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Question over Oklahoma cs guidelines.

Stepinsanity's picture

I have read somewhere that you can deduct certain expenses from cs. For example, school clothing for both skids when we have them half the time and bm won't spend a dime. She literally will never buy the kids clothing, only getting what can be given free through donation etc. Since buying school clothing isn't an every month expense, could this be legally deducted from the cs?

Anon2009's picture

I wouldn't self-deduct this from the CS you pay. I would document everything and talk to your lawyer. That way, if you continue paying the court-ordered amount of CS, things will look more in your favor.

Stepinsanity's picture

Thanks for the responses. We definately wouldn't do it without knowing if there was a law to support it. We have even started mailing the cs certified so there is full documentation on it. She has tried to claim he was behind the last time we went to court so we are making sure next time that she can't even claim she received it late lol. I just get fed up with her not footing any of the bills. It is supposed to be 50/50 but she won't spend a dime on the kids.