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I feel like my boyfriend's children are being dumped on me, and I am expected to gladly accept it.

elo_green's picture

This is going to be long and is going to jump around from subject to subject...I have severe ADD/ADHD and this has been festering for a while without any outlet or anyone to talk to or complain to. 

This has been a slow and gradual process; however, I feel like my boyfriend's children are kind of now being dumped on me. I won't bother with the usual disclaimers of "I love them and they're great kids, blah blah blah" as that isn't the point. I"ll start from the beginning. A little over a year ago I lost my job. My boyfriend and I were serious, and both ready to take the next step so we decided I would move in with him. I am in an extremely fortunate situation that he makes enough money (and is willing) to financially provide for me while I finish my Masters in Accounting with a specialization in Forensic Accounting, then get my CPA license, and eventually a CFE license. I will be getting a paid internship position when I am close to graduating in August of 2022. Again, having the opprotunity to focus solely on my degree is an amazing situation that is not lost on me...I am very aware and grateful, and try to make sure I contribute in other ways. 

I think most people assume that since I am an online student, I just have some weekly assignments here and there and have nothing but free time other than that. This is not the case. My classes are very demanding and we (students) are expected to dedicate between 40-50 hours per week. (I am in an accelerated program) I am working hard 40-50 hours per week, just like he is. Since I am not contributing financially, I try to take care of all of the other household responsibilities. Cleaning, laundry, dishes, errands, grocery shopping, cooking, dog walking, etc. 

He does shift work, so he does not have the same schedule every week. He is a state trooper, and sometimes works normal day shifts, sometimes night shifts, and sometimes deep night shifts. So sleeping schedules and days off are always changing.

He has 2 kids with his ex-wife. (SS8 and SD10 (I am not sure if those are the right acronyms, this is my first post. Their son is 8, daughter is 10.)) They are civil when it comes to the kids. I think they rushed into having children without thinking through the long term implications, but thats just my opinion. It seems like she likes that she is a mother, but doesn't like having to deal with her kids. She is a little immature and completely self-centered, so I think she is incapable of putting anyone else before herself...even the kids. They have 50/50 custody. She has them Mondays and Tuesdays, he has them Wednesdays and Thursdays, and then they alternate Friday-Sunday. t seems like she constantly looks for opprotunities to get out of having the kids during her custody time. For example, in October, November, and December, she only had the kids for a total of 7 days. BF will always say yes ANYTIME she asks him to take the kids. He says "well I wish I had the kids all of the time, so I never turn down an opprotunity for them to be with me." He doesn't seem to realize that "him having the kids" impacts me too, as they are always trading weekends or picking up early or dropping off late etc....without a word to me. Since I am always at home, he just always says yes with the assumption that even if he has to work, I will be home and available to pick them up from school, drop them off, take them to their moms, etc. I don't mind helping out...I am his partner and we are a team...but since most of the time I am the one that this impacts, I think it would be fair to ASK ME first before agreeing. Like I said, I want to be a good partner and have his back and help him with his shit when he can't....but this willingness really only applies to his acutal custody schedule and only when he absolutely can't make it to their school on time or whatever the case may be.

When we first got together, he only worked deep nights (8PM-5AM) Going to work at 8pm, he was able to pick them up from school at 3PM. Work from 8PM to 5AM, giving him enough time to get home and get them ready for school and dropped off at 7:45AM. Then he'd come home and sleep until it was time to pick them up. He was able to pick them up, help with homework, spend time, etc..then feed them dinner, and then put them to bed at 8PM before he started his shift. I am not sure why this changed, other than he said he didn't like them having to make special exceptions for his scheduling at work since the other troopers complained about him not being on the regular schedule rotation like everyone else....

