SS11 has Munchausen Syndrome, I'm convinced.
Is there anything that ISN'T wrong with this kid? I swear to God. Not only am I convinced he's got Munchausen, but I'm also pretty convinced he's got Munchausen by Proxy as well. Mysterious as I have 2 SS's and the other one really isn't as bad. I think it's because SS11 LIVES to complain. I swear if it's not one thing, it's another. Now he's taken to "sleepwalking," which I completely think he's faking because BM and her mom completely fall for it. Same with his "nightmares," neither of which he has here. He also has them over at my in-laws' because they coddle the crap out of them too. What they also don't have while they're here are stomach aches from "eating too much" that BM keeps harping on them about. She says apparently when the pre-teen boys eat what she deems to be too much food, they get stomach aches. Funny how they eat like a couple of giant hogs when they're here, and they never get stomach aches. I mean never. Ever. Also they're not allowed to drink orange juice because there's too much sugar...but she'll let them have cupcakes for breakfast. I swear to God.
If he carries on about how
If he carries on about how sick he is, send him to bed IMMEDIATELY! If he is REALLY sick he will appreciate the downtime and if he is faking it he will realise life goes on for everyone else when you are stuck in a darkened room wiht no TV or video games and you have to just lie there and 'rest'.
LOL, it's funny because I do
LOL, it's funny because I do that sometimes, and mysteriously the sickness goes away. "Well, I actually don't feel that bad, actually. I mean, it's just a little bit. I mean, it's really not that bad. I mean...I'll stop."
UPDATE: SS11 also had no
UPDATE: SS11 also had no nightmares OR sleepwalking last night. Hmmm. Funny how we have yet to see that. Also they both ate like bottomless pits for the last couple of meals and no stomach aches. Gee, what do you know? I think BM just tells them they're going to get stomachaches so she doesn't have to buy that many groceries. And so she can have attention because her "poor babies can't eat without getting stomachaches." I already prepped my DH for their teen years, I remember when both of my younger brothers went through the teen years and my parents had to completely restructure the household budget for food. One of my co-workers actually made her son get a job when he was a teenager for the sole purpose of buying his own food. I can't wait, BM is gonna cry to DH for money, like, every week. Either that, or she'll make us take them as the custodial parents under the guise of "they need their dad during their teen years," but really it'll be "I can't afford them."
SS has always had problems
SS has always had problems with this. When he was 9 he pretended to be having auditory and visual hallucinations for about 3 months. We had to get him an MRI, EEG, trips to the psychiatrist every 3 weeks-multiple scripts of different meds that he would take for a couple of weeks and then have to start something else because the "psychosis" wasn't going away. Ultimately all ending with a hospitalization after he heard a voice telling him to kill my ds. While in the hospital I started smelling a rat and started questioning him and continued to do so once he got out-he finally caved and told me he made it all up for attention. And that it worked too!! He did kindly reassure me though tha the death threats to my son were real-he never heard a voice telling him that but he was thinking about doing it.
When he was about 5 he began screaming one day-holding his head and screaming for hours at the sitter. She called me to come get him and yep, he was screaming nonstop. I took him to the ER-they thought he must have hit his head and wanted to investigate my sitter. Yikes! But no, he just had a headache. We did CT scan, spinal tap, and he spent the night in the hospital-ALL based on his extreme behavior. He did end up having the beginning of a slight ear infection and a low fever of 99. However that slight ear infection and low fever cost us a pretty penny.
SS does take meds for adhd (which is legitimate) and he has said on multiple occassions over the years-that taking the meds and going to a dr. for this makes him feel "special".