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You Are Not Going to Believe the Utter Stupidity

frustrated78's picture

of this..

H called all his children to wishs them Happy New Year.   The greedy one here tells him, get ready, she is taking one of those weight loss injection drugs.  Okay, but the interesting thing is that it was not perscribed for her but for her husband.  

She has been trying to get this drug since it came out and her Doc would not perscribe it for her.  Her hubby needs it and had a script but his Doc increased his dosage.  So, she has what is left of his 90 day supply (as I understand it) and is taking it (about 10 weeks worth).

H. asked if her reg. Doc is okay with that.  SD says Yep!  No problem, she should finish off the perscription.  But he is not going to give her a perscription for it after that.  Now THAT seems very strange.  What doc would tell you to take someone else's perscription?   I think she is lying here.

I know that she would "kill" to get this drug and was p*ssed her Doc wouldn't give it to her.  Evidentilly she tried the borderline diabetic thing and a whole host of things but he wouldn't perscribe it to her.  This is why my H is worried.

With all the medical problems she "claims" to have, from high blood pressure, Dercums Disease, Carpal Tunnel Syndrom, Migrains, Allergies, problems with all her joints, back problems, stomache problems, and the list goes on and on; this drug is not for her which is why her Doc would not perscribe it for her.

She always finds these quacks when it comes to her health problems.  Like the pain doctor who would not give her a perscription for meds, but only sells his own specially made up ointment, and then when Marijuana became legal in the state, quickly started to push that as pain relief.  Now medical marijuana has its place, but not for everything as this Quack perscribes.  She always ends up going from doctor to doctor saying they were fired from hospital or something.  IMHO she is looking for a doc that does what SHE wants not what she needs.

I may not have to worry about our wills, we will probably outlive her due to her stupidity.  Honestly, I can't believe


frustrated78's picture

I thought it was illegal to take someone else's perscription.  That would be FRAUD.  I also cannot believe a medical Doc would tell someone it was okay to do so.

What say you.

Toaster's picture

And if something were to happen to her—say she had a bad reaction to the medication or developed a condition, possibly even a life-threatening one—she’d likely be the first to sue the doctor who prescribed it to her husband. Naturally, her husband would be fully on board, supporting her in suing that “mean old evil doctor.”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the reasons our medical insurance premiums are through the roof! Way to go SD and husband of SD! 

frustrated78's picture

In her thinking (and this I know as a fact) Doc's are jerks.  You don't go to a doc to find out what is wrong with you.  You go to tell them what you NEED and WANT that suits your self diagnosed illness.  That is why she ends up with Quacks.

Toaster's picture

In some cases, maybe what you said is the best possible outcome when you wrote: I may not have to worry about our wills, but we will probably outlive her due to her stupidity.  

frustrated78's picture

Sadly, true.  Hubby worries about her and her health.  As I said, she has numerous problems and is PROUD of it.  That Dercums Disease is her fall back on favorite because it is not common, she claims, and no one knows how to treat it.

She hasn't taken care of herself in years so now it is all catching up with her as she gets closer to 60.  One simply cannot go to Wendy's every day for their $5.00 big bag and expect to lose weight when put with the other things she eats.

AgedOut's picture

I'm a big fan of people trying and working w/ their doctors to lose weight. Key words being "trying" and "working w/" she's doing neither. 


I am not one to be totally anti-fad but some of these injectable weight loss meds seem to be pretty scary and I'm not sure what the fall out will be.At least if you're using them w/ doctor supervision then they'll catch any issues but she's usuing someone else's script and w/ no medical supervision. Nothing good is going to happen. And when the 30 day supply is gone, will she go cold turkey sammich?? what's the w/drawl like? 


All that to say this: she's a blanking moeron!

Rags's picture

Though I am team "the doctor works for me",  am also a data and research focused consumer of medical services in the treatment of actual Dx'd conditions and not the "I saw it on YouTube" condition of the moment idiots.

