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Wife insists I love her son

Redfire04's picture

Good to meet you all,

I am married and have D8, D12 from previous relatioship. My wife has S14 from previous marriage. We have joined our "salad" family 5 months ago when I sold my house and moved into hers. Things have gone progressively worse since SS14 has hard time adjusting in high school and started skipping school, feeling depressed. Wife has since enrolled him into therapy where she was told my SS12 has depression (seems like most kids have depression these days). Therapist also told my wife she needs to sleep in his room once a week to make him feel better (I don't know about htis, it seems rather wrong) I don't hate him, I don't love him I just tolerate him. My kids D8 and D12 are now subjected to his BS talk about suicide at dinner table and talk that is really not appropriate. To me it seems he is starving for attention, has issues with sharing the house since we moved in and is a mommy's boy. Wife tells me he says to her that I don't like him, and I making him anxious because I told him before his hockey game "go out there and score a goal" and apparently that's putting too much pressure on him. Wife is now telling me I need to be patient with him, let him rest to make him feel good. Last saturday we had men's breakfast at church and wife asked me to take him with me, I asked him he didn't respond, eventually after I literaly begged him to come he said og, well, 45min later he wasn't ready so I decided to leave him behind and left without him. That cause major problems at home and again I hurt his feelings and I treat him badly. Now wife says I need to start loving my SS12 because if I don't love him I do not love her. I am frustrated and confused by all this. I try to keep to myself but I am pressured to have some loving relationship with SS12 who obviously struggles within himself. Is it right for my wife to demand I love my SS12?

SteppedOut's picture

No, it's not ok. You can't just "love" someone on demand. 

She needs therapy just as much as her son. It sounds like she is "overly mothering" him and causing him to be emotionally stunted. 

Redfire04's picture

I am almost wndering if there is case of emotional incest going on here. SS12 always whispers to my wife, my wife whispers back and I feel like this is very unhealthy. Whenever we argue she goes to his room and they hang out. I don't get it. It is like she is telling him about her issues whcih is wrong. 

Rags's picture

The whispery crap needs to be confronted. It is not cute, it is rude and it is counter to the early stages of blending the family.

I would have a talk with DW about that.  And I would clearly lay out to DW the SS behaviors that make him intollerable.  Pointing out that these behaviors are far from lovable are a first step to giving your DW clarity on that topic.

Redfire04's picture

I have told my wife this needs to stop and she agrees. I also confrnted both of them on previous occasions. 

susanm's picture

I would remind her that you have 2 children and they are being affected by her son.  She needs to "love" your children as much as you need to "love" hers and shield them from his "I want to kill myself and please pass the potatoes" crap at dinner.  Not just you extending yourself for her moody 14 year old who is just being what is currently fashionable for 14 year olds at the moment.  Both of you need to show care and concern for all of the children under you roof.  That is what passes for love in a step household unless and until the skid themselves decides to be lovable and form a real connection with the adult.  If - and that is a big if - that happens, it is either there from the beginning when the skid never knew anyone other than the step parent or develops after the dreaded teen years have passed.

Meanwhile, mommy needs to realize that the only other person who is going to love her mopey teen is his biological father.  She is lucky that she found a man willing to try to get along with him in exchange for her trying to get along with his soon to be hormonally hell on wheels teenage girls.  You have much to look forward to in the years to come.  May I suggest bourbon?

BethAnne's picture

Sleeping in his room one night a week? what is that supposed to do? Either he is at high risk of suicide and needs the supervision or he isn't. I'm not sure I have heard of cases of depression that only get suicidal on Tuesday nights.

This therapist sounds a bit crazy. If I were you I would see if your wife will set up an appointment for you and her to go to see his therapist together (without the ss). Tell your wife it is so that you can better understand your ss and hear from the therapist their suggestions how to best suport him in your home while also caring for your own kids needs. Really go so that you can suss out if your wife is missinturpreting/lying about what this therapist is saying or if the therapist is crazy. 

If the therapist is crazy they you may be able to get your wife to use a different threapist for the boy if you are lucky. If your wife is lying then that is a whole other level of issues to deal with.

Kes's picture

Judging by this site, very few step parents love their step kids, nor is it reasonable to expect it.  It is reasonable to expect that you treat them with consideration and civility, but that is a very different thing.  Your wife saying to you that if you don't love her son, you don't love her, is manipulative in the extreme.   She also needs to dump this weird therapist.   She needs to set some boundaries for this boy - it sounds as if she is so anxious and desperate about him that she is not setting any at all, and this won't help him.  Talking about suicide at the dinner table is unacceptable and also very manipulative - but he has probably learned this from his mother.  Don't allow either of them to manipulate you, is my advice. 

juststressedbeyondbelief's picture

Sounds like some Bates motel stuff.

