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Happy about, but jealous of, DH's good relationship with his Skids (my bio kids)

vera3's picture

This morning as I watched BS10 say "good morning!" brightly to DH , and then later heard DH say "Bye BS10!" as we left for school I felt two things: 1) So happy for DH and BS that they have a nice/positive relationship that they can both feel good about, and 2) Envious because my relationship with DH's kids is so crappy.

Has anyone else been in this situation and can relate?

I have emotionally disengaged from SS13 and SD9 because they treat me like a hired hand and nothing more (chauffeur, maid and cook).

Example: When I put food on the table for Skids, they NEVER say thank you. If I prompt with a "what do you say?" I get a sullen "thanks", so I stopped prompting them to say thank you. DH has talked to them about politeness and saying thanks when someone makes you a meal, but it is useless. Needless to say, by now I avoid making them meals!

Another example: When I drop all 3 kids off at school in the morning, in the past I tried to say bye to all of them, but Skids always just ignored me (get out of car and slam door without a backwards look). I mean, how many times can you say "bye!" to someone, they say nothing back and leave feeling stupid, before you just stop saying bye? I get to the point where I feel awkward saying "bye" to my own son as he gets out of the car because it just highlights that Skids just silently get out of car and slam the door behind them. Sad

I just wish my Skids didn't dislike me so much and didn't feel that to be nice to me would be disloyal to BM (who is our enemy through court battles and the usual crap that comes with having a pissed off BM who hates that a new wife came along).

Is anyone else in a similar situation at all?

Yme's picture

oh sister I will post on this later...going to dr appt now.....Im in this situation too.....Im trying to DISENGAGE.......