SD Picking up stuff, laying on guilt trip....... again
DH and I decided to pack all her stuff, leave it outside for her as we are not going to be home. Even w/ her having a key (which we asked for back) she can not get into the house as we have changed the locks last night. Neither my DH nor I want to see her right now and we don't want her in the house. I just received a FB message from her that she is coming up and will call before she comes and that she will have a nice life. I responded w/ we packed your stuff and will leave it outside, we won't be there. Again, she pushed the issue that she will come when we are there to make sure she gets everything. I listed everything I packed and told her if she is thinking of something in particular, to let me know, I will make sure it's packed. Her response was, "Fine, You finally got what you want." Again, I am the bad guy. She has believed in her twisted mind that I have always wanted her away from her father. I think her goal was to hurt me. I am untouchable at this point, I refuse to be hurt any longer. She now can run to everyone she knows and tell them I kicked her out and that I'm so mean, included DH's parents. I know she is either trying to piss me off or make me feel bad. I really feel neither, I am numb, no feelings. She is not worth my time.
Tell her thanks for finally
Tell her thanks for finally doing what you wanted! Ha! If you can't beat her...join her! Then delete her from whatever contacts you have!
"Yes, thank you," would have
"Yes, thank you," would have been my only response.
I guess I should start a
I guess I should start a blog, Huh? I believe I will try it. Thanks for the tip. I have already deleted her from my facebook page, but she can still send me emails thru facebook, not sure how or why or if I can block that.
Go into your privacy account
Go into your privacy account settings and put her on your blocked list.
We had to do with with my psycho SIL because she kept sending messages to DH when he cut her off.
Then change/block her from your mobile and install a basic home alarm, as I have known skids who have broken into their dad's/stepmother's house because they have been locked out!
Well it's done, she picked up
Well it's done, she picked up her crap. We left it outside. I still got a text from her BF's phone saying she needed to come into the house for something. I ignored the text. We made sure we left bright and early to not run into her. As we were leaving our development, we actually passed her on the road. I'm glad this is over. I blocked her from my Facebook, so did DH. Hopefully, the drama has ended.
It certainly is. Both DH
It certainly is.
Both DH and I have a sense of relief. We also have a lot more money! We planned a 3-day trip this week to celebrate. Thanks for everyone's comments.
She gave back the key card
She gave back the key card and the house key, but we changed the locks. As for the mail, she gave back that key as well and you can not duplicate those. We have received some of her mail and I brought it back to the post office and said she moved and left no address. I do not have to go out of my way to send her her mail, that is her responsibility as an adult.
I think it really does hurt DH, although he says it doesn't but he keeps bringing up what a piece of crap she really is. Monday, we are going to have our wills re-written. She is being cut out totally. I have written SD a letter which is to be given to her at my will reading. That is ALL she will get, plus i have the last word. DH said she will never see another dime out of him no matter what.