Boys arguing
My girlfriend and I have been together for 2 yrs and are truly in love with each other and couldn't be happier with one another. However after 2 yrs we split up for her saying she can't handle all 3 of our 8 yr old boys arguing and acting like brothers do. She says she needs to focus on her son and give him everything he needs. They have never once been neglected or treated badly by us. Her sons father is wealthy and gives him more than anything a boy could ask for only buying his love. Know she is trying to compete with him but we both know right know she can't. His dad wasn't in his life for the first 6 yrs and now gives him everything. She has told everyone she still loves me and doesn't want to end our relationship but has to for her son. What do I do
Ok ok. I may have made a
Ok ok. I may have made a mistake putting this on here as a first time person. Her and I were great and since we've seperated we've talked and done a couple things together. Neither one of us ever was close minded or opposing of ones ideas. They arguing or picking is between all 3 of them, it may have been between my 2 or hers and 1 of mine. It was comments about ones clothes, shoes, or who caught the biggest fish. The 3 of them were always in competition with 1 another to see who is the best. Every where you look in society it is to see who is the best at something. And my opinion is that if you aren't trying to be the best at whatever you do then why are you trying. If you have a sibling yourself and can tell me you never picked, tormented or made fun of them your a liar and your comments mean nothing.
I will say this, if she left
I will say this, if she left because of the fighting between the boys, it is obviously much worse for her than you. I can tell you what is happening. You are probably ignoring it because you think it's normal behavior & she can not. If it's bad enough for her to leave over it, then you have two choices: 1. Continue to ignore the actions of the children and have GF after GF after GF leave you because you don't handle situations. or 2. Do something about the kids behavior.
In my experience, just a little show of effort to keep her happy, will go a long way. Make sure the two of you agree on punishment for this type of behavior, then no matter who it is doing it, the punishment applies. If you two can't agree on how to handle the situation, GET OUT NOW!
Likely she is fighting back
Likely she is fighting back his wealth with time. She's smart in that as although the kid may remember he had a (whatever) toy when he was a kid he'll remember the trips she took him on or the help she gave him learning math with greater respect.
My ex-wife showered our kids with gifts on Christmas. I took them camping the next week. Guess what they remember now? Not one gift I'll tell you that.
Studies have shown that children are better off in intact homes. But when it comes to a home with a step parent or one without they do better without. Your kids and her kid are better off without the step-parent around at least statistically. You two can still date, even have a overnighter when the kids aren't around.
Besides who needs all that fighting?
She is sacrificing for her kid and like a Mama bear in her cave she has growled and its best you keep moving.
I agree. My son and daughter
I agree.
My son and daughter bicker constantly and it drives me nuts. They have their moments of peace and it's amazing, but they are both in puberty and mostly have lost their minds. I would never chalk it up to normal. One day they will only have each other, and they need to love before they compare, compete, and beat each other down. I admire this mom for getting her child out because she had a choice to make his life better.