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20 year SS Guilt tripping DH

grace8205's picture

Over a year a go DH mentioned that his company is sending him on a convention to Nashville. I normally go with DH, we just pay for my flight and it becomes a get away for me. When he mentioned it to me last year he suggested that SS should come with us. I was not really thrilled with that idea however I said that if that was the case then my son should be invited too since we would need to spend money on a hotel room they can share a room ( company pays for our room). I know DH would not like that idea since it would almost cost double but he could not argue it because it would be fair. We would end paying for both the boys flights, hotel and meals, reminding DH that each boy would need to have their own spending money for shows and shopping which his son would just try to get us to pay for everything. After that DH never brought it up again. When SS was kicked out in March he texted DH and said "you should just take "wife"to Nasville with him instead of him" I never said anything about that text, but did the kid really think I was going to stay home? Makes me wonder about his conversation that he had with his son.

Well a year later and we left yesterday, neither kid is with us ( mine is away at University) and the morning of our trip DH starts getting the text messages. "Take lots of pictures since I was suppose to go on that trip but I am not" and a few others along the same lines. DH tells me and I said " that was over a year ago before he was kicked out of the house, did he really believe that he would be going since there hasn't been any conversations leading up it the trip?" Skid just started a new job, has no money and never renewed his passport. If skid took a week off he would not be able to pay his rent when he got back and expect us to cover it for him.

When DH said to me he felt guilty, I told him guilt is for when you do something wrong and that he did nothing wrong. I just hope that DH doesn't bite and buy skid a trip to Vegas or something for his 21st b-day coming up because I will hit the roof considering our upcoming vacation in November isn't fully paid for yet and if skid wants to go on vacation he should pay for it himself.

grace8205's picture

I agree, no one was buying for my vacations when I was an adult. I think if skid wants to travel he should save his money, he has no concept on how expensive it can be to go on vacation. He is sooo very entitled.

notasm3's picture

Oh how entitled these worthless jerks can be.

I thought we'd have to sell our vacation place on the Gulf Coast to buy our new home, but we got a deal on our new house and for now we are keeping the vacation place. When DH mentioned this to SS30, SS was excited and said he was glad because he was looking forward to using the vacation place. HA!

In your dreams drunkboy. I have not laid eyes on SS in over 2 years - I would NEVER consider taking him with us again. And I would NEVER let him use it without us. He has a long history of getting drunk and trashing apartments, etc. I don't mean just leaving crud around - I mean punching holes in the walls, etc kind of trashing.

SS thought that he was entitled to use MY property that I bought and paid for years before I even met DH.