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Ex Step Son?

neveragain's picture

My step son is an adult, and I am now divorced from his dad. As far as I'm concerned, he's an ex, just as much as my ex husband is. He has taken a sudden interest in my bio kids lately and expects them to jump when he's around, but then lets them down time and time again. He also tries to insert himself into my family's holiday celebrations. It drives me crazy. Any one else have an ex that just won't go away?

purpledaisies's picture

YOur ex dh or the ex step son? and is the step son a half sibling? even so he needs to know his place.

alwaysanxious's picture

Not in this situation, but I can see how this would be frustrating. Maybe bio kids and you could just ignore his calls. Not let him know when/where celebrations are occurring?

neveragain's picture

He is my kids' half sibling, but due to age differences, and the fact that he did holidays with his biomom, and he had better things to do, he wasn't close at all to my kids. Then all of a sudden, when he was a bit older, he decided he was going to be super sibling. He will try to talk to them into leaving our holiday celebrations early to spend time with him, or he will invite himself to ours. I don't have holidays at my house; we always spend it with the matriarch of my family, so its very rude of him to just assume he can stop by.