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What does your CO say about communication?

mentalmama24's picture

Hi guys just wondering what your court order says about communication and pickups? For example, the sample parenting plan that the mediator gave DH was extremely detailed about communication - no predicting what the other person is going to say, keeping the subject relevant to the situation at hand, emails must be one paragraph and no longer, and etc. And i've seen another stepparent on the forum say that their CO says pickups are to be done curbside. Just wondering what everyone else's says? I'm so fed up with the demands and useless conversation BM does at every pickup I want to know what others have done that way I can make sure to let our attorney know when the final trial comes. Thanks! Smile

twoviewpoints's picture

If you're in the process of just now developing the CO/PP, it is the time to get in detailed specifics. All those things BM tries and pulls now or in the past is what you wanted clear clarification on in your order. Actually exchanges can even be at neutral places. Communication can be email only, Our Family Wizard and so forth. Communication between parent and child during opposite parent time can also be addressed and laid out.

In other words, if your DH makes and/or agrees to loose language you can bet BM will find the loop holes and abuse them. Better to be over detailed than understated. The more of these type of things you get in now the less to perhaps have to go back to court and modify later.

If you jot down issues of the past where there have been stunts and giggle behavior and talk to the lawyer about these (or in mediation if you're doing that)he/she can help the wording of the CO/PP directly address the problem areas. For example you wouldn't want curbside if you live on a very busy high traffic street, but that doesn't mean you have to do exchanges at the front door either.