College .. child support over 18
Just curious when this all stops.. My ex husbands ex is a complete greedy bitch to put it nicely.. I am wondering is it absolute that CS ends at 18?? I know kids will be on his insurance till I think 21 or maybe even 25.. but at that point if something isn't covered completely who then pays?? I am wondering how that works when they're grown. thankfully right now he has 100 percent coverage.. except for dental. but what if they need teeth work and they are like 20. who becomes responsible for those bills not covered??
Also, it says in their agreement that college will be open for discussion in future.. He gets 10,000 a kid for college through his employer.. would that be his contribution? The ex wife is completely loaded ( although she never spends a penny cause she is a greedy money hungry she has hundreds of thousands of dollars in CDs that she changed into their kids names when going through the divorce. Idk when they get this money but cant that be used for college?? I am honestly scared for the future.. she is a horrible vindictive person and has him in court now.. I think this will be continual.
wait, what's 21 in this
wait, what's 21 in this state?
Depends on state. Most are
Depends on state. Most are 18, some extent if child is still living at home or if child is in college.
A "child" over the age of 18 is financially responsible for their own medical bills. You can contribute if you want; bm can if she wants, but neither has to.
Since college costs are vague in your court order, I would think dh could pay whatever he wants. Or not.
Idk regarding the CDs, but I would assume dh could ask about them.
Financial aid packages are typically figured by the custodial parent's income. I am not sure whether that is your dh or bm, but it might be in their best interest if it is your dh!
What can happen is the custodial parent's income is used and therefore the kids get no or little financial aid... but the other parent ends up paying!
I live in Canada and my
I live in Canada and my husband's CO says he has to pay CS until SD is 18, unless she attends college/university full time while living with BM. In that case CS goes until she's 21.
His CO also says that he has to pay for 92% of SD's tuition and BM has to pay the other 8%. That's based on their income ratio. If SD is anything like BM, she won't go to university or college and he won't have to worry about it.
If it says TBD for college,
If it says TBD for college, for gosh sake don't let that get changed. Fight it. Then he can pay what he wants. My DH says nothing about college. We plan on paying for SS because we have him full time, but pay nothing for SD. She had a 1.2 GPA and is paying about 11K for college a semester. That is on BM and she made her take out some loans. Not our problem.
I pay for my BS on my own and DH will pay for his. I pay everything for his education because he has a scholarship that pays half and I don't want him in debt or working. Too hard of a degree. You can do what you want if it is not determined in the CO. For me, if they are good students, you help them out. If not, it is on them.
In NJ, you need to pay CS
In NJ, you need to pay CS until the kid graduates from college, possibly even grad school depending on the situation. If both parents have college degrees, it's almost guaranteed you'll have to pay for their college as well, and the amount will be based on both parties incomes. In DH's case, he had to pay 65% of SD23's tuition. The CS in NJ does not stop unless you file for emancipation if the kid is no longer in school full-time. DH didn't file right away and paid until she was nearly 23.
It is entirely dependent on
It is entirely dependent on your CO. Some states have guidelines that end CS at 18 and others that end CS when the SKids are far older dependent on their college status. However, the CO is the governing document for each case.
My Skid's CS ended when he was 18 or HS graduation whichever was later, unless he was a full time college student in good standing with the school in which case CS would continue until he turned 23 or graduated from college whichever was first. The only change being that if he was 18 and a full time college student in good standing CS would be direct deposited to his account rather than his mom's account.
However, he allowed the Sperm Clan to guilt him out of that support.
Sperm Grandma filed to end CS on SS's 18th b-day because her idiot son is too fuckin stupid to do it for himself.
I verified that SS is still qualified to receive his full CS from his Sperm Idiot though he is on active duty in the USAF since he is also taking a full load in college. He refuses to make it happen though because the Sperm Clan has him convinced that they will not be able to feed his three younger also out-of-wedlock Sperm Idiot spawned half sibs if they have to keep paying CS for him. Interestingly they also guilted spawn #2 in out of forcing CS after HS graduation as a full time college student.
I agree that "open for discussion in the future" means DH pays shit for nothing. All he has to do is discuss it if it comes up. That does not require him to pay jack squat.
Not only that, but why the
Not only that, but why the hell do skids get the privilege of "forcing" biopartents to pay for their college? Bio kids can't go get a Court Order that orders their parent to pay for their college! I think that whole idea is such BS!!
This is how college age Skid
This is how college age Skid support works in Sperm Land. If SS had chosen to keep the Sperm Clan on the hook for CS as a college student the payments would have gone directly to SS upon his 18th birthday until his 22nd birthday.
CS stops at 18 unless they
CS stops at 18 unless they are a senior in high school. Two of my kids were 17 when they graduated (actually my daughter is a 17 year old senior right now). My middle child -- he turned 18 during his senior year and child support ended THE DAY he graduated. He graduated on June 11th -- my ex only got 11 days worth of child support.
I don't feel bad... he got full custody when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 years ago -- then he alienated them from me. He NEVER wanted anything to do with them, then he got his first tax return without them. A few months later they were gone, the judge ordered he wouldn't let them watch me die -- I wasn't even allowed visitation because they weren't allowed to see me go through chemo, he judge said it would be emotionally too hard on them.
It's been 6 years, my oldest son comes around (he's 21 now) when he needs something and I'm too stupid to always fall for it. NO MORE. My younger son is a freshman in college and my daughter a senior in high school. My ex has broken EVERY order in the custody papers -- I've never seen a report card, don't know anything about their health (I had a friend ask me why my daughter was on crutches -- hell if I know!). I've just given up..
But, I have been legally disabled after severe injuries in a car accident that make me only be able to use my right hand for a short period of time, my left less and have a very hard time walking or standing. He found about the money he gets having custody being that I'm disabled. He was actually paid over $30,000 for the kids (more than I received for income), and in fact was overpaid $8000, due to them paying after the kids were 18 and won't push him to repay it back.
If you know anyone who is disabled going through divorce -- they WILL lose custody of their kids because of the money involved. My representative at the SSA fought for me (I actually have an amazing person who is like a friend to me). She did everything for him not to get custody and tried to stop him from getting the money. (They money is given to the disabled parent for children under 18 to help with their care, but the flaw in the system is that the wording is "custodial parent", so disabled parents almost always lose custody of their kids so their ex can get all of the money. I lived without heat, electricity and water -- they went on vacation to Disney for 10 days.)
In MA, you have to pay until
In MA, you have to pay until they're out of undergrad college.![Beee](
In NJ you have to pay until
In NJ you have to pay until they graduate from college. You may have to pay support and tuition. It depends on the situation. We filed for emancipation for my SS when he graduated from high school. We couldn't believe that he actually graduated his grades were so poor and he just kept being pushed through the system. Long story short once the BM received the court papers for emancipation all hell broke loose. Of course she is back on the hate wagon and has the three Skids join her. Well what came next was that two days before classes started at the local community college the SS went over and signed up as a full time student. So, knowing the law we had to withdraw the emancipation paper work. We called the college they would not tell us anything, said we had to get the information from the SS. As of December he told us he was doing just fine in school. Well guess what. He never attended two of the classes and failed the other two. He looked us right in the eye and lied so that the BM would continue to receive support. Classes for spring have started but he still has a few days to register and has not as of a few days ago but I wouldn't put anything past the BM. Yeah, just register for full time and don't go and we will get support for yet another semester. From everything I read the school and the court will give this kid yet another chance (semester) while we continue to pay, pay , pay!