So, a couple of months after I moved in, he was put back on the regular schedule rotation which means we only know his work schedule and days off about a week in advance. Again, I didn't mind agreeing to picking them up from school or dropping them off on his custody days if he wasn't able to...I felt it was the least I could do since I was being provided for completely by him. Plus, this was only 4 or 5 times a month. Not a big deal. Then the pandemic happened. So then I was suddenly responsible for homeschooling them on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and every other Fridays. That SUCKED. BUT it was only temporary...

So I have lived here with him (and his kids 50% of the time) and my 2 pitbulls for about 14 months now. I say 50% of the time but like I mentioned, BM always has some excuse or reason why she can't pick-up or take the kids during the times she is suppose to. AND he very frustratingly just takes her at her word (despite her being a compulsive liar..his words not mine..) and doesn't question her or call bullshit on OBVIOUS bull shit. It annoys me when it is suppose to be kid-free time, and we end up with the kids, but I can deal with it AS LONG AS he is home and he is the one taking care of the kids. 

So there are 2 big issues/festering resentments starting to boil over is the scheduling changes and agreements made between BF and BM without any consideration to me or my time or wants or desires or needs or preferences. Again, this is annoying but manageable as long as I'm not the one stuck taking care of them. If I am the one that is going to end up having to deal with them, then I think it is completely unacceptable to not ask me before agreeing.

The second issue is his automatic assumption that I will take care of the kids if he can't on his visitation days...not just play temporary driver...but be responsible for waking them up, getting them ready for school, taking them to school, picking them up from school, helping with homework, dealing with after school snacks, cooking dinner, cleaning up from cooking dinner, and then putting them to bed. This seems to be the case more and more. On top of that, all of the other household responsibilities are still mine since I agreed that that would be the way I contributed since I wasn't contributing financially. Add to that taking care of my dogs and my school responsibilities. This doesn't leave me any time for relaxation, any type of social time, time with my family, hobbies or other activities. I am starting to be constatnly behind in class to where I stay up all night doing homework and trying to catch up....only to be called "unreliable" if I drop off or pick up the kids late. Granted, when he isn't at work, he assumes all responsibility for the kids. There are rarely thank yous, or good jobs, or any other types of appreciation shown anymore. It is just expected.

"Since all I have is school and the dogs and thats it I shouldn't be staying up all night doing homework, and I need to learn time managment."

I now see, that he didn't want to help me out or take care of me or invest in "our" future...Instead, he probably saw an opprotunity to take on a few more monthly expenses in exchange for not having anything else to worry about outside of work. I use to think "well he works hard everyday to provide for my needs and wants", but now...I mean if you break it down by getting super f. Yes he goes out and works his ass off for 10 hours a day...10 hours a day is the same amount of time I am suppose to be spending on school work. Yet since I get to do this from home, literally everything else has started to fall to me. 

Another issue....and let me start with the disclaimer...I KNOW that dogs and pets are not the same as children. I get it...i'm not delusional. HOWEVER, I do not have kids. I've never wanted kids. So the closest relatable feeling that I can compare to his love for his children is my love for my dogs. (My dogs have been my best buds for 9 years...we've been through some heavy shit together. I LOVE them and they are loyal.) Like I said...I know my two dogs that I brought to the relationship are not the same as the two children he brought. BUT....sometimes I can't help but compare some of the expectations of responsibility. I don't expect him to take care of my dogs. Occasionally, I will ask him to take them out for me if I have a few hours before a project deadline and am no where near being done. The only time he voluntarily takes them out is if it is his day off and he wakes up before I do...He doesn't even think about it. It does not cross his mind to check their food and water bowls...(we live in an apartment on the 4th floor...taking them out is an ass whip...even more so during the day...they are big strong dogs and do not like other dogs or I usually take them out one at a time unless it is late at night and I don't have to worry about running in to other people walking their dogs. He is a big strong man and can handle them both at the same time even if they are lunging and barking at other yes sometimes I ask him to help me out and take them out for me.... We also live right in the middle of everything so there's no real "dog walking" type areas...) It is usually met with a sigh and an unwilling "sure"....and even then it is his last priority...he will take care of other things first and will say "DON'T RUSH ME I'LL TAKE THEM WHEN I'M READY." I can't help but to automatically think in my head "okay got it...if i'm busy don't expect me to cook for your kids until i'm ready....." I know its not the same....but the reciprocity just isn't there at all. 

