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Child support division dragging feet?

buterfly_2011's picture

Papers were signed in November. BM still getting 500 from each paycheck. It is suppose to be 300. BM number two is getting 200 taken from his check they pushed hers through in no time. We have hand delivered the judgement we have emailed them and mailed them. Why have they not updated the new order? After both garnishments we are lucky to have 200 from each check. I do not understand why they are not updating the one that's 500 to the amount of 300. We can't pay our bills. And if he takes on another job she will just get that too. Ugh. Child support division just passing me off.

Clearly An Upgrade's picture

Will your DH sign a Power of Attorney so you can both harass the CS office? They will get tired of hearing from you and do something. Just know that the order is effective the date it is signed, so he'll likely end up with a credit on the account. That'll give you a chance to get caught up. Sucks in the meantime though, I know. It took the CS office ten months to stop taking from DH's check when SD was living with us full time, with no contact with BM. BM was receiving the money and keeping it, in addition to not paying any CS herself. It was a painful and meager time.

Orange County Ca's picture

It's the squeeking wheel that gets the grease.

Start calling and tell them you're going to the counter supervisors if something isn't done. Be somewhat hysterical because they're going to repossess your car and you can't take your baby to the doctor if something ins't done.