I have been on those meds for just over a year. 10  years ago I was on the first iteration of the gastroperisis inducing meds. It was called Byetta.  Fondly referred to as Lizard Spit.  It was identified by research into Gila Monsters to determine how they could go a year or more without eating.  An element of their saliva slows digestion extensively allowing for their metabolism to digest food slowly which the pharmaceutical/medical industry determined is a benefit to normalizing blood glucose in diabetics, My Rx has been off label since it is specifically prescribed for T-2 diabetics. As a T-1 there is risk of dangerous Hypoglycemia if not carefully managed as part of the comprehensive treatment regimen.  

If she is taking the stuff without direct medical supervision the risk of negative outcome is significant.  My Endo is titrating me up the the max dose on a 1+ year titration schedule.  She bumped me from 7.5mg to 10mg on my last visit with her in early Dec.  I have been at 7.5 for an extended period. I asked if we could go directly to 15mg.  One injection a week.  Nope, she said going to the max without titrating through 10, then 12.5, ultimately to 15 could be decided unpleasant and dangerous with a significant risk of hospitalization. It basically can paralyze your GI track and resulting in debilitating nausea and a severe risk of systemic toxemia.

The orignial lizard spit worked great, It was a daily injection and titrated from base dose to max dose over about 6mos. The problem was that about 10mins after injection the most horrendous nausea imaginable would hit and last for about 15 mins.  Nausea and inability to throw up to relieve it.  So, I would take it, just before bed, gut through the nausea, then pretty much pass out for the night.

The way it works for me in the modern formulation is that the nausea starts after about 2days and is intermittent for a couple of days with waves that pass in random frequency and duration for the two days.  Pretty much I am not hungry.   It does drive weight loss but once you adapt to it at the 7.5mg dose it is not unheard of for people to return to their usual eating habits. Overeating on this stuff is decidedly uncomfortable.

So, if SD is stealing her DH's meds mixed with her proven level of stupidity, I forecast the crying call for daddyyyyyy to pay her hospital bill when she paralyzes her gut and ends up feeling worse than she could possibly imagine.

The lesson needs to happen IMHO.

Stay away from helping her when she nearly kills herself.

As for "those types of people", my nephews wife has decided she is not mentally ill and has some physical ailment rather than a psychological one.  Of course actual doctors have done every test and Dx assessment possible and there is not a damned thing wrong with her physiologically.  But, she has a Master's degree in an engineering field and is smarter than the docs. This is is the one who knows more than the top companies she has worked for and leaves riding on her high horse when she has had enough.  Sadly that leaves my nephew the some earner and subject to her bullshit. But I digress.

SD is likely in for a decidedly unpleasant experience on the semaglutide theft and use idiocy she is stepping into.  I see her thinking that she needs the max dose and may "take 2" because she is frustrated that she did not lose a hundred pounds after her first injection.  She is in for misery beyond comprehension if that is the case.

Even I asked about it. Fortunately I am aware enough that while I am the world's foremost expert on "my" disease I am not the worlds foremost expert on THE disease.  I listen to the people I hire to work with me on managing it.

frustrated78's picture

I know nothing about this drug though I did hear that one of the countries that developed was in Sweden and Sweden doesn't allow it to be used there.

As I said, NO Doctor worth his diploma, is going to tell someone it is okay to finish up someone else's script for a drug that the Doc. wouldn't perscribe for her in the first place.  That is total BS!  Yet my H believes what she says.

And this SD's husband is also the Jerk of the Year to allow her to do so, but he doesn't have a spine much less common sense.

AlmostGone834's picture

This is dumb. Maybe (if she manages not to kill herself by taking the inappropriate dose/having a bad reaction of some sort) she might lose some weight. But then what happens when the supply runs out? Unless she completely changes her eating/excersize habits she'll just gain it all back without an ongoing prescription. 

And she is 100% full of sh- about the doctor letting her finish someone else's prescription. There's probably a host of legal and insurance issues with doing that. 

frustrated78's picture

to happen when she runs out.  My understanding is that once you are on it, you are on it for good.  That once you get off the weight comes back with a vengence.

This  SD is delusional about getting back to the size she was when she was in high school.  That is how stupid she is.  Ah, vanity and stupidity - seems in this instance they run together.