So I'm burnt out and exhausted. And I have more time with these kids than their bio parents combined at this point. 

He has made comments about being "patient" and waiting for me to get use to being a "step-mom" and for me to step up into the role. He also expects me to consider that "I have kids now". He also assumes that I see his children the way he does...that I see them as my own and love them like they're mine and take initiative. I will admit they are very well behaved and respectful kids. But at the end of the day, they are still someone elses kids....and raising kids was never something I wanted to do. I understand it is a package deal...and I'm okay with that...but I think there is a difference between dating a guy with kids and helping him out - and helping to raise his kids and actively participating in "being a member of this family."

I have started doing martial arts. I told him I needed something physical to do and something to get me out of the apartment and something that is just for me. He said "oh thats great blah blah blah so supportive." Then, "I want the kids to do martial they have like a family discount? Did you ask? That would be great so you could just pick the kids up from school and then ya'll could go to martial arts at the same time...." First of all...they would be in a kids If you want them in martial arts fine. Do the leg work yourself....go call different places and ask about rates and send them to trial classes and figure it out on your own...don't just tell me you want the kids to do it too and then put it on me to figure it all out and get them into it and then take them to and from it. ESPECIALLY when i explicitly said I needed to do something that was just mine and just for me. I don't mean the kids can't do martial arts since I am...I just mean I want it to be separate. I use to also be very into artsy projects at this art studio in town. I mentioned maybe just doing that as something I just went and did to get me out and about in the real world and to have something that was just mine....special me time or whatever....he said yeah cool just let me know how much you need. So for weeks i kept having to put it off since the kids were here and he was working. Then one day I said something about how frustrated I was that I had been trying to go to this studio for months to do a mosaic project, so that I was going to go ahead and go that day and that i'd be home when they closed. He said "okay that sounds good, you're taking the kids right? Or are you planning on leaving them at home alone?" I said no i'm not taking the kids so i guess ill reschedule once again. I wanted to say HAVE YOU NOT BEEN LISTENING!? I SAID I WANTED TO GO DO SOMETHING ON MY OWN AND YOU WANT ME TO TAKE THE KIDS? I even tried doing that once...took them to make him something for his birthday....he had to come pick them up before i could even get started on mine since I had to manage their projects the whole time. If i didn't they ended up walking around the studio asking other people if they could help them. If i took the kids with me it would become me taking the kids so they could do projects....not me going to do something I enjoy on my own....It frustrates me that he doesn't seem to get that. 

OKAY here is the grand finale.

He is planning on deploying one more time before he retires from the Marine Corps. He will be gone for a year. We discussed me moving when this happens (we get a huge rent discount b/c he is the courtesy officer here, but if he deploys that will go away and I seriously dislike this apartment as it is and I refuse to live here for the overpriced full rent amount) I started looking at one-bedroom apartments in the area and small houses. I showed him a house and he said "oh that would be great its 3 bedrooms so the kids could each have their own should go ahead and make moves to see about getting it." (renting) I reminded him that he would be gone for a year, so a 3 bedroom house would be unnecessary for just me....I planned on getting a nice 1st floor 1 bedroom apartment with a little yard or a dog run or something. He casually said "you can live wherever you want while i'm gone but you need to look at 2 bedrooms at least....for the kids."


