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Not going to School and CS

thebrokenrecordmachine's picture

Hi Everyone again,

Thought I'd ask another Question when DH will probably have to go back to Court anyways.
(CS Reduction since DH lost his job)

His 15 year old Son has stopped going to school, he hasnt passed Grade 9 and apparently does 1 online course -but physically doesnt go to school and hasn't since Grade 8...he is behind 2 years.

Is DH responsible for CS when his son doesnt go to school?

Before anyone judges- Yes I knew what I was getting into(we both have children from previous relationships)...Yes he does pay his CS and Yes DH recently had a modification brought in from BM(his CS was lowered due to our 3 month old baby). Yes he has tried to get custody but without legal representation the judge dismissed his request...he has zero rights.

Just want to know if he has to pay for a kid that doesnt go to school at all-im doubtful he is passing his online class as well.


Snowflake's picture

The only bearing school and child support have is graduation. Usually child support ends at 18 or until highschool graduation which could be later. If this kid decides he wants to go back to school, then you could be responsible for child support until he is 19 or 20.

If you are in a state like Washington, then you could be responsible even if the child tries to emancipate himself.