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Here we go again Mother's Day

KTL's picture

Here comes another holiday, no calls from his kids im sure, but my girls 30 and 33 always call or send a card to my husband not sure why it bothers me so much. Come Bday, christmas they are looking to recieve a card or gift from us never fail, does anyone feel the same way? I know I'm not the mother.

PrincessFiona's picture

I was raised that Mother's Day was a celebration of all mothers and those who mothered us. I honored my grandmother, my aunt who was very grandmotherly to me, my aunts, my own mother, anyone who was a mother on that day. Somehow, stepmothers fall below the radar of even common niceties.

I'll be surpised it I get even a half hearted "happy mother's day", prompted by DH. I didn't get a "happy birthday" even though we were at a nice restraunt celebrating that specific event.

Whatever, I will make sure to encourage my kids to call their stepmother, paternal grandmother and anyone else they think has been been a support to their life. They both have phone, even a text would suffice. It's the thought that counts.

FallingfromGrace's picture

My kids are actually going to spend a couple of hours with their BD and S'mom for Mothers Day to give her a gift and celebrate a little. I squeezed it in our family plans for them to spend a few hours there and I was SO proud of my kids for wanting to see their S'mom on Mother's Day.

Me on the other skids will NOT even acknowledge the day for me. Never have in 7 yrs now...

KTL's picture

Fallingfromgrace, That is wonderful, it shows that you have class and are healthy. You teaching your children respect that is priceless, Happy Mother's Day!

PrincessFiona's picture

Thanks ! It's amazing that I can be a good parent and such and evil stepparent !

Oh, wait, it's the fact that I do parent that makes me evil !!!

KTL's picture


purpledaisies's picture

I won't be acknowledge by my skids however I don't think they ever thought of it not that they wouldn't. No one has ever said anything to them they do tell me happy bday and stuff like that.

I don't take it to heart b/c they just were never 'taught' to think of me on mothers day. I know they mom would never ever 'let' them nor bring it up. My dh never thought of it as they are never here on that day.

Shannon61's picture

It bothered me last year, but I got over it and now I know what to expect . .nothing. I won't be at home and it really doesn't matter anymore. As far as I'm concerned, she's my DH's daugther . .period.

I'll honor my mom, MIL, aunt, and friends and will say a prayer for friends and others who will celebrate the memory of their mothers. It's going to be a wonderful weekend.

To all of you who are SMs and BMs, have a wonderful and joy filled mother's day.

MrsWhoRU's picture

Nice to know I am not in the boat alone on Mother's Day. My SS and SD have never acknowledge me on mother's day, and my mother-in-law doesn't either }:) . So, if no one wants to acknowledge me on MD, I don't acknowledge them. My Mom and Aunt always send me a card and a gift. I confided in a friend who has been a step parent before and she gave me good advice "have no expectations". My DH does give me a card from our dogs and takes me out to brunch. Also, my birthday has never been a happy occasion for them either. We tried a birthday party with the kids, nice of my husband to pull the party together, but the SKs acted like they were at a funeral....I more!! I used to spend a lot of time and energy having family BBQs and celebrating birthdays for them, but have realized no one wants to do anything for me so I have cut back on a lot of these get togethers and it works for me.

sandye21's picture

SD36 has never acknowledged Mother's day and when she was here on my Birthday did not wish me a Happy Birthday after HD mentioned it. Since the fiasco just before Christmas I have come to the conclusion that it is for the best. For one thing I know it would not be phoney and not truly meant. For another, it is kind of nice not to have her in my life and put up with the bull.