It was then that I learned that his expectation was that the kids remain on the same custody/visitation schedule while he is nothing will change he will just not be here. I decided to unpack that later since we were at my parents house...We still haven't discussed it since he doesn't have orders the timing is still unknown. BUT SERIOUSLY!? I'M NOT GOING TO RAISE YOUR KIDS FOR YOU WHILE YOU'RE GONE WHEN THEIR MOTHER LIVES HERE IN THE SAME TOWN. THEY AREN'T MY KIDS. They have a mom and a dad. on top of that WE AREN'T MARRIED. We havent even been together for two years. And since BM definately doesn't want to have full custody of her kids, i'm sure thats what she wants too. F NO. How inappropriate to share 50/50 custody with your ex-husband's girlfriend. I'm not their parent or guardian or actual legal step mom. I do not have rights to these children and as a result I am mind-blown by the assumption that I would want or be willing to have visitation rights to them while he is gone. It's not even like i've always wanted kids and see this as an opprotunity to have some. I don't want my own kids...why would I want to raise some elses kids on my own??? And how in the world can their bio parents even justify to themselves passing their parenting responsibilities to me!? ESPECIALLY when he tells me how unreliable I am because I'm always late everywhere. And thats if I even wanted the responsibility...which I do not. Why the hell would I? The kids are fine and I like them well enough but I don't want to be their parent. His assumption that this would be an okay situtation AND something I would want and be okay with appals me. The divorce decree says that the kids will go to his mother during his visitation days in the even of his deployment. Then he just casually says "we can just change it to where they'll go to you" AND THIS IS ALL WITHOUT ANY TYPE OF CONVERSATION OR CONSIDERATION ABOUT WHAT I WANT OR HOW I FEEL ABOUT IT. I don't think my thoughts or feelings even occur to him...that I have any that are different than his own....and if I do then i'm wrong. 

He had to go out of town this weekend for a military thing. He left Thursday morning...and is coming back on Monday. WE had the kids on Wednesday, and I didn't even realize it was his weekend for the kids until he was gone. But we always have them on Thursdays so I didn't see it as a big deal when he said "hey can you take me to the airport on Thursday morning? We can drop off the kids at school together and then go straight to the airport." okay... I'm not great at planning or "family scheduling" since I don't have it didn't really hit me later that day when I said.."uhmmm....I guess i'm picking the kids up from school today?" "YEP" uh....okay....and I guess I have to wake them up and get them ready and take them to school on Friday? and do all of the parent responsibilities in between?" "YEP" okay....................................................."but you traded weekends with BM or something right?"...."NO...its our weekend with the kids....."

(ignoring the fact that its not our weekend with the kids its his weekend with the kids...and i think him contsantly referring to them as THE kids and not HIS kids is another subliminal where i feel like a dickhead whenever i refer to them as HIS kids...that somehow means i'm unwilling to be a member of the family.)

".....right but you're going to be in Phoenix the whole time, you won't even be back until after their back with i'm expected to take care of the kids all by myself all weekend?" "YEP"

Later, he even asked what my plans were for the weekend.......1. its a little fucking late to be asking, 2. you should know since you decided them for me....i don't get to have plans for the weekend, i'll be taking care of your and your ex-wife's children.....

WHAT. THE. F. I don't know why the ridiculousness of it didn't hit me until today.....probably because its slowly become more and more normal for me to just assume i'll have to take care of them during his time. 

I feel like calling him while he's out of town and bringing ALL of this up would be an asshole move...but should I? I don't know. It bothers me that I didn't even think anything of it at first. It bothers me even more that this is what is just assumed and expected of me now....and it pisses me off alot that he has never even asked or considered that i may not want to take care of his kids while he's not not just that i might not be willing to...but any consideration for me as a person wasn't even a factor or a thought. he doesn't even consider that i might have feelings/wants/needs/expecations separate from his....that I am just here for him and his needs and wants. And maybe he feels justified in the assumption that i will take on his parenting responsibilities in his absence since he pays for the privilege. 

at this point....i am the most underpaid nanny, maid, cheuffer, teacher, cook, personal assistant.  

tog redux's picture

Yeah, you signed on the dotted line but didn't read the fine print - he will support you if you take on all parenting duties and become their new mom.  Like they say, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Take out loans so you can support yourself, and rip up the agreement. He will no longer support you and you will no longer parent his kids for him. You will find out quickly if this is a romantic relationship or an employment relationship.

