Loss of contact
I have been here a few time and always, feel better after reading the folks posts that reply to my forum topic.
Im 64, a widow and have 4 adult step children. I was alone 3 years and met a man and moved out of the area , where my step family lives. Even though its been almost 7 years, it still makes me feel bad, that I have little contact with the former family. I live about 5 hours away and have been down to see them all, lots of times. Yet , not once have any one come to see me here. I raised the youngest 2, from ages of 4 and 7 years old. They are like my own kids, but I don't feel the closeness as much any more. My new partner, is not much on socializing, with them and the step grands, due to he have never had a great family relationship with his side eitjer
Sorry I sent this before
Sorry I sent this before completeling it. I was just wondering if any one else feels the same as I do in past relationships?? How do you move on and let it go??
That's really sad. It must be
That's really sad. It must be painful for you to have lost that connection with people you intimately knew. I am sure I would have little interaction with my husband's family if he dies, but my circumstances are very different from yours. But I have disconnected with people I thought I intimately knew - if they are not inclined to keep a relationship, there's little you can do. I suggest trying to find new people or interests to fill the void. Humans live such long lives, it's not realistic to expect the same people to play a role for the duration. But you can find others who have voids to fill and forge fulfilling relationships with them. There are a lot of us out there looking to connect in meaningful ways. I hope they find you!
hi marblefawn, Yes, my
hi marblefawn,
Yes, my husband and I were together for 38 years, today Dec. 16, is our anniversary. He passed in 2010, from cancer. Today is a sad day for me each year.
When I met my current partner, I made a 5 hour away move, from them, selling my house. I guess I sometimes feel, as I left them and they lost their Father and then they lost me as well.. Now its been almost 5 years and maybe they have moved on....with their lives and maybe it is "me" that cant???
I have a nice life with my partner now, and maybe its time I work on my life now! It is hard to forget the past though. Like you said, you cant expect too much.
past life, i am so sorry for
past life, i am so sorry for your pain.
Thanks SugarSpice.
Thanks SugarSpice.
It's OK to be sad, especially
It's OK to be sad, especially on an anniversary. It doesn't mean that you haven't moved on. Maybe today, you're not making much progress, but it is a process, right? You and your husband must have been very special to make 38 years happen. That history will never go away and that's something to hold onto, but it can also be a weight on days like these.
You've been lucky to start a second chapter with someone else. Enjoy that as much as you can. It won't be the same, but it can be very good. Make the most of it. You owe it to your husband and your new partner and especially to yourself to be present and enjoy what you can in this life.
So be sad, a little nostalgic, overeat a little, spend a little more than you should, hug your dog tighter than he'd like. This wave will pass and things will look better in the morning. My mom always said that, and even though that woman is loon-ass crazy, almost always, it is true. I hope it's true for you too. Feel better
I will second this- some good
I will second this- some good advice here. When I am really down I allow myself a great big cry for ten minutes ( I really howl like a banshee) and then stop. Music is my friend, I put on the radio or listen to some favourite music. When I had my 60th birthday I made a playlist of songs from every year of my life and I play it often. Sometimes it is good to look back and see how far you've come, but it is also good to look forward, make new friends. I challenge myself to do something new every day- not always easy, but you can surprise yourself. Here in Fairyland we have the U3E- University of the third age, maybe you have something similar?
I am sorry that these kids are not appreciate of what you have done, but it is their loss.
Stay around here too- it is a constant source of help for me.
Sorry for your pain. This is
Sorry for your pain. This is the time of the year when we tend to think of family and many times our families have failed us. I can think of Christmases in the past when my life was much different than it is today. At the time, I would have never imagined I would be celebrating Christmas in a different place and not close to people whom I assumed would be in my life now. You have reached out enough - it is time to let go. Marblefawn is right. You are entering another chapter of your life to enjoy. Give yourself a small time to grieve for disappointments and unfilled dreams, then make new traditions with a man you have chosen to spend the rest of your life with. (((HUGS)))
I have a similar situation.
I have a similar situation. My parents, now in their mid 80s, are shunning me due to religious differences. My only younger sister is a serial narcissist with whom I NEVER got along with since the day she was born. Most people wonder if we are from the same universe never mind family.
She is CONSTANTLY taking photos of herself from "flattering angles" and trolling for male approval from her OLD boyfriends and ex-BIL (mine) as well as my first ex-husband. Oh yeah and she's on her 2nd marriage to an older sugar daddy. All she did when she went to visit my parents with DS and DIL was bitch and moan about her terrible 2nd marriage and how they are in drastic financial shape (as she spent money the whole drive up there).
Chef is not much for socializing--he has his work friends but HIS family all but sided with the Girhippo.
Relationships require actions
Relationships require actions by all parties not just 1 person.
We all go thru chapters in our lives, some lasting longer than others. Your current chapter right here, right now, sounds like a chapter that should be gently closed. Hopefully you have good memories of your step kids.
Some folks are not as fortunate.
If you want to send Christmas cards you could but if waiting to see if they call or respond is too painful...don't send them.
There are times when it is necessary to quietly say "goodbye and I wish you well".
I am sorry for your pain. It
I am sorry for your pain. It is very hurtful when you feel you valued a relationship and it was deeper for you than the others involved.
You are actually going through normal steps of grieving. When you met this new man in your life and moved from the area, your adult step-family are letting you move forward. You can continue to visit them, but I would stay in contact through social media and let it take it's course. Don't expect them to feel your loss. The new man in your life will not have the social attachment with your past, that you have, don't expect him to feel he is obligated to visit your past.
I have had to deal with grief also, several years ago; my DH and stepkids were in no way understanding of my loss; therefore, they did not have the feeling of loss I experienced. I moved forward and had my private moments, including people that were involved with myself. I am now completely away from my past, even though I still feel pain from my loss at times. I never expected anyone to know my loss. I understand your feelings.
"When one door closes, another opens". This quote, I have always lived by.
i am sorry this has happened
i am sorry this has happened but it is clear you were never thought of as a member of the family. it is painful to come to this awakening.
i know that if dh passes before me my skids will mean nothing to me. i will perhaps see them only when they descent like vultures to have dibs on his property.
Hi SugarSpice, I sure
Hi SugarSpice,
I sure know the feeling about the vultures descending! My youngest ss, I feel, believed I should have given him half of everything. Seriously... and it caused him not to talk to me for almost 2 years. He lived with me for almost a year, free gradis, moved out with a friend. When I moved to my new state, he wanted to move in again and live there, I refused and that started the 2 year silence.... Just recently he started communicating again with me, and still put on the poor mouth, every time we talked on the phone. Needed rent money and down for an apartment and so on. I haven't given in and have not dished out any more funds! So the texting again has slowed way down!
I told them all, no more financial dealing because it causes hard feeling, as I have made loans and never was repaid in the past. And it is not fair to me and my new partner as well.
It can be very frustrating, dealing with skids!!!!
Hi everyone, Thank you for
Hi everyone,
Thank you for the comments and posts! I appreciate it very much. I am enjoying the site, and it is good to know, others have had the same feelings I have had.
Sammmgirl, thank you for your input about my new partner not have a social attachment to my former life. It made me think, about it a lot more. It is true, I cant expect him to have attachment to my past family, no more than I can have attachment to his past marriage.
Goodluck, I do have good memories of the skids, some not so good. My osd, has never been really close, we got along. I see her about once a year at a flea market, and other than that, she doesn't call or communicate. I see her happenings on facebook. I think she has turned the page. I'm the one that has to just move on.
Reading here the past few times, has given me some new ideas to think about, and I realize moving on and living "my" new life with my new partner, is what I need to concentrate on more.