gets in trouble for is normal kid stuff. Whereas, SD gets in trouble for the most off the wall crap. Shes is just so rude and disrespectful. I just do not understand if it is some sort of disorder or what. I never imagined being brought to tears by a ruthless 8 year old, but here I am. I am counting down the days until she goes away for the weekend.