Sorry - I think you are being used. I'm glad at least you aren't saying how amazing he is and how in love you are.

advice.only2's picture

Your BF is a controlling domineering prick.  You don't sound like a shrinking violet so I'm curious why you are tolerating being bullied and manipulated by this man?  Sorry no D is worth being turned into an indentured servant. 

Winterglow's picture

You have been WAY too good to this guy...

He's obviously only interested in what works for him. Have you tried to discuss this with him? How did that go down (if you did)?

I hate to say this but, he doesn't sound as if he's capable of seeing your point of view and, in that case, nothing is going to change. I don't think I could continue living like this once I realized the extent to which I'd been used. I am totally flabbergasted that he imagined that you'd want to take over his visitation when he's deployed!

Find yourself a new job, move into that one-bedroom flat you want and next he wants you to look after his kids, "sorry, I'm busy. Shoulda checked with me first" as you brush past him on your way out. Oh, and if his ex wants a babysitter on her visitation time, and if you have the time and inclination to do it, tell him that you'll charge her the going local rate. You are not her slave. Nor his.

Sparkl3s's picture

I realize times are tough but find a job or take out student loans. Get yourself out of that environment he doesn't think your opinion matters otherwise he would ask you. 

The two bio parents seriously can't expect you to care more about the two kids they made. The red flags are beating you upside the head, please follow your intuition. If you leave they will continue to parent like they did the previous 9 years before you came into the picture. 

Dogmom1321's picture

Wow, what a douche. Sounds like he's not paying for your expenses to finish school out of the kindness of his heart. He is doing it to CONTROL you and make you feel guilty. Essentially manipulating you. I would sit down and talk about your role ASAP. 

First off, what is he doing to change his work schedule? He better be asking for nights back. If he can't be there to parent his children, so long. Kids need to go elsewhere. Either back to BMs or he needs to coordinate a babysitter. If he gives you crap about this, next time the kids are there without him, I'd just get up and go. You have work to do. Go to your local library or coffeeshop. These kids are NOT your responsibility. Stop picking them up for school, stop getting them up and dressed.

Even as a MARRIED SM now, my DHs child is not my responsibilty. He coordinates school, appointments, exchanges with BM, etc. Not my circus, not my monkeys. When SD10 is here, I go about my day as if she weren't. Sounds harsh, but true. I'll still go run errands on my own, etc. I can't be expected to change my schedule around for someone who isn't my responsibility. 

As far as the deployment thing - NO. He will need to give BM TEMPORARY custody. If BM needs a "break" while DH is deployed, then SHE needs to figure something out. CO are not for kids to visit with the new girlfriends, they are for the parents. 

All else fails, I would reconsider this relationship. Find yourself a man that is childless and shares the same view on kids. There are many out there!

simifan's picture

It is really unclear if you & SO ever had a conversation about expectations. It seems to me his expectation was for you to be the bed-warming nanny; yours was for an adult partnership. You and your SO need to have a serious conversation about roles and expectations & responsibility and authority. You should not have the kids if he is out of town & never without your explicit consent. At this point I would suggest a counselor as a mediator. You've complied to long - he's going to push back at changes. 

JRI's picture

I can't add more to the excellent advice the other posters gave you.  Your situation reminds me of myself in the 70 's.  My DH (then SO) was generously supporting me and my 2 kids with the unspoken expectation that I would gladly accept his 3 kids whenever they weren't in school. Throw in an immature BM who ditched her kids at every opportunity.  I know where you are coming from, elo.

The one positive is you say the kids are well-behaved, thats good.  If you decide to stay with the relationship, though, I'd hold firm about NOT having them while he is deployed.  Good luck.

