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Evil, Scary, Violent Children of your signifcant other

notabadmom6's picture

My boyfriend's children have slandered me on FB & threatened my life. They have never met me. He & his wife were separated for well over a year when we met. Two months before we met, they decided, "officially" to divorce. One month prior, they told the kids. Their children are 23, 21 & 18. The oldest is married & has 2 children (the oldest of which, she lost custody of because she abandoned her, but no one will discuss this).

momSterto3abd3's picture

If there is actual threats to you? Make a copy of said threats and contact the police. It's considered a threat, and it's also cyber bullying..And by all means? Let your boyfriend know what his darling children are doing. Good luck. Contact your local police station, ask the questions and make sure you have the threats. That's absolutely unacceptable behavior.

herewegoagain's picture

Call the cops and report them. Do NOT let it go. If you were doing the same, they wouldn't think twice about destroying your marriage and would be at the police by now.

Good luck and I'm sorry you are dealing with this...sigh :sick:

liks's picture

I have had the same crap at me over and over again....In the end I had to delete both the spawns from my facey....

The bitch BM is the one that starts the crap and feeds complete lies to them kids and eventually they believe it.....

you are so right...they wouldnt think twice about taking any bad things I do to the police...and so I will do this advice back on them....

The only reason I havent yet is b/c dh said 'whats it going to prove'?


I said the if the little shit did cut my throat one day they would know exactly who to question first.....then I thought maybe I should just piss off and leave the lot of them...let them stew in their own self pity....

still not decided on which direction to turn yet....

novemberm's picture

My boyfriend has 3 adult brats-18, 19, 22. They have not threatened my life (as far as I know), but they HATE me. One has never even met me, but called me vile names. As of now, they are not allowed in our home, bc they are not able to be trusted. The key is that your bf HAS to back you up. His kids will not change, but he has to step up and let them know that what they are doing is against the law, unacceptable, etc. My bf stood up for me when he saw how nasty his daughter was being, after I had just met her. He still has a lot of guilty daddy issues, but he is realizing more and more every day how nasty his kids truly are. They just prove it by their own actions.

ESMe's picture

I still haven't talked to my SO about what his daughter is doing/saying to me cause I'm scared he will just listen, keep the peace, and let it go. At least they don't live with you! this one does and it's awful! She hasn't threatened my life....YET..or that I am aware of. I would definately print stuff off, copy it, copy it,copy it...and turn it in.