Winterglow's picture

It takes a special kind of stupid to take something that is prescribed for someone else and imagine that everything will be fine. Meds are not one-size-fits-all. Many years ago, my MIL had a headache and, not having the usual OTC meds, took one of the pills prescribed for his intense, recurring migraines. She woke up in the ER. Let's not think about what would have happened if somebody hadn't gone home early from work that afternoon. 

hereiam's picture

H. asked if her reg. Doc is okay with that.  SD says Yep!  No problem, she should finish off the perscription.

There is absolutely no way a doctor would tell her that. First of all, you are right, it is illegal to take prescription medication that is prescribed to someone else. Second, he refused to prescribe it to her in the first place, so why would he tell her it was okay to take her husband's?

She is definitely lying.

frustrated78's picture

depended on it.  In this instance it might.  There are so many side effects etc.   But she is stupid what else can I say.

She definaterly isn't going to get any money or sympathy from me if something happens.  I have lots of empathy for people BUT that stops if they are stupid enough to be the cause of their problem.

Little Type Amy's picture

Just chiming in now, but I hear you...the empathy burnout is all too real in the stepparent world. I find it hard to believe that any doctor, at least a halfway Reputable, competent one, wouldnt suggest or enourage one to take someone elses medications just all willy nilly , without monitoring anything. 

I am with you in that I woudnt feel sorry for her if her stupidity backfires and if is all on her! ...I personally stopped feeling sorry for people like your SD ( and mine too..who isnt all that bright either and a champ at making dumb thoughtless choices out of impulse, the wonders why she has a shit life ) ..these folks just to need to start effing thinking! 

frustrated78's picture

Happily I can report that I don't know how this drug turned out for her.  We haven't heard from her since then.  Thank Heaven!!

As I have said before, nothing in it for her.  The weather here had been abnormally cold and we have had much more snow than is normal.  One would think a caring person as she claims, would give Daddy a call to see all was okay.  Heck, thank heaven for our one neighbor who plowed our driveway and checked up on us.  His wife even called to see if we needed groceries or anything.

From the step we hear the sound of silence.  I find it interesting that H has not bothered to contact her, maybe reality has set in.  One can hope.

frustrated78's picture

Spoke too soon.  She called yesterday worried about dear Old Dad and wanting to make sure he survived all the abnormally cold and abnormally snowy weather of the last two months.  Yeah, RIGHT!  How caring.   I couldn't help myself from saying to my H that she was really hoping we would be dead so she could run up and clean the house out while crying how she didn't know we froze because the heat went out.

Here is another good one she told H.  She hoped he didn't need anything becuase of her health issues she couldn't help him. much as she would like to.    BUT, her son bought a house and she is going over there to wash and paint the walls for him while he is at work!  She evidently doesn't realize, or doesn't care, how she completely contradicts her stories.  The thing that get me is that H seems to believe what she is saying.  I think he should call her on the carp because the more he believes it the more she will dish out his way while claiming to be loving and caring.

Murkywoman's picture

I've got a SD who uses her physical ailments to manipulate and undermine social events. She is also mentally unstable and refuses to do anything about it. So, she strikes out like a cobra at me. Jesus himself couldn't make her happy.

Rags's picture

I have no use for those who go toxic at gatherings, or ever for that matter. So much so, that I say something. That of course turns them into a martyr and victim..... in their own minds anyway.   But, it does shut them up and runs them away from those playing nice.

What always amazes me is that there is often someone in the playing nice group that takes exception to my calling out the purveyor of toxicity because they are more comfortable ignoring the chronically toxic and are more about avoiding conflict than they are resolving issues. My model may not be a long term resolution, but it is an extremely effective short term corrective action.  Done frequently and consistently enough, it can kill the toxic crap.

I do not tolerate the toxic nor do I tolerate those who willfully delude themselves with burying their heads in the sand or who either buy into or pretend to buy into the toxic presenting themselves in some imperial position riding around on a thoroughbred in regal robes when they are in fact bare ass neked riding on a mangy ass swatting at fleas.

I suppose it could be considered that by not tolerating toxic that I am being toxic.  However, I deal in facts, truth, and reality and not delusion. So, when I address the crap, I bring historical context to back it up.