SteppedOut's picture

You said it has been a slow process....yes, it always is...that way you don't notice it so much until one day you think WTF and how did this happen to me? I am going to guess your family/friends/anyone you have ever known would think this type of thing would never happen to you - you are smart independent and can handle yourself. Been there. 

Your bf is probably a narcisist. I am guessing you deal with love bombing gaslighting and other manipulations. 

Please consider getting your crap together to move out BEFORE you tell your bf this is not working for you. He is not going to react rationally when you break the news. 

You need to pull together an escape plan. 

Kiwi_koala's picture

That's it. I've had enough of men taking advantage of women. So, let me get this straight: Your boyfriend gets a woman out of his league in every way who eases his burdens while you get to deal with your own responsibilites and his. WOW that sounds amazing. Where do I sign up for that deal? 

You need to go... quick, fast and in a hurry. This guy is basically an albatross around your neck. He is NOT helping you. F his manipulative nonsense. First of all, he is helping to support you so you can earn more money than him in the future and contribute to bills. He is not just taking care of you for life. Even if he was taking care of you for life running the household and occassionally helping out with the children is sufficient enough. If you were a SAHM you would still need a father for your children. He doesn't get to just work. Sorry buddy. They're not even your children though therefore, you have zero moral obligation to take care of them. 

He's a REALLY BAD BOYFRIEND and a bad father. Way to neg on your responsibilities Dad.

Oh and he sounds like a narcissist.

hereiam's picture

Why on Earth would his kids come for visition, HIS visitation, if he is not even LIVING there?

This is so messed up. I don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said. Has f*ck no, been said?

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Put together an exit strategy. Start creating a nest egg by getting cash back at the grocery store, selling items online, etc. Don't waste time on guilt - you've more than earned a salary for services rendered. Remove all of your important documents to be stored in a safe place elsewhere. Line up another place to live (parents?), a part time job, etc.

When your ducks are nicely in a row, ask yourself if you even want a future with this guy. If you do, THEN sit down with him and try to negotiate a new normal. It feels like your bf is the boss in your relationship, and you've allowed his wrongheaded ideas to go unchecked long enough that you'll probably get pushback, but try. Cops respect strength and aren't used to being challenged, so you'll need to be very assertive. Be brief, be direct, don't be emotional, and present it as a problem to be solved. Don't be afraid to say "No, I'm not going to do that." You have to stop being so nice and start standing up for yourself.

I think the most important points to emphasize are that you didn't mind helping at first, but now spend more time with the skids than either parent, which isn't good for them OR you; that you are a FULL TIME student, but your studies are suffering because you're expected to cover for BOTH parents: and the skids don't want YOU, they want to spend their custody time with their ACTUAL parent - Dad. 

In your bf's tiny man brain, he probably thinks he's done a fine job of finding simple solutions for problems  - divorce one woman, find another. Because anyone with a vagina will do, even those who don't want kids, right? He's found a tidy way to make life easier for himself, as long as you keep eating excrement. But he's not putting in the work of a single dad, he's not holding BM accountable for handling her business, he's not being fair to you, and worst of all, he's not growing a deep bond with his kids. You say the skids are well behaved and I'm sure you're very nice to them, but it's only a matter of time before they start to resent both of their parents for essentially outsourcing their roles. What's convenient for your bf now is going to bite him in the butt once his kids get a bit older, and cost him a very nice gf. So unless he's willing to listen, make adjustments, and start paying attention to the emotional lives of his loved ones, you need to move on.  

ndc's picture

Your boyfriend doesn't sound like much of a catch to me.  He sounds like a user who doesn't have much respect for you, your time or your needs. Does he have the "my way or the highway" attitude toward everything?

The deal you struck isn't working for you, and wouldn't work for most.  I would get student loans and/or a job, and move out.  If your boyfriend truly loves you and wants a relationship with you,  he will continue to date you while living apart or he'll make alternate arrangements for his kids that will allow you to live with him without having all that responsibility for his children.  More likely he'll find another woman to use who can play mom to his kids and nanny for his ex. 

