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This year, I'm most thankful for...

boogeymom's picture

...the fact that it was BM's turn to have the skids for Thanksgiving. If I had to spend time today watching SS11 and SS9 ask their grandparents to cut their food for them, and then grandparents actually doing it, I'd have gone ballistic. I like my in-laws, they're nice people, but talk about babying kids! The "big talk" of the day was about how SS9 is scared of the spiders in the house. All 2 of them. M-i-L had to remind us that 9 is still "just a little guy" and he's "still a little kid." I think "little kid" ends at 7, personally, but okay. F-i-L made sure we knew how much it really bothers SS9 that he ever has to see a spider in the house, and that we should immediately spray every entry into our house so there will never be spiders again. (P.S., they spray for spiders and I constantly see spiders in their second bathroom. Constantly.) SS9 basically made it sound like there's an entire army of spiders just waiting to descend upon him as soon as the lights go out. P.S., we don't live in the Amazon, we live in Colorado. Small spiders (except for tarantulas, but we're nowhere near those). Now they want to come over this weekend and spray the house themselves, I guess to make sure it gets done. Never mind that we have a small dog in the house who might be poisoned by the spider spray, anything to make SS9 feel better. Babies.

boogeymom's picture

I've decided I'm going to do one of two things: SS9 loves the dog like crazy, so maybe I'll tell him that spider spray will poison the dog, and he won't want to do it anymore. Either that, or I'm going to go ahead and let the in-laws come spray for spiders, and then when SS9 inevitably sees spiders again, I'll be like, "Wait, didn't grandpa spray for spiders? How can there be spiders in here? You'd better talk to him again about how the spraying didn't work."