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Like Sand Through the Hour Glass

step off already's picture

My life is a soap opera!

Last night, we pick up SS13 after his weekend visit with BM. This was his first visit after the hearing and his first visit since she found out I was pregnant. She spent the weekend telling SS that the baby was not his blood, that his dad will spend even LESS time with him once the baby gets hear, etc, etc.

We get a text 15 min before pick up time stating that DH is losing SS because of all his lies and broken promises. This, of course, sets DH off, but he simply replies that he doesn't need parenting advice from the mother that's been gone for 7 years, but thanks anyway. It goes back and forth a bit through pick up time.

SS13 gets in the car like nothing is going on, denies any knowledge of the text messages and we drive home. SS13 decides to go outside to talk to DH while he is doing some work on the vehicles and begins with his, "do you love me dad, are you mad at me". And DH goes off. He's already wound up because of BMs BS and it turns into a "Do you want to go live with her, since she's such a good mom". His answer was, "I don't know".

So DH called his bluff and told him they were packing his stuff up and he was dropping him off. SS13 played along and helped pack his stuff. We let BM know we were coming and drove the hour to BM's home.

BM comes out and says, "I can't believe you're doing this to our son. I can't believe you're just going to abandon him" - funny coming from the person who has been out of his life for 7 years... DH responds by saying that there are consequences to her actions and now she can play the parent. Then she says, "fine, I'll go file the papers tomorrow and get you for child support" (again, from a woman that doesn't pay a dime to support SS). Then I even hear her say she'll sue us BOTH for child support (sorry, honey, I may send your kid to private school, but you're not getting any of my money). DH replies, "Fine, go ahead, it will cost me a lot less than it does now to raise him". Then he said that he saw a change in her eyes...

DH told SS13 to decide what he wanted to do. SS kept saying he was confused and he couldn't choose. So DH, said, "fine, grab your last two bags and I'll see you on Friday". Then BM says that she'll decide and for SS to get his stuff and go home with Dad.

DH wanted SS to hear BM say that.

BM and DH said that they just wanted to spend more time together, boohoo, boohoo. On the way home, we explained to SS that BM says one thing to him and then does not follow through. She may tell him she wants him to live with her, but she doesn't. She may tell him she wants to spend more time with him, but when we offer, she turns us down. She had the opportunity in mediation and in front of the judge to ask for more time: an extra day during the week, an extra week, spring break - BUT SHE DIDN'T. All she asked for was not to have to drive the entire hour to pick him up for her visits when school was not in session. We explained that this request actually reduced her 48 hour visit by about 4 extra hours.

DH thinks it set in. I think it was just a waste and BM got to stir things up and rile DH up, like she enjoys doing. She was even texting this morning and saying that DH broke the restraining order last night (even though the order is against her and DH did not break the order).

I have NEVER experienced such drama in my life. I am drained!


Ghost Rider's picture

it is a never ending drama in this kind of life style.

I sometimes wonder how anyone can get off on causing so much problems.

The thought of it when I ask myself would I act this way and I would have to say no. It would be a waste of my time to act like how most BM acts.

step off already's picture

I agree that he over reacted and played into her drama, but...
it's been a long time coming.

Last visit he came back and told me he hated me.

This time he came back and lied about his discussions with his mom.

This has been going on for about 6 months now where he craps on us and thinks everything is rosy with mama.

But yes. I agree. DH does need to continue to work on his parenting and communication skills.

SisterNeko's picture

You know I have wanted DH to call our BM out like that. She is always telling sKids that she wants them but HAS to share with DH. She use to threaten to take them all the time but one time I told DH to tell her to try. Yeah she didn't. we have EOW and she likes to have a week off from motherhood.

step off already's picture

It was a bitter sweet "victory". SS knows the truth is the truth. He just would prefer to believe her lies cuz they are easier to swallow than the truth.

Lalena75's picture

Yes he broke the restraining order. Read it. Even though it's against her he can be arrested for going to her as that leaves her stuck in his presence, he can be arrested for breaking the order as much as she can so that was brilliant. As a skid who's been put in that position I could say a whole lot of curse words for what was just done to that kid, putting him in a position to have to choose a parent! I'm pissed off for that kid, at that moment I guarantee he felt like garbage dad's ready to dump him on mom and mom doesn't want him, great nobody wants me it must be my fault for asking questions. How do I know this? My parents did the same flipping thing it was the most awful gut wrenching feeling to think my own parents didn't want me. All it was though was a power play between your DH and BM and everyone lost.

step off already's picture

I agree. And it is sad. We spend a lot of time reassuring SS, but this time DH broke.

Restraining order does allow for peaceful contact between the parents in regards to the child. So it could still be argued that the order wasn't broken. That's what's been explained to us on several occasions when we've tried to bust her for breaking the order.

He's told SS over and over that he WANTS him. That OUR home is his home. BM decided to move out of the family home so she could go live a partying lifestyle with her girlfriend (whom she still lives with) when SS was 5 years old and has been gone up until she found out I was in the picture. She was not an active participant in his life even when she lived with him up until age 5.

Now she shows up and fills SS's head with lies CONSTANTLY. First visit it was that she's been away cuz Dad kept her away. Second visit was she had to leave cuz Dad was cheating on her. Third visit was that he keeps her away because she's a lesbian. Fourth visit, she's not a lesbian and her girlfriend is just her best friend. The woman lies over and over and fills the kids head with poison. He eats it up because it is all easier to digest than the simple truth - Mom doesn't want me or care about me enough to act like a mom.

DH doesn't act well when it comes to BM and he broke last night. He'd had enough. SS is old enough to take responsibility for his part he plays in this drama now. I feel strongly about that. Yes, he's a kid, but HE is the one that plays his parents against each other.

step off already's picture

That's what DH kept saying last night before we went to bed - that it had to happen. He needed to hear his mom say it and that he needed to call SS's bluff.

The entire hour ride home we discussed everything. I tried to stay out of it and let him do most of the talking. DH felt like it all played out exactly like he figured. He knew her taking him was not an option that she'd even pretend to entertain. (Well, she pretended for a few minutes, but then realized what she was actually doing).