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Reflections on more "famous people"

Ratilal2016's picture

Today a friend send me an article with the comment "poor girl", a famous model that lives in NY is moving to Portugal because her BF wants to be near his 3 kids (SS8, twins SD4 and SS4) that live here because BM is a TV Host in Portugal (all of them are brazilian).

My first thought is also poor girl.......why? She is stunning, 33 years old, no kids, rich and famous......her DH ended his marriage not even a year and already had another famous girlfriend and this ex couple are now very "famous" in Brazil and Portugal because they use instagram to offend each other! She is really the BM from hell and everything we read here! 

In the middle of this I wish I wasn´t aware and sad by news like this.....I wish I didn´t google the poor new SM and see that she lost her own father at 2 years old and only had jerks on her life that ended switching her to another woman or just disappeared all of the sudden.

Her DH is all sweet and love declarations and at 4 month relationship already gave her everything a fragile woman would want.

Sadly I identify myself with her....she believes in true love (she has everything else) and so did I...she has totally no idea to where she is going to enter and how hurt she will feel after and that the biggest jerk of her life was this guy.

If any of you understand portuguese:

Ratilal2016's picture

LOL when I was writing here I was thinking "well no one knows the reputation of this BM being completely crazy so they will not understand the extension of where this SM is getting herself into"

Glad I found someone that knows her! 


Thumper's picture

Poor woman.....I do not know her, nor do I speak the Language. A bat crazy bm is universal however. They speak the same laungage. He better have a lot of money.


Ratilal2016's picture

LOL yesterday the BM made a video talking about how she is reacting with the absence of the skids and how she contacted her psychiatrist to start anxiety medication because she saw on the instagram of exH her kid playing with eggs and how that stressed her out because people shouldn´t play with food (so fuc*** crazy)

On the other hand he posted a video with the poor new SP playing alone with his kids (this reminded me playing with my exSD at the beggining with my thoughts "this is fun and she is so sweet") let´s see how she reacts when she realises that this is not temporary and the kids will start demanding more and more time and more and more stuff.