Delilah's picture

You have had some amazing advice from the girls. 

You bf sounds like he saw an opportunity to be seen as the rescuer, hero boyfriend by you while deftly maneuvering you into a position to be taken advantage of.

Your partner love bombed you into believing he was a modern man and one whom would have consideration and integrity to hold true to his word in treating you as an equal vs one who sucks you in through deceptive means and then shows their true as time goes on.

I have genuine concerns your bf maybe a narcissist, I speak from experience, they are sooooo good at sucking you in and appearing to be reasonable along with convincing you that you are not but actions tell you *everything*. He's manipulative and gaslighting you, YOU already KNOW this but just need validation . You have it in spades. 

I agree you need to organise yourself before dropping the bomb as I doubt he will react well (at the least he will attempt to appear to understand perhaps after the initial explosion but don't be fooled, he just wants to keep you sweet so he can continue to get what he needs).

Personally I would see if your parents/family would be willing to have you stay with them, ensure your valuables and papers are secure then ditch him. Sorry, not sorry, but I wouldn't want to see him waste any more of your life as the selfishness is strong in this one and he makes my gut hurt.

Harry's picture

No  No. you are not the babysitter.   
If no one get that hint. Then need an exit plan 

MommyM3's picture

I feel so badly reading your post.  You were thrown into an arrangement you did not agree to.  The thing are not their Mom nor are you their Step are his live in girlfriend.  As such...any of these parental full time SAHM responsibilities should have been discussed and agreed upon before you stepped into that demanding role.  I think a discussion about expectations and what you're comfortable with should be reassessed.  You need to have a conversation and not allow any form of manipulation during it.  

I have 3 children of my own 80-85% of the year.  My BF has his 2 children 40-45%.  He seems to think I will be stepping in to do his meeting drop off//pick ups in the future and watching them....they're also homeschooled and have been for the past 5 years.  Their mother shows up hours earlier than she should all the time...sometimes drops them a day early or he keeps them days's all over the place.

That's an arrangement that he made with their mother not myself.  I have mine with my ex husband and we stick to our schedule for the most part.  I let him know that I have no desires to have to deal with their mother and her flippant schedule.  I wouldn't expect him to do anything with my ex husband concerning the children.  That's my arrangement not his.   He said he would do it for me....I let him know that I would never expect him to.  He shouldn't expect me  to either.  My children go to school and have a full schedule his do not...they live hours away and when they are here they literally go nowhere....they just sit in the's kind of a lot.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I hope you realize that your BF is just as selfish as BM is; the only difference seems to be that his selfishness involves "family" while hers doesn't.

He got divorced. That means OPTIONALLY deploying (as it sounds like he took on that because he wanted to, not because he had to) was only an option PROVIDED that BM was going to keep the kids full-time.

That also means that he may have had to switch careers or be a big boy that dealt with his coworkers scoffing at his special treatment. 

That ALSO means he needed to find and hire aa babysitter for his kids, and that any financial deals he made with you should have included childcare expenses.

What he wants is someone to replace his XW. He effed up marrying her and knocking her up. It makes his life difficult. That is, unless her can wrangle a woman (you) into indentured servitude by cleaning his house, raising his kids, and keeping his bed warm. My guess is that he's hedging his bets on you making bank in a few years, then he can actually retire and be a stay-at-home-dad while you still do a lot of the house work because he won't know how to do it right.

No. Just no. If you're good enough to do all this, then he needs to put a ring on it. If it's too soon to put a ring on it, then it's too soon to ask you to do all this (and spoiler: raising your SKs is always too much to expect). 