Don't end up in a hole in the backyard.

Even worse, imagine if this 14 year old boy starts looking at your 12 year old daughter.

ESMOD's picture

I'm sure that the boy was used to basically having his home and his mom to himself.  12/14 (not sure which since you use both) is a tough age range anyway.. and lots of kids can feel lonely and left out by life if they aren't progressing at the same rate as their peers.

It sounds like mommy made the mistake of confusing closeness with codependence.  Now, you and your kids are the intruders.  He whispers to her because he isn't comfortable with you and your family in his home.  He doesn't see it as a shared home.. and it must be tight with three extra people in it now.

Now, I don't know what kind of jack leg therapist is encouraging a mother to sleep in her preteen boy's room.. that just sounds whacky.  It doesn't even sound right.  I mean, certainly there are other ways to show the boy that he is still an important part of her life?

And.. what you did to him about leaving when he wasn't ready.. was what my own parents would have done.  You got your shot mister.. and I am treating you just as I would my own kids if they were fooling around and not getting ready.  

It sounds like this is a situation that was rushed into.  Because I would have thought a lot of these things would have come up while you were dating and you and your kids were spending progressively more time with him and his mom.

Redfire04's picture

yeah, I tleft him behind as I do to my own daughters who now know not to test me because I will pull the plug...and believe having two girls to manage is rather a challenge especially when they are like cat and dog towards one  In any case, I told my wife all kids will be treated the same, no exceptions.

shamds's picture

is this a qualified therapist with a degree or did she barely pass her course?? 

Honestly i can say majority of teenage boys are wanting to be independent and with friends, not cuddle upto mummy yet alone sleep in same room as her... 

it feels current generation of kids haven’t got he memo to start growing the eff up and stop with the hissy fits. Look mental illness is real but alot of kids nowadays just claim depression because they haven’t been taught the necessary coping adjustment mechanisms

tog redux's picture

A Mama's Boy is a Mama's Boy because it meets MAMA'S needs, not because he necessarily wants it. It's called enmeshment, and the therapist is an idiot if she encouraged more of it by suggesting your wife sleep one night a week with a boy in puberty. It is exactly what you said - emotional incest. And again, it's to meet HER needs.  As you can see, it's damaging the boy.

As to her saying if you don't love her kids, you don't love her, that's the biggest bunch of BS I've ever heard (and further makes me worry that you have married an emotionally unhealthy woman).

Harry's picture

Who is so screw up.  You Loving him is not going to fix anything?  First you invade his home made him feel second , because his mother has to divide her attention between you and him.  He never has a healthy relationship with his mother.   Why would a 14 yo want his mother sleeping in the same room.?  
There a lot going on here. 

Rags's picture


No one can force another to love anyone. Though you certainly can choose to love SS.  Though I completely understand from your OP that he is far from lovable.

I have a thoughtjudgement on  your bride though.  Her if you don't love him you don't love me crap lables her as an idiot.

You are doing exactly what this kid needs. Holding him accountable for his crap.  Leaving him behind as he dawdled around instead of getting ready for the men's breakfast is exactly what you should have done.

I would suggest that any time he pulls his attention seeking suicide talk at family meals that you tell him to leave the table if he can't interface with appropriate topics... or better yet, you and  your kids immediately get up and leave for a meal out leaving SS and DW to wallow in his manipulative crap.

I feel for your children and for you.  Selling your home and moving in may have have been premature.

Oh yah.  And the "mommy needs to sleep with him once a week" therapist is an idiot.  No more marital resources going to pay that idiot if I were you.

Good luck.

Redfire04's picture

I appreciate your support. I think I showed lots restraint byu waiting as long as I did but eventually the message had to be sent. Now I will work on the therapist issue. The "idiot" comment , yeah, I cannot defend that stupidity either, almost as threat of sort toward me. crapy really.

Redfire04's picture

Thanks to all who responded and basically confirmed what I suspected. The part about my wife sleeping in his room is the strangest part and I am trying to assess my options. I am an "Alpha" male with some balls and I do not put up with crap. I told my wife she needs to have her son with his dad for longer pariods of time than the current 2 days on/2 days off rotation, as I think he will definitelly benefit from more male influance and none better than his own father. She says he cannot handle his dad for more than 2 days at a time which exactly my point, the kids needs to toughen up and she needs to stop protecting him from his duties and really from his development. I will go to the therapist with wife as suggested and go from there.

Thanks you!

tog redux's picture

So she's basically telling the kid that his dad is an ogre and mean, and that's parental alienation - which is not surprising, given how enmeshed with him she is. 

Redfire04's picture

think need to be careful about the  "alienation" comment as SS14 is never denied visitations, it is promoted in our home that kids see their bio parent however the emotional incest here is worrysome.