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She did it again

Yasadora's picture

The SD is getting married in the fall... All has been quite since the bridal shower nonsense...which I have disengaged from.... But she has done it again...the slow breaking of her father's heart.....
It is so hard to makes me both sad and mad... No matter what, it feels like my DH must suffer...., his opinion doesn't count ect.....
This one is about the father daughter dance.....
She sent this awful sappy song in a musical style my DH doesn't even like.....he sent her back one he loves for that moment....vetoed....vetoed again....
This is just a rant...but I don't think she even considers/knows how much she hurts him.....what should be one of the only moments of the entire event which would be being tainted....I disengage...but it is still terribly sad.

not your momma's picture

I don't get it. Is she marrying your husband? Because that's the ONLY way he MIGHT have a say in what song is played at HER wedding...

Yasadora's picture

It is her wedding... But don't you think that some communication about it, other than a text stating "no" would be the adult thing to do? We are paying more than any other adult, we gave a lump sum in order to lower any stress... We have asked for nothing...We were told who and how many folks we can 20.... Mom 100 plus....the wedding will have over 200 people.....we have abided... We remain adult and polite... I don't think it would be a crime for him to have some input in the song he will dance with his daughter.....

His only crime was to get a divorce after his ex declared in couples therapy she "needed space" ...asked him to leave then told all he abandoned her..... He was an active father and after the divorcee he tried to remain in his daughter's life despite constant pushback and issues from bio mom.....just for some added info I came way after all that happened...I work, have my own finances....we invite all to all holidays, have an open door policy...we are always not considered...

I know the "it's her wedding" line.... Yet some respect for her father would be a nice thing too

Rags's picture

Is daddy paying? :?

If so I think I would be dictating many things about this wedding if I were daddy.

If for no other reason than to make the point that my checkbook talks and trumps evil.

Manipulative bullshit and nasty behavior towards daddy = no money.

Just sayin.