12yo SD
I have a question. I have a 12yo SD, who lives with us full time, but sees her BM every other weekend. She calls or texts her father constantly, when she isn't with him. When she is with us, she calls him in the morning before she goes to school, and when she gets home, and then sometimes 3 or 4 times before he gets home from work. Before she goes to bed, he goes into her room so they can have a private conversation. Is this normal behavior? Or, could this be considered some sort of anxiety? I never say anything, I was really just curious.I don't even know how to describe what it is she needs or thinks she isn't getting.
thanks for any input.
Yes, work on getting her some
Yes, work on getting her some friends. Don't know why the man is ok with being interrupted at work so many times a day. His co-workers probably look askance at this the way you do.
I have the same situation,
I have the same situation, SD12, lives with us and BM every other weekend. My SD does text him when she gets out of school and when she gets home and a few times in between. However, when she is with BM, she doesn't text too much. I think it all depends on if she is occupied with something else. I wouldn't worry. The days of her not texting back at all will come soon.
Sounds like you have a
Sounds like you have a mini-wife in your home:( Do a search on "mini-wife" on here and on Google. There is lots of good advice on here for dealing with one.
Yep my SD did this at 12 and
Yep my SD did this at 12 and it continues now and she is stb16. No matter if we go on a short errand or overnight, the calls and texts.....every date constant interruption. It annoys....I feel your pain and good luck. If I mention it, its that's mkid, my blood, etc. etc. I hate his kid....no but she's 16 why does she have to be up your ass?....have her get some friends....geez.
One other question I have in
One other question I have in relation to this is, visitation.
She has visitation time with her mother every Wednesday from 4-8 pm, and every other weekend. How would you handle it if she didn't want to go?
Would you make her go, so they could work on their relationship? Or, would you let her stay knowing she doesn't want to go?
Kids do not get to choose
Kids do not get to choose whether or not they go on visitation. It is court ordered. If she is not hospitalized, there are no severed arteries, or broken bones, she goes. Period.
IMHO of course.
Her obsessive communicate
Her obsessive communicate with dad behavior is likely an attempt to displace you and the connection between you and your DH. I would nip that shit in the bud immediately were I you.
IMHO of course.
Good luck.