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BM makes me sick to my stomach...

bonusmom's picture

Okay so BM was nice enough to meet my mom on Wednesday so that we could have sd for the weekend, or should I say she had big plans for the weekend so she was bound and determinded to get rid of sd some how even if it meant making things easy for hubby and I...she even told sd on Saturday morning that she would meet us where ever we wanted on Sunday to pick her up...RIGHT...We knew better than that crap...So Sunday morning sd called her mom to see if she could meet us about an hour from her house...(we live 4 hrs away from bm and we were already about 2 hrs out of our way) she asked to speak to me..she tells me that her brothers friend is willing to meet hubby and I but we have to be there by a certain time well of course we weren't going to make it, had we known sooner maybe the time would have worked out, she said "I didn't know you guys would have the cell phone on" OK what ever, so hubby says "ask her if she will meet us about 45min away" she says "I'm not driving way the F&$@ out there...So I passed the phone to hubby and said "You deal with her I am not talking to her" she had to hear then she offers to meet us 20min away from her house and hubby asked me where exactly we should meet I replied with
"WHATEVER IS CONVENIANT FOR HER" she got pissed and hung up, only to call back a few minutes later and say that her friend was willing to give us an extra 30min to get there, so after talking to sd we decided to just take her all the way home because she said she knew this friend of her uncles but she didn't want ride with him, I don't blame awhile later BM called hubby back to see where we were hubby told her that we were just going to bring sd home...BM asked why hubby said "well I don't know this guy and sd doesn't really feel comfortable riding with him" she was hot she said "I don't just let my f&%$ing daughter ride with child molestor's" hubby said "I know but we feel better just bringing her home" she said "If someone is willing to meet you, you should do it" hubby said "Don't worry about it we will just drop her off" the bitch hung up...Poor SD started crying and said "My mom doesn't listen to anything, she's so mean"...Needless to say I am so furious with this bitch, what kind of mother would rather there child ride with someone they don't want to...than just drive 45min out of there way to pick her up...I also found out that the toilet at sd house is not working and hasn't been for about a month so if they have to go to the bathroom and it demands a flush they have to go the neighbors...GROSS...and sd told us that bm is cheating on her bf with another one of her brothers friends...I wish I had her bf phone number I would call him and give him a heads up...


Mocha2001's picture

I'd call CPS and report the toilet not working ... that's a major health hazard.

~ Katrina

Nymh's picture

That's just not right with a child in the house. We all have inconveniences from time to time but there's no excuse for a toilet not working for over a month.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*