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Does getting an RO during a custody battle affect anything?

mentalmama24's picture

Hi guys. I asked a question about an RO awhile back and some people gave me some good advice so i thought I'd try again. I am still really wanting to get an RO against BM but am worried that it might affect DH's chances of maintaining full physical care of SS once the final trial comes. I say this because I wonder if the Judge will see it as i'm not willing to communicate with BM and i'm making it more difficult for BM to be around SS. I know that as stepparents we don't have a lot to do with the custody battles since were not the biological parent but I would think that were still a factor since we are going to be around the child a lot of the time. Any thoughts on this? Also, I have recordings of BM saying that she wants to or is going to 'beat my ass.' She also calls me from different numbers and on two different occasions has falsely accused me of something and has had the police call my cell phone. Is this enough for an RO?

Glassslipper's picture

I've done it, It doesn't effect custody! BM and DH have to figure out how to exchange and such off the property.

While in front of the judge he said things to BM like:
"Clearly this woman has boundary issues"
"Can't you pick up curbside, WHY do you feel the need to be on their property, what part of curbside don't you understand?"
"Stay away from her, don't talk to her, don't go near her, don't even look at her!, and use some DAMN common sense"

Stalking, pulling in the driveway and getting out of her car and cussing or throwing things at me if I happened to be outside, stopping by 2-3 times a week and just walking right into my house, taking my things, I have bios and my kids were scared and my ex was FED UP with BM scaring the kids.

Maxwell09's picture

It could help your DH. It's proof that she is not willing to get along with yall and that she is the aggressor. Your video taping and voice recordings can be proof of what your DH has to deal with when trying to coparent with her. I don't think it will effect the results too much by itself but if yall already have a laundry list of problems like communication then it might help. Other than that Id get one anyway because your issues with her aren't going to go away regardless of the outcome of the new custody order so protect yourself and if your DH can use it to help him as well then that great too.