I think how you can approach the convo with him is:

"You know, BF, I've been thinking. I feel like I am taking advantage of this situation. While you're away on deployment, I am going to get a night job to bring in some extra income. I don't have any personal savings, and I'd like a safety net in case something were to happen to you or the car while you're away. Oh, visitation with the girls? No, I don't facilitate that while you're away. I'll be doing 40 hours a week of school and working nights. They'll have to stay with BM."

You are in a precarious situation, OP, in addition to how your BF acts. You're young, and not working while also not married means that you have ZERO financial protection. If BF dies, you're stuck with bills but no income. If you have to leave this relationship, you have no savings or income to do so. You're missing out on prime years that you could be contributing to retirement. It's not a bad move to not work to get through this fast-paced program. It IS a bad move to be reliant on someone who can end your relationship at any time and put you in a bind financially and emotionally.

I don't think you need to break up yet, but I do think there are a lot of red flags that might be resolved if you're open and honest with your BF. You know what your sacrifice is in order to keep a roof over your head and bills paid while you finish this program. You do risk losing that if you speak up and he's not interested in changing the terms of that arrangement. However, I'd argue that his unwillingness to fix some pretty basic parenting problems (like finding a babysitter and not having visitation while deployed in the military) should be taken as a sign by you that he's less interested in having you are a PARTNER and more interested in having you as a REPLACEMENT to his XW so he can continue to be selfish.

iris288's picture

I agree with previous posters: 

Your partner sounds manilpulative and is loading WAY too much on your plate, with no respect for your desires, needs, etc. 

I would take out loans or find work to help finance yourself and give yourself an exit strategy and have clear, boundary-setting conversations. 

The idea that you would raise his kids while he is deployed is abjectly ridiculous. Please prioritize yourself - your partner seems unwilling to.

JHRN's picture

It happens so unnoticeabley and it all seems tit for tat but then it shifts and all of a sudden you're doing 90% and he's only doing 10%.  It sucks so bad to have to reevaluate your relationship with him but it's simply not fair for you. Your education will be your livelihood, this is "your baby" for all intents and purposes. You cannot set that aside or let your time and effort start to shift away from that and onto someone else's responsibilities. So what eventually happens then? You take a break from school because ur so burnt out and end up being full time for him and his kids? Relationship ends and ur left with no education and nothing for you. (I know that's a bit of a fatalistic viewpoint, sorry)

the same happened to me. When I started relationship with my BF he had his daughter maybe 10 days a month as he worked two weeks off/on out of town. I got pregnant and had such bad morning sickness that I had to go off on disability from my full time nursing position. Literally, the day after I did this happened the kids mom fell off the wagon and I had to assume full time care of her, "it just makes sense because ur home all the time".... yes I'm home. But I'm sick and puking my guts out all day, I don't want to take care of a effing KID. It was just assumed. I was never asked. I thought ok it'll just be for a short time. Then her mother died of an overdose and now I'm a step mom and am given crap if I don't "step up in to the role". I didn't even like the 10 days a month and now I'm expected to love her and care for her the same as my baby. And same as you I'm like "whoa... how the F did this happen??? WHEN did this happen? I didn't even notice it!" And let me tell you. I F***ing HATE it. This kid has many issues. Issues that I'm no longer sympathetic to. Ie: pees herself for attention. There's constant tantrums. Constant yelling. I'm a very quiet person and I don't want to be here and I don't want my son to be in this environment. I'm reaching my point where I'm not able to tolerate this anymore. I've said this a few times and then I'm made to feel completely awful for it.

Sorry for the long reply... this is just what happened to me, not necessarily what will happen to you. I'm just saying it happens so easily and sneaky and then suddenly ur living for someone else. You have no time for you. 

Oh and I completely understand the dog thing. When I first moved in with him I told him my dog and I are a package deal. He never did any care for her yet I was expected to do so for his kid. 

I have no advice I'm sorry, but I just wanted you to know that ur not alone and that someone else out there gets it. Stay strong in who YOU are and what YOU want and YOUR goals... don't lose sight of that